As of January 2020 GLTG has 32,122,836 datapoints. 

 Please don't fetch all of them at once.

Step 1: Create an Account 

Step 2: Acquire Data from API

You can acquire the data from API by using curl command or python library (we provide the example in jupyter notebook in attached)

Using CURL

Get all Sensors in JSON format

Currently, pulling sensors does not require authentication.

InputsOutput typeOutput Example


{ "sensors":[

         { "id":1445,
         "geometry":{ "type":"Point",
                                 "coordinates":[ -84.44799549,38.9203417,0]
         "properties":{ "name":"03254520",
                                 "huc":{ "huc8":{ "code":"05100101"},
                                              "huc2":{"code":"05" },
           "location":"LICKING RIVER AT HWY 536 NEAR ALEXANDRIA, KY",
               "title":"United States Geological Survey",





curl -X GET --compressed


  • url
  • email
  • password
X-Auth-TokenUse the token for fetching datapoints

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"password": "****", "identifier": "email"}' --compressed -i

Get all Datapoints for Single Sensor

We request that a user not try to pull all datapoints concurrently.  It is preferred that datapoints be pulled in series by sensor id.

InputsOutput TypeDetailsExample Return
  • token
  • sensor_id
  • since
JSONUse X-Auth-Token from authentication


    { "id":96556536,

      "geometry":{          "type":"Point",
         "coordinates":[ -90.645,42.5408333,0 ]

curl -X GET -H 'Content-Encoding: application/json' -H 'x-auth-token:token' --compressed ''

Using Python Requests

Get all sensors and save as csv

import requests
import json
import csv
from csv import DictWriter

api_server = r""
output_directory = r"downloads"

sensors = requests.get(api_server + "/api/sensors",headers=headers).json()["sensors"]

with open(output_directory + '/gltg_sensors.csv', 'w') as f:
    fieldnames = [
        'source','name','location', 'longitude', 'latitude', 'max_end_time', 'min_start_time',
        'parameters' , 'huc8', 'huc_name', 'online_status'

    writer = DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fieldnames)

    n_sensors = 0
    n_sensors_pos = 0
    for sensor in sensors:
        n_sensors += 1
        parameters_list = []
        for param in sensor['parameters']:
            if param in ['owner','source','unit_code']:
            if param[-3:] != "-qc":
                parameters_list.append(param + ',\n')
        parameters = "".join(parameters_list)

        huc8 = None
        if 'code' in sensor['properties']['huc']['huc8']:
            huc8 = sensor['properties']['huc']['huc8']['code']
            huc8 = sensor['properties']['huc']['huc8']

        if len(parameters) == 0:
            n_sensors_pos += 1

            "source": sensor['properties']['type']['title'],
            "name": sensor['name'],
            "location": sensor['properties'].get('location', ""),
            'longitude': str(sensor['geometry']['coordinates'][0]),
            'latitude': str(sensor['geometry']['coordinates'][1]),
            'max_end_time': sensor.get('max_end_time',''),
            'min_start_time': sensor.get('min_start_time',''),
            'parameters': parameters,
            'huc8': huc8,
            'huc_name': sensor['properties']['huc'].get('huc_name',''),
            'online_status': sensor['properties'].get('online_status',"")
print("Sensors skipped " + str(n_sensors_pos) + " of Sensors total " + str(len(sensors)))

import requests
import json

sensor_id = 22
api_server = r""
output_directory = r"downloads"
user = {'identifier': '***email***', 'password': '***password***'}

r = + '/api/authenticate', data=json.dumps(user), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
print("Authentication status:", r.status_code, "for", api_server)
headers = {"x-auth-token": r.headers["x-auth-token"], "Content-Encoding": "application/json"}

route = api_server + "/api/datapoints?sensor_id=" + str(sensor_id)

r = requests.get(route, headers=headers)

with open(output_directory + '/datapoints_sensor_' + str(sensor_id) + '.json', 'w') as f:
    f.write(json.dumps(r.json(), indent=2))
print("Route: " + route)
print("Request Status:", str(r.status_code))
print("Number of datapoints:", len(r.json()))
print("Datapoint JSON saved to " + output_directory + '/datapoints_sensor_' + str(sensor_id) + '.json')

import requests
import json

sensor_id = 22
api_server = r""
output_directory = r"downloads"
user = {'identifier': '***email***', 'password': '***password***'}

r = + '/api/authenticate', data=json.dumps(user), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'})
print("Authentication status:", r.status_code, "for", api_server)
headers = {"x-auth-token": r.headers["x-auth-token"], "Content-Encoding": "application/json"}

route = api_server + "/api/datapoints?sensor_id=" + str(sensor_id) + "&format=csv"

r = requests.get(route, headers=headers)

with open(output_directory + '/datapoints_sensor_' + str(sensor_id) + '.csv', 'w') as f:

print("Route: " + route)
print("Request Status:", str(r.status_code))
print("Datapoint JSON saved to " + output_directory + '/datapoints_sensor_' + str(sensor_id) + '.csv')

Using Python Library (pyGeotemporal)

Install pyGeotemporal

It is recommended to use a virtual environment for python.

git clone ssh://
cd pygeotemporal
python install

<< insert code example here>>

<< need to have instruction how to get pyGeotemporal >>

Jupyter Notebook 

Jupyter notebook example can be download here geostreams_jupyter.ipynb