Open source software developed at NCSA is made available and preserved within the organizations GIT repository:

and simultaneously mirrored into GitHub towards wider outreach and additionally redundancy towards preservation:

Upon completion of the project NCSA will maintain project documentation, Q&A, and bug/issue reporting within the NCSA Opensource Confluence wiki and JIRA issue tracker respectively.  Developed software and/or features will go into new NCSA Scientific Software and Applications division projects and maintained through those efforts and communities, with those activities leveraging such development effort and developed functionality here being maintained long term.  NCSA OpenSource currently hosts a number of active and archived software development project efforts spanning NSF, NIH, NEH, EPA, EC, NARA, ARPA-E, and ONR.

Brown Dog:

The data analysis/manipulation software developed here will be pushed into the NSF DIBBs: Brown Dog (ACI-1261582) project as data extractors/converters within the DTS and DAP, services providing automatic data annotations/analysis and format conversions as broadly usable internet resources.  Brown Dog aims to both provide services and tools to aid in the curation, accessing, and indexing of data as well as to preserve scientific software that might be leveraged for that purpose.  As Brown Dog extractors/converters, the capabilities of these tools will be preserved, will take part in an ecosystem of other extraction/conversion tools, and will be leverageable by others within the scientific community, perhaps in very different fields, as well as by the general public.


We will leverage the open source NCSA Clowder framework.  Clowder has evolved over the past eight years to support and automate diverse community data management needs and is/has been supported by an active community of activities across NSF, NIH, ARPA-E, EPA, NGREC, and the European Commission among domains such as biology, medicine, material science, social science, and cultural heritage.

Open source software developed at NCSA is made available and preserved within the organizations GIT repository:

and simultaneously mirrored into GitHub towards wider outreach and additionally redundancy towards preservation:

Upon completion of the project NCSA will maintain project documentation, Q&A, and bug/issue reporting within the NCSA Opensource Confluence wiki and JIRA issue tracker respectively.  Developed software and/or features will go into new NCSA Scientific Software and Applications division projects and maintained through those efforts and communities, with those activities leveraging such development effort and developed functionality here being maintained long term.

Similar to BrownDog text perhaps, instead emphasizing the preservation of models and data adapters? Jong Sung Lee, Christopher Navarro