This page discuss how to generate the REST API documentations. We are considering to adapt the swagger ( spec and swagger-UI ( to generate REST API documentation automatically. 

About Swagger

Swagger Core

"The goal of Swagger is to define a standard, language-agnostic interface to REST APIs which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of the service without access to source code, documentation, or through network traffic inspection. When properly defined via Swagger, a consumer can understand and interact with the remote service with a minimal amount of implementation logic. Similar to what interfaces have done for lower-level programming, Swager removes the guesswork in calling the service.

Swagger-core is the Java/Scala implementation of Swagger. It supports JAX-RSplain Servlets, and Play Framework.

Check out Swagger-Spec for additional information about the Swagger project, including additional libraries with support for SpringMVC, other languages and more." (excerpted from


Swagger-UI is the collection of HTML, javascript and CSS to read json data formatted with Swagger-Spec.

You can test this at

For BrownDog

In order for us to use Swagger-UI for our REST API documentation front end, our codes (DTS, DAP) needs to generate the json data in Swagger-Spec. There are two ways (

  1. Server integration
    1. generating the swagger json on-the-fly. our REST api includes ".../api" endpoint to generate the json.
    2. It means that you need to add api documentation at your code by using annotation 
  2. No server integration
    1. generating the swagger json file manually or 
    2. generating the json automatically in compilation (build) by using 3rd party tools
      1. it can use same annotations mentioned #1 above, javadocs or JAX-RS annotation


Currently, BrownDog uses mostly Java and Scala to create REST API. We will test these languages and preferred-library first. The test results and notes will be posted here.


Tested with Cyberintegrator-serivce (

Method 1 (server integration)

Used the sample provided by swagger-core project (
