The goal here is to support multiple simultaneous storage backends.

There are several ways to accomplish this, along with varying levels of flexibility with each option.

Option A: Federating multiple instances of Clowder

In this case, for every unique storage backend, we require a small Clowder instance sitting in front of it to access the file bytes.

Each Clowder instance talks to a single storage backend, which houses the files uploaded to it.

From any other instance in the federation, we could offer the user an option to upload to any other instance that is also part of the federation.

Perhaps one Clowder instance works as the "master" for this federation, or maybe all Clowder instances join up with each other as peers.

This case likely has the most unanswered questions, as it is likely that a discussion regarding "federating multiple instances of Clowder" would mean something different to every project.

Open Questions:

Option B: Configure all possible storage, let user choose when uploading

We could choose to limit the scope of this task enough to make it achievable very quickly while we work to answer the larger questions about federation.

This would be a completely arbitrary decision, but choosing to ignore MongoDB / Disk options, and focus solely on expanding the S3ByteStorageService to allow the user to configure multiple buckets. 

NOTE: We would need to separately add (if we decide its worth adding) multi-storage support for MongoDB / Disk later in this case.

Another option might be to configure all possible storage locations (MongoDB + Disk + S3) in Clowder and allow the user to choose where their files will be stored upon upload.

UI could default to whichever default option was chosen by the administrator - this could easily be determined by the order of storage backends in the config.

This seems to be the most flexible, since we could configure (for example) the buckets, disk storage, and a mongo collection.

Open Questions:

UI Mockups



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