(Work in Progress) 

  1. Install Java 1.8 
  2. Install git
  3. Clone repository from: https://opensource.ncsa.illinois.edu/bitbucket/projects/GEOD/repos/geo-temporal-api-v2/browse (git clone repositoryUrl
  4. In Intellij Import project from external model, select sbt. Leave default options 
  5. Install Scala and Play plugins on Intellij 
  6. Download postgres from your operating system: https://www.postgresql.org/download/  or https://postgresapp.com/ (Mac)
    1. Clone a database from one of the dev machines:

      # from https://gist.github.com/brock/63830f11c0945f82f9ea
      curl -o pg_extract.sh https://gist.githubusercontent.com/brock/63830f11c0945f82f9ea/raw/ff164b14311de62ee475d1612f1e80e4df6edc15/pg_extract.sh
      chmod 755 pg_extract.sh
      # get the database
      scp isda:/home/shared/clowder/seagrant-dev/postgresql/dumpall.sql.gz seagrant-dev.sql.gz
      gunzip seagrant-dev.sql.gz
      # split the database (takes a while)
      ./pg_extract.sh seagrant-dev.sql
      # should see names of databases:
      # Evaluating geostream...
      # load database
      createdb seagrantdev -O clowder
      psql -d seagrantdev < seagrant-dev.sql

  7. Start your postgres db 
  8. In a terminal, Cd to the geo-temporal-api-v2 repository and execute 'sbt run'