This tutorial introduces how Kurator-Akka workflows are specified in YAML files. 

What is YAML?

YAML is plain text format for representing data organized as lists of values or sets of key-value pairs (mappings or dictionaries). The values in these lists and in the key-value pairs of mappings can themselves be lists or mappings.  YAML is a superset of JSON (every JSON document is a valid YAML document) that uses white space (rather than braces and quotes) to organize data and is thus easy to read. 

Kurator-Akka uses YAML to represent workflow definitions so that workflows can be specified and executed without using any software development tools (other than a text editor) or graphical user interfaces.  And other programs can generate workflow specifications simply by producing a YAML file. 

See for more information about YAML and a list of libraries in C/C++, Ruby, Python, Java, Perl, C#, and other languages for composing and parsing YAML. 

Example workflow

 We will use the hello.yaml workflow from the Kurator-Akka distribution to show how workflows are specified in YAML.  You can extract this YAML file from the kurator-akka jar file using the unzip command (the -j option prevents the any directories from being created during inflation):

$ unzip -j kurator-akka-0.2-executable.jar org/kurator/akka/samples/hello.yaml
Archive:  kurator-akka-0.2-executable.jar
  inflating: hello.yaml

The contents of hello.yaml are as follows:


  - classpath:/org/kurator/akka/actors.yaml


  - id: GreetingSource
    type: ConstantSourceActor
        value: Hello World!

  - id: GreetingPrinter
    type: PrinterActor
        - !ref GreetingSource
  - id: HelloWorldWorkflow
    type: Workflow
        - !ref GreetingSource
        - !ref GreetingPrinter
          actor: !ref GreetingSource
          parameter: value

 Kurator-Akka expects