See also Shared data directories

Download the NBI data

git clone

python ./nbiCsvJsonConverter-2/

Creates directory NBIDATA containing the raw data

python3 ./nbiCsvJsonConverter-2/

Converts the data to JSON format

Getting the data to Workbench

We'll need to add the shared directory under gluster and transfer or download the data directly.

We could setup a globus endpoint or use Santiago?

Import into MongoDB

We will host the raw data under /shared/NBIDATA/ as a read-only volume

We will also host an instance of MongoDB in the "public"? namespace with the official database

Users can access via nbidata.public

This will require running a process to ingest the data.

The "public" namespace can have no service timeouts

Mongo must be accessible to all namespaces, even after we apply network security policies.