Driving Scenario I: TERRA-REF project uses file path uploading to create file entries in Clowder that point to mounted file paths (i.e. data bytes are not stored in MongoDB). TERRA's 1PB allocation on storage condo is filling up, necessitating some files (likely starting with raw data from 2016+) be moved into tape storage or offsite backup. This will be done manually and recovering files from the archive will require manual action.

Driving Scenario II: Industry partnership project would like to move files that have not been downloaded after X days automatically from S3 storage to Glacier. However, they would also like a button to automatically schedule the file to be restored from Glacier back to S3.

In both scenarios, we want to retain entries in Clowder for data that we archive for referencing and metadata purposes.

Completed work


This  pull request adds the following:

Proposed future design

The pull request doesn't yet address the desire to support automatically archiving/unarchiving files on a user request. We have discussed one possible architecture that would leverage extractors to perform these two tasks.

Low-level Implementation Ideas

Open Questions