This page documents the preliminary requirements and design for volume management in the NDS Labs Workbench system.

See also


Storage options

We have explored the following storage options:

Local storage

Supported by Kubernetes


Useful for single-node or development configurations

Not distributed

Not scalable

Does not support quotas


Supported by Kubernetes


Not scalable

Performance requires tuning

OpenStack Cinder

Supportable by Kubernetes (with changes)

Requires change to Kubernetes

Limits potential run-times to OpenStack


Supported by Kubernetes for in-pod storage

Scalable and adaptable - growth, performance,
and reliability 

Not supported directly on cloud-oriented OS's 


Creating a GlusterFS server cluster

The basic steps for creating a GlusterFS cluster on Nebula include:

  1. Allocate GlusterFS server VMs
  2. Allocate OpenStack volumes, one volume per GFS node (e.g., 500GB per node)
  3. For each VM/volume
    1. Initialize physical volume
    2. Create volume group, logical volumes, and bricks.
    3. Mount bricks to server
  4. Start the gluster server container
    1. Initialize gluster FS servers
    2. Create gluster volumes
  5. Mount volumes to GFