Deploy Geodashboard V3 on a preexisting system.

  1. Clone repository to local and get appropriate branch (here gltg branch).

    1. git clone ssh://
      cd geodashboard-v3
      git checkout gltg

  2. Build gd3

    1. yarn install
      yarn run build

  3. Copy to Nginx to Proxy Server

    1. With key

      1. get key file from nebula at:

      2. copy source directory to server

        scp -i ~/.ssh/gltg.pem -r build

    2. With password

      scp -r build

  4. Install gd3
    1. Find location (Here the nginx config is named 'gltg', use the config name in  /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

      more /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/gltg | grep root
      #output like this# root /usr/share/nginx/html/gd3;

    2. Backup working version

      cp -r gd3 gd3_<date>

    3. replace index.html and bundle.js (if config.js needs updating, it needs to be replaced, too, make sure to copy all custom fields from previous config).

      cd /usr/share/nginx/html/gd3
      rm bundle.js index.html
      cp /home/ubuntu/build/index.html .
      cp /home/ubuntu/build/bundle.js .

  5. Test


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