This section covers the server side infrastructure of the system. It currently includes the following components:

A preliminary overview and design is presented in this slide set.

Geotemporal Data Service

The geotemporal data service is a RESTful web service to store and retrieve data points that are defined both in space and time. The goal is to make a service that horizontally scales, has a flexible data model (variables don't need to be predefined) and support complex geospatial queries (including polygon based queries). In the current design the data points will reside in database that has scaling built-in (currently MongoDB), with a dedicated geospatial index in PostGIS to take be able to have sophisticated geospatial queries (something MongoDB has only basic support for). The end user, in this case the application programmer, will only have to learn the JSON API. The details of how things are stored will be hidden from them. This will also make it easier to change underlying implementations later on.


The current design only includes a JSON interface, but ideally more serialization mechanisms could be added later on. The serialization of geospatial data into JSON tries to follow the GeoJSON standard. Currently only a subset of the standard is supported, with the idea of slowly building up to the full spec.


POST/datapointsAdd a datapoint
GET/datapointsSearch via query params (default: all datapoints)
GET/datapoints/{id}Retrieve a specific datapoint
POST/sensorsAdd a sensor
GET/sensorsSearch via query params (default: all sensors)
GET/sensors/{id}Retrieve a specific sensor
GET/sensors/{id}/statsRetrieve stats for a sensor
 "location" : {
               "geometryType" : "Point", 
               "coordinates" : [1.1, 0.5]
 "data" : { 
           "temp" : "42", 
           "conductivity" : "0.008489"

 "location" : {
               "features" : [
                              "coordinates":[1.1, 0.5]
 "data": { 
          "temp" : "42" , 
          "conductivity" : "0.008489"


Source code:

The current implementation is written in Scala using the Scalatra framework. The data is currently being stored in MongoDB with a geotemporal index in Postgres + Postgis (work in progress).

It uses the following libraries: