A construction based on generic machine learning models that can be used to fit various applications. Generic machine learning models are coding mechanism that allow for a machine to improve its behavior based on experience.

Engineering MAE Center is the Center for Creating a Multi-Hazard Approach to Engineering, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “The MAE Center started as one of three national earthquake engineering research centers established by the National Science Foundation and its partner institutions. Its current mission is to develop through research, and to disseminate through education and outreach, new integrated approaches necessary to minimize the consequences of future natural and human-made hazards. Integrated interdisciplinary research synthesizing damage across regions, estimating vulnerability across regional and national networks, and identifying different hazards forms the core research activities needed to develop a Multi-hazard Approach to Engineering and to support stakeholder and societal interests in risk assessment and mitigation. Core research is separated into the following five thrust areas: 1) Multi-hazard Analysis; 2) Consequence-based Risk Management Framework; 3) Engineering Engines; 4) Social and Economic Sciences; 5) Information Technology. The outcomes of the MAE Center research is of value to many stakeholders allowing for better informed decision- and policy-making. Stakeholders include state transportation departments, state emergency management agencies, utilities operators, insurance and reinsurance companies, managing agents, investment banks, lenders, industry organizations, and governments. In addition, many projects integrate research and education for both undergraduate and graduate students, advance curricula and outreach to pre-college students, and enhance public awareness.” (MAE Center 2019) [MAE Center. (2019). About MAE Center. Retrieved from: http://mae.cee.illinois.edu/about/about.html]

A Magnitude Frequency Distribution is a function that describes the rate (per year) of earthquakes across all magnitudes. An MFD can have an analytical form or, as in the case of OpenSHA implementations, be described by rates of earthquakes over descrete intervals. (Field et al. 2005; 1.1-1.3) [Field, E.H., T.H. Jordan, and C.A. Cornell (2005) Magnitude Frequency Distribution (MFD). v. Retrieved from http://www.opensha.org/glossary-magFreqDist]