Development of pyGeodashboard started on 2016-02-04.  It is a library that contains the basic functions needed for parsing sensors, streams, and datapoints to the geostreaming API.


Outline Parser Functions

  1. Get data from source
    1. Parsing begins by getting the data from the source.  Two types of data are needed:
      1. data that describes the site such as geocodes, name,  and source. 
      2. measurements
    2. The format and retrieval method varies from source to source
      1. Some source formats
        1. API for a single station (USGS,NOAA)
        2. API for mixed stations (Water Quality Portal)
        3. Files stored to server with loggetnet (GREON)
        4. csv download (LRTM)
  2. Parse data to sensor
    1. Up till now, this has been a unique process for each source; however, this portion...