The purpose of this document is to familiarize you with running GlusterFS under Kubernetes.

GlusterFS is an open-source distributed filesystem that allows for PVCs that support ReadWriteMany.


Running GlusterFS in Kubernetes with PVC support is easier than ever with the GlusterFS Simple Provisioner!


The Long Way

The external-storage repo gives instructions for bringing this all up by hand.

First Steps

First, you'll need to clone the external-storage repo from the kubernetes-incubator:

$ git clone && cd external-storage

Locate the gluster/glusterfs subdirectory, which contains these same instructions on getting things up and running:

$ cd gluster/glusterfs/

Apply the correct node label to each of your storage nodes:

$ kubectl label nodes <storage-node-name> storagenode=glusterfs
node/<storage-node-name> labeled

Start GlusterFS

Bring up the GlusterFS DaemonSet and wait for them to come online:

$ kubectl create -f deploy/glusterfs-daemonset.yaml
daemonset.extensions/glusterfs created

$ kubectl get pods -l glusterfs-node=pod --watch

Locate your pod IPs once they are online:

$ kubectl get pods -o wide | grep glusterfs | grep -v provisioner
NAME                                            READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP            NODE               NOMINATED NODE
glusterfs-t44m5                                 1/1       Running   0          4h   nfstest-storage1   <none>
glusterfs-v64wn                                 1/1       Running   0          4h   nfstest-storage0   <none>

$ kubectl get pods -o wide | grep glusterfs | grep -v provisioner | awk '{print $6}'

Exec into each glusterfs pod and perform a gluster peer probe on the other pod's IP:

$ kubectl exec -it glusterfs-t44m5 -- gluster peer probe
peer probe: success.

$ kubectl exec -it glusterfs-v64wn -- gluster peer probe 
peer probe: success. Host port 24007 already in peer list

Congratulations! You now have a GlusterFS cluster running on top of Kubernetes!

Start GlusterFS Simple Provisioner

To install PVC support on your GlusterFS, you need to build up a custom StorageClass containing your GlusterFS pod IPs.

This will also require you to choose a "brick path", a directory on the host where your gluster bricks should be housed.

Normally this path would be mounted from an external volume, but for this example we are just using /tmp (NOTE: this is obviously not advised in production, as /tmp is typically cleared upon restart):

kind: StorageClass
  annotations: "true"
  name: glusterfs-simple
  brickrootPaths: ","
  forceCreate: "true"
  volumeType: "replica 2"

For Kubernetes 1.8+, you will also need to install RBAC permissions for the provisioner:

$ kubectl create -f deploy/rbac.yaml
serviceaccount/glfs-provisioner created created created

You are now ready to run the GlusterFS Simple Provisioner deployment:

$ kubectl create -f deploy/deployment.yaml
deployment.extensions/glusterfs-simple-provisioner created

The Short Way

Execute the following bash script from your Kubernetes master node to set everything up for you:

$ chmod +x ./
$ ./deploy-glfs <number_of_storage_nodes>

# Usage: ./ <number_of_storage_nodes>

# DEBUG ONLY: Set this to "echo" to neuter the script and perform a dry-run

# The host directory to store brick files

# Read in the desired number of storage nodes from first arg

# Ensure that we have enough storage nodes to run GLFS
if [ "$NODE_COUNT" -lt 2 ]; then
  echo "ERROR: Cannot deploy GlusterFS with less than 2 nodes"
  exit 1

# Clone external-storage repo for NFS provisioner templates
$DEBUG git clone 

# Label storage nodes appropriately
STORAGE_NODES=$(kubectl get nodes --no-headers | grep storage | awk '{print $1}')
for node in $STORAGE_NODES; do
  $DEBUG kubectl label nodes $node storagenode=glusterfs 

