

Discussion items:

Next Webinar February 5th - Need one more speaker

Articles for Newsletter

  • working on dates being parsed incorrectly by Elasticsearch in SIMPL - Is there a way to manually force a creation? Dates are being read a strings and we need to fix this bug for all users.  This might need to changed at the API and to validate everything.  Check all registered extractors, create an entry to check for dates rather than strings. If the data does not match the schema, can we stop block this at MongoDB? Elasticsearch and Mongo should be in sync and currently it is not.  Should we release a patch or do an overhaul? Maxwell Burnette will write up a wiki page with this issue.  Currently Elasticsearch drops what it doesn't recognize, it does not issue a warning.
  • should have initial RabbitMQ service split traits ready next week
Mike L.

Michael J

change to use threads to implement website statistics collection.

working on the flask application, which will provide the endpoints to get/store information between external client and backend services.

Mike B.


·Demo connected w/basic widgets: domain, place, publish, date

·Have query for tools, for last facet widget

·Starting to sketch a few slides.

RobFeedback was requested on the Elasticsearch change from the entire group.  This will be an ongoing discussion.
  • Can we have separate repositories rather than a single repository.  Issue repository and Code repository? Collect issues at the github level. You can create an issues repository for public use where they cannot see the source code, but allows users to get support. Pyclowder only has a few issues, but Clowder has a lot of issues and too many issues become cumbersome and may get overlooked due to the sheer volume.  Please post on SD-Tech when you decide how to deal with this.


Topics for Clowder All Paws 2/5/21.  Colter Wehmeier has confirmed he will present and has already provided abstract and head shot. Will advertise widely and ask the Steering Committee to advertise as well.

Action Items/To Dos: