BDFiddle Next Steps 4/27/2016

  1. Automatic Process Adjustments

    1. Multiple results panes

      1. Extraction Results

      2. Conversions Results

    2. Remove colon on Extractors/Converters

      1. Extract

      2. Convert To

    3. Flip conversion and extractors boxes for real estate

    4. Website Security

      1. Use an anonymous token/key with limits on file size and submissions. (Long Term - Not In Scope)

      2. Login using user/name and password

        1. Sign-In page first

        2. Get key

        3. Fetch token

        4. Key and token displayed on top of page

    5. Indent code snippet buttons to line up with code pane

    6. Links for setup by code snippets

  2. Manual Process
    1. Metadata (Extraction)
      1. Allow selection of multiple metadata tools
      2. Pick only one tool to start
      3. Display error from extractor if it fails -> Need clear errors in the extractors
      4. List each tool specifically -> Get tools from tool catelog
    2. Conversion
      1. Populate output (conversion) based on the input type of the file
      2. User will then select conversion format, which will then populate a list of tools to do the conversion
      3. Polyglot will give the list of available tools by conversion forma






Original whiteboard drawing: 

Mockup - Automatic Page:

Mockup - Manual page