As of January 2020 GLTG has 32,122,836 datapoints. 

 Please don't fetch all of them at once.

Step 1: Create an Account 

Jupyter Notebook

We have created a jupyter notebook that allows a user to run several common data fetching methods including get sensors as CSV  and get datapoints in CSV or JSON.

Install Jupyter

conda install -c conda-forge notebook


pip install notebook

Download and Run Notebook

Download this file geostreams_jupyter.ipynb, move it in a directory of your choice, from a terminal in the chosen directory .  

jupyter notebook

Examples using Curl

Get all Sensors in JSON format

Currently, pulling sensors does not require authentication.

InputsOutputs typeExample


curl -X GET --compressed


curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"password": "****", "identifier": "email"}' --compressed -i

  • password
  • email
In the response will be X-Auth-Token: followed by the alphanumeric security tokenX-Auth-Token
get all datapoints for a single sensorcurl -X GET -H 'Content-Encoding: application/json' -H 'x-auth-token:token' --compressed ''
  • token
  • sensor_id
  • since
Use X-Auth-Token from authenticationjson