
The service catalog binds together the K8s service files for deploying the service, service descriptions for project admins to configure a service with options via a CLI/GUI, and provides interfaces to configure service repositories and to manage and maintain the per-cluster service catalog that is cached in etcd.

Design Session Notes - 16/02/16:



Design Notes - 16/02/15:

  1. Simplicity - Easy to understand and use for cluster admins, project admins, and tool/service developers
    1. Glean as much optional information as possible from build/images/K8s manifests
      1. Volumes, ports, scalability(replication controllers), etc. - 
    2. Sensible and simple defaults, with expert override support for Project deployments
  2. Automation - Set the catalog references and run - updates/changes appear without intervention
  3. Extensible  - Multiple catalogs - nds, other-public and private catalogs per-cluster,  support experimental/dev ad-hoc use in shared and person dev environments
  4. Independent - Not tightly bound to NDS or, does not require administrative intervention for developers
  5. Trusted - support signing/verification as an option for service repos and individual services

  1. Develop - create descriptions with source
  2. Publish - publish catalog service descriptions when publishing image
  3. Catalog to Cluster - Cluster admins add catalog refs to cluster, catalog automatically available
  4. Service Configuration - Project admin selects from cluster catalog, resolves service options in (CLI/GUI) to generate a deployment on cluster
  5. Service Deploy -  Project admin deploys configured service in cluster run-time
  6. Manage - Track per-project deploys and feedback configuration to CLI/GUI for reconfig (scaling, data mgmt, etc.)

  1. Kubernetes Pod manifest, Service manifest, and Replication Controller Manifest
    1. Container images (by reference)
  2. Catalog-specific info and configuration data (to be specified)
    1. Configuration options
  3. Etcd catalog:   Above information cached under /nds/service/catalog/<catalog-ref>/<service-name>
  4. Project Admin Input:    The optional configuration information provided by the project admin on configure/deploy
  1. Service and Configuration file locations:
    1. Service/config distributed inside the implementation container(s) in a specified path: /usr/local/etc/nds/...
    2. Service/config outside container, in parallel catalog server system (Juju model)
    3. Service/Config in related containers, using name-associations (<service>, <service>-ndscat)
    4. Service/Config in related containers with parallel service and config docker repos:   ndslabs-service with ndslabs
    5. Service/Config In image tags via Docker, (LABEL in Dockerfile)
    6. Service/Config in git repositories


    1. Simple,  docker model, single-image, spec/image not independent
      1. Assume immutable container - service spec's immutable
      2. Requires pulling containers to access catalog/service info
      3. startup overhead to pull everything NDS at cluster/catalog start
      4. Needs catalog-side pull/add for new/changed images
    2. Complex custom model - requires most development
      1. Service spec independent of image
      2. Requires moderate implementation
        1. catalog server and population process
        2. cluster-side catalog sync for  image additions and updates
        3. Difficult independence for devs and 3rd parties - requires catalog server deployment
    3. Simpler with svc-spec independence and docker model
      1. Harnesses docker repos
      2. Needs docker naming scheme that is searchable via docker cli
      3. Catalog update - search/pull from repos and store - simple
    4. Complex, not entirely docker-model with svc/container independence
      1. Dual-repo version of #3
      2. Push to 2 repos involves parallel tagging and dual repo creds
      3. Prefer #3 for simplicity?
    5. Simple, docker model, svc/image not independent
      1. Similar to #1 without entering container
      2. Efficient if it's possible to pull only image meta without layers
      3. Can leverage other meta-data
      4. Image meta also contains definitive volumes and ports spec's which we need
    6. Simple, svc/image independent, may complicate developers
      1. Easy - parallel git repo for services
      2. Nice to keep service/configurator/K8s together - single repos

Other Ideas: