Group by extracted time component

Explanation of the SQL:

"where" statement contains the filtering, it should include the stream_id (sensor_id), could include start time, end time, source .....

"group by" is to do the grouping, "by 1" meaning group by the first selection, i.e. extract(year from start_time) in this example. it can also by "by 1,2"....

"cast( data ->> 'temperature' as DOUBLE PRECISION)" is to find the 'temperature' in data and convert it to double format. Using the following SQL can make it more responsive ( just running once):

create or replace function cast_to_double(text) returns DOUBLE PRECISION as $$

    -- Note the double casting to avoid infinite recursion.
    return cast($1::varchar as DOUBLE PRECISION);
    when invalid_text_representation then
        return 0.0;
$$ language plpgsql immutable;
create cast (text as DOUBLE PRECISION) with function cast_to_double(text);

"avg" is to get the average, it usually used alone with "group by", you can have sum, count.....


by returning the average of the datapoints, short the time for streaming. 

then we just need to convert each SQL result to a json.