Installation and Setup:

Users can go to Brown Dog Clients to download BD windows Client Installer and install it on Windows (7, 10).

After installation, user has to setup browndog gateway server and username/passwd.

For example, in above figures, user right click a file and select ``Settings'' from popping up menu. In App Setting dialog box, user will enter information of browndog server and username/passwd and click ``Save'' button.


BD Windows Client makes it very easy and comfortable to convert a file from its format to any supported convertible format on BrownDog Server. 

User can browse a file via Windows Explorer and execute conversion on the file by right clicking it and selecting ``Conversion'' from pop-up menu (left figure). And then user can look up and select an output format of interest from the list of supported convertible formats in the popping up dialog box (right figure).

Above figures show how users execute conversion between .png format file to .jpg format file. Right after completion of running conversion on file ``browndog.png'', the converted output will be written as ``browndog.jpg''in the same working directory.


Extraction on image file.

User can execute extraction on a file by right clicking it and selecting ``Extraction'' from pop-up menu.

The extraction output file is json file, which is named as the file name. For example, in above figures, user runs extraction on file ``browndog.png'', and after completion, extraction output file will be written as ``browndog.json''in the same working directory.