Emergency-Management "Information and Communication Technologies." (Palen, "Citizen Communication...,", 2007, 727) Technologies used to provide information about various topics such as a disaster and/or communicate with emergency personnel, victims of disaster, the general public, etc. [Palen, Leysia, and Sophia B. Liu. “Citizen Communications in Crisis: Anticipating a Future of ICT-Supported Public Participation.” CHI 2007 Proceedings (Emergency Action). April 28- May 3, 2007, San Jose, CA, 10 pages (727-736).]

Fire-Safety-Science The threshold at which a material is likely to light on fire (ignite) with a certain probability. Most often used is the 50% ignition probability line. (Zak et al. 2014) [Zak, C. A. S. E. Y., Urban, J. A. M. E. S., Tran, V., & Fernandez-Pello, A. C. (2014). Flaming ignition behavior of hot steel and aluminum spheres landing in cellulose fuel beds. Fire Safety Science, 11, 1368-1378.]

The likelihood of a structure to light on fire. This is based on the flammability, distance between structures, and the environment around a structure.

"An infrastructure interdependency is generally defined as a bidirectional relationship between two assets in which the operations of both assets affect each other." (Lewis et al. - n.d. https://www.preventionweb.net/files/66506_f415finallewisandpetitcriticalinfra.pdf)

Engineering Tests to assess resilience and risk to infrastructure systems, in which tests for resilience would measure a system’s robustness, redundancy, resourcefulness, and rapidity.

Economics "These models provide multipliers that can be used to estimate the economy-wide effects that an initial change in economic activity has on a regional economy. The initial change involves a change in final demand such as a new construction project, an increase in government purchases, or an increase in exports." (Bess and Ambargis 2011; 2) [Bess, R., & Ambargis, Z. O. (2011, March). Input-output models for impact analysis: suggestions for practitioners using RIMS II multipliers. In 50th Southern Regional Science Association Conference (pp. 23-27). Morgantown, WV: Southern Regional Science Association.]

These are a large class of probabilistic optimization algorithms, which solve varieties of complex optimization problems by mimicking the physical or biological phenomena, including Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms, Ant Colony Optimization, and Particle Swarm Optimization and so on. These algorithms are successful in solving multi-extremes function problems, combinatorial optimization problems, and other complex large scale optimization problems. [Yang, JianGang & Yang, JinQiu. (2011). Intelligence Optimization Algorithms: A Survey. International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology. 3. 144-152. 10.4156/ijact.vol3.issue4.16. ]

Computer-Science Techniques that tailor source code to "increase searching power for both novice and expert software engineers" in a source code exploration system. (Liu & Lethbridge 2002; 409) [Liu, H., & Lethbridge, T. C. (2002). Intelligent search methods for software maintenance. Information Systems Frontiers, 4(4), 409-423.]

Civil-Engineering Variable that describes the intensity of a hazard, typically earthquake hazards. Examples include peake ground acceleration or spectral acceleration. [Luco, N., & Cornell, C. A. (2007). Structure-specific scalar intensity measures for near-source and ordinary earthquake ground motions. Earthquake Spectra, 23(2), 357-392.] Medicine A scale of how much pain a patient feels, often from 0-10, used by healthcare professionals to better understand chronic pain. (Jensen et al. 1999) [Jensen, M. P., Turner, J. A., Romano, J. M., & Fisher, L. D. (1999). Comparative reliability and validity of chronic pain intensity measures. Pain, 83(2), 157-162.]

The use of explicitly represented knowledge in image analysis... which directly represent the image intensities, i.e., the appearance of objects (Rohr 2001; xi) [Rohr, K. (2001). Landmark-based image analysis: using geometric and intensity models (Vol. 21). Springer Science & Business Media.]

General: Interdependencies occur when the function and or state of one system is dependent on another system and that system is also dependent on the former. Interdependency can occur between any two systems yet has been most widely studied between infrastructure systems at this point. (NIST 2016) [NIST (2016). Community resilience planning guide for buildings and infrastructure systems, Vols. I and II. NIST. ]