

Discussion items:

Next Webinar February 5th - Colter Wehmeier & Todd Nicholson

Articles for Newsletter - Article from Barbara Minsker

  • CSSI Steering Committee update
  • Created wiki page for workbench CDDR planning: Clowder Workbench Integration (formerly Tool Launcher)
  • RabbitMQ split into RabbitMQMessageService and ExtractorRoutingService - PR. There is too much logic in RabbitMQ.  We need a deliniation between the application and the branch.
    • Now to implement the events themselves
  • Looking at some search bugs reported in Slack - issues with pagination.
Mike L.
  • Splitting RabbitMQ service.  Need to hook up with Max's code
  • Working on the que for Echo and MongoDB (sidetracking events)
  • Amped up amplitude to make a leaderboard.  No way to track this in the API and will move this into the backend.

No updates.  Running extractors using anaconda.

Michael J

Research on API's to send backend events to google analytics.

The template made with Syngenta is worth noting using Python - checks that deployments are up to date. Would like to make the template more robust.


working on flask server: endpoint to post statistic data to rabbimtq. endpoint to check clowder healthy. flask yml file updates.

Mike B.


·Wrote slides on the system, giving today

·Have data/tool facet, checking on data

·Prepping to do data-tool linkages



Newsletter started  - let me know if you have any article ideas

Ticket created with Marketing on 1/13 - Barb assigned 1/15


Advertising for Clowder Webinar 2/5/21.  Send to Steering Committee requesting they forward it, eWeek, Bytes & Pieces, Clowder email list, Clowder Slack Channel - Anywhere else?  I will ask Colter to send it out as well.

Clowder Conference 6/21/21 - 7/1/21 - segments no larger than 2 hours spread out over two weeks
Agenda in progress.

Updates from the Clowder Steering Meeting presented.

Action Items/To Dos: