This tutorial describes how to set up an environment for writing and running workflows for Kurator-Akka.  The tutorial is valid for release 0.2 and later of Kurator-Akka. 

 1. Check installed version of Java

Kurator-Akka requires Java version 1.7 or higher. To determine the version of java installed on your computer use the -version option to the java command. For example,

    $ java -version
    java version "1.7.0_67"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_67-b01)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.65-b04, mixed mode)

 2. Download the Kurator-Akka jar

Kurator-Akka is distributed as a jar (Java archive) file that can be executed using the java -jar command.  You can download the latest supported distribution from the Software Releases page. 

To download the most recently built (but unsupported) snapshot of the distribution, follow the link in the sidebar at left to Latest Build, click on the Artifacts tab, and download the executable jar artifact.

 3. Install Kurator-Akka on your system

Once you have downloaded the Kurator-Akka jar, save the file in a convenient location and rename it to something like kurator-akka.jar.   Kurator-Akka can now be run using the java -jar command. The jar file includes several sample workflow scripts which can be accessed from the command line using the classpath scheme.

Test your installation by running the hello.yaml workflow. Assuming kurator-akka.jar is in your current working directory type:

java -jar kurator-akka.jar -f classpath:/org/kurator/akka/samples/hello.yaml

If the Kurator-Akka jar is stored elsewhere, qualify kurator-akka.jar with the path to that file. If you stored the jar file in the bin subdirectory of your home directory (on a Unix platform), running Kurator-Akka would look something like this:

$ java -jar ~/bin/kurator-akka.jar -f classpath:/org/kurator/akka/samples/hello.yaml
Hello World!

Kurator-Akka can be run similarly on Windows platforms.

 4. Extract the samples (optional)

If you would like to browse and edit the sample workflows included in the Kurator-Akka jar, type the following (qualifying the path to the Kurator-Akka jar as necessary) from a working directory and extract them to your filesystem:

jar xf kurator-akka.jar org/kurator/akka/samples  

To run a script residing on the filesystem, you can use the file scheme:

$ java -jar kurator-akka.jar -f file:org/kurator/akka/samples/hello.yaml
Hello World!

The file: qualifier is optional, however. By default Kurator-Akka looks for workflows on your filesystem. So this will work, too:

$ java -jar ~/bin/kurator-akka.jar -f org/kurator/akka/samples/hello.yaml
Hello World!

 5. Create an alias for Kurator-Akka (optional)

On Unix platforms you can create an alias for more conveniently running Kurator-Akka at the command line. For example, if you have saved the Kurator-Akka jar to the bin subdirectory of your home directory, the following bash command will create an alias for running Kurator-Akka simply by typing kurator-akka at the command prompt.

alias kurator-akka='java -jar ~/bin/kurator-akka.jar'

If you use csh or tcsh the command is:

alias kurator-akka java -jar ~/bin/kurator-akka.jar

The hello.yaml demo then can be run using the alias:

$ kurator-akka -f classpath:/samples/hello1.yaml
Hello World!