# Create the GLFS cluster
$DEBUG kubectl apply -f external-storage/gluster/glusterfs/deploy/glusterfs-daemonset.yaml

# Wait for the GLFS cluster to come up
count="$(kubectl get pods --no-headers | grep glusterfs | grep -v provisioner | awk '{print $3}' | grep Running | wc -l)"
while [ "$count" -lt "$NODE_COUNT" ]; do
  echo "Waiting for GLFS: $count / $NODE_COUNT"
  sleep 5
  count="$(kubectl get pods --no-headers | grep glusterfs | grep -v provisioner | sed -e s/[\\n\\r]//g | awk '{print $3}' | grep -o Running | wc -l)"
echo "GlusterFS is now Running: $count / $NODE_COUNT"

# Retrieve GlusterFS pod IPs
PEER_IPS=$(kubectl get pods -o wide | grep glusterfs | grep -v provisioner | awk '{print $6}')

# Use pod names / IPs to exec in and perform `gluster peer probe`
for pod_ip in ${PEER_IPS}; do
  for peer_ip in ${PEER_IPS}; do
    # Skip each node probing itself
    if [ "$pod_ip" == "$peer_ip" ]; then

    # Perform a gluster peer probe
    pod_name=$(kubectl get pods -o wide | grep $pod_ip | awk '{print $1}')
    $DEBUG kubectl exec -it $pod_name gluster peer probe $peer_ip

# Dynamically build StorageClass from pod IPs (see below)
for pod_ip in ${PEER_IPS[@]}; do
  # Insert comma if we already started accumlating ips/paths
  if [ "$BRICK_PATHS" != "" ]; then

  # Build up brickrootPaths one host at a time

# Modify StorageClass to contain our GlusterFS brickrootPaths
echo "---
kind: StorageClass
  name: glusterfs-simple
  forceCreate: \"true\"
  volumeType: \"replica 2\"
  brickrootPaths: \"$BRICK_PATHS\"
" > external-storage/gluster/glusterfs/deploy/storageclass.yaml

# Create the storage class
$DEBUG kubectl apply -f external-storage/gluster/glusterfs/deploy/storageclass.yaml

# Bind the necessary ServiceAccount / ClusterRole
$DEBUG kubectl apply -f external-storage/gluster/glusterfs/deploy/rbac.yaml

# Create the GLFS Simple Provisioner
$DEBUG kubectl apply -f external-storage/gluster/glusterfs/deploy/deployment.yaml

Testing it Out

You can create a test PVC to ensure that your GlusterFS and provisioner are working correctly together with Kubernetes:

$ kubectl create -f deploy/pvc.yaml
persistentvolumeclaim/gluster-simple-claim created

You should see that you PVC is created with an initial state of Pending and no PersistentVolume has been provisioned for it:

$ kubectl get pvc,pv
NAME                                         STATUS    VOLUME    CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS       AGE
persistentvolumeclaim/gluster-simple-claim   Pending                                       glusterfs-simple   2s

After a few seconds, a volume will be provisioned for your PVC:

$ kubectl get pvc,pv
NAME                                         STATUS    VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS       AGE
persistentvolumeclaim/gluster-simple-claim   Bound     pvc-e519c597-a195-11e8-82d6-fa163e59d79f   1Gi        RWX            glusterfs-simple   5s

NAME                                                        CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS    CLAIM                          STORAGECLASS       REASON    AGE
persistentvolume/pvc-e519c597-a195-11e8-82d6-fa163e59d79f   1Gi        RWX            Delete           Bound     default/gluster-simple-claim   glusterfs-simple             2s

You can exec into the glusterfs pods to verify that a gluster volume was create for your PVC, and check the provisioner pod logs to see how it all happened under the hood:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                            READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
glusterfs-simple-provisioner-86c6d8c8cd-75bk4   1/1       Running   0          5h
glusterfs-t44m5                                 1/1       Running   0          5h
glusterfs-v64wn                                 1/1       Running   0          5h

$ kubectl exec -it glusterfs-t44m5 -- gluster volume list

$ kubectl logs -f glusterfs-simple-provisioner-86c6d8c8cd-75bk4
I0816 15:50:58.969822       1 main.go:47] Provisioner specified
I0816 15:50:58.969896       1 main.go:56] Building kube configs for running in cluster...
I0816 15:50:58.988158       1 provision.go:45] Creating NewGlusterfsProvisioner.
I0816 15:50:58.988635       1 leaderelection.go:185] attempting to acquire leader lease  kube-system/
I0816 15:50:59.000100       1 leaderelection.go:194] successfully acquired lease kube-system/
I0816 15:50:59.000155       1 event.go:221] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Endpoints", Namespace:"kube-system", Name:"", UID:"2b4eef67-a16c-11e8-82d6-fa163e59d79f", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"1165", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'LeaderElection' glusterfs-simple-provisioner-86c6d8c8cd-75bk4_2b4e2946-a16c-11e8-ab87-0a580af40102 became leader
I0816 15:50:59.000203       1 controller.go:596] Starting provisioner controller!
I0816 15:50:59.100536       1 controller.go:645] Started provisioner controller!

    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...

I0816 20:49:40.074522       1 provision.go:183] mkdir -p
I0816 20:49:40.074750       1 event.go:221] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"PersistentVolumeClaim", Namespace:"default", Name:"gluster-simple-claim", UID:"e519c597-a195-11e8-82d6-fa163e59d79f", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"37040", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'Provisioning' External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim "default/gluster-simple-claim"
I0816 20:49:40.080309       1 exec.go:108] Pod selecterd: default/glusterfs-t44m5
I0816 20:49:40.182105       1 exec.go:81] Result: 
I0816 20:49:40.182132       1 exec.go:82] Result: 
I0816 20:49:40.277435       1 exec.go:81] Result: 
I0816 20:49:40.277462       1 exec.go:82] Result: 
I0816 20:49:40.375121       1 exec.go:81] Result: 
I0816 20:49:40.375158       1 exec.go:82] Result: 
I0816 20:49:40.375171       1 provision.go:183] mkdir -p
I0816 20:49:40.378560       1 exec.go:108] Pod selecterd: default/glusterfs-v64wn
I0816 20:49:40.501549       1 exec.go:81] Result: 
I0816 20:49:40.501579       1 exec.go:82] Result: 
I0816 20:49:40.630585       1 exec.go:81] Result: 
I0816 20:49:40.630608       1 exec.go:82] Result: 
I0816 20:49:40.737097       1 exec.go:81] Result: 
I0816 20:49:40.737193       1 exec.go:82] Result: 
I0816 20:49:40.741076       1 exec.go:108] Pod selecterd: default/glusterfs-t44m5
I0816 20:49:41.072344       1 exec.go:81] Result: volume create: pvc-e519c597-a195-11e8-82d6-fa163e59d79f: success: please start the volume to access data
I0816 20:49:41.072370       1 exec.go:82] Result: 
I0816 20:49:43.536546       1 exec.go:81] Result: volume start: pvc-e519c597-a195-11e8-82d6-fa163e59d79f: success
I0816 20:49:43.536585       1 exec.go:82] Result: 
I0816 20:49:43.559744       1 controller.go:1043] volume "pvc-e519c597-a195-11e8-82d6-fa163e59d79f" for claim "default/gluster-simple-claim" created
I0816 20:49:43.568855       1 controller.go:1060] volume "pvc-e519c597-a195-11e8-82d6-fa163e59d79f" for claim "default/gluster-simple-claim" saved
I0816 20:49:43.568887       1 controller.go:1096] volume "pvc-e519c597-a195-11e8-82d6-fa163e59d79f" provisioned for claim "default/gluster-simple-claim"
I0816 20:49:43.569213       1 event.go:221] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"PersistentVolumeClaim", Namespace:"default", Name:"gluster-simple-claim", UID:"e519c597-a195-11e8-82d6-fa163e59d79f", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"37040", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'ProvisioningSucceeded' Successfully provisioned volume pvc-e519c597-a195-11e8-82d6-fa163e59d79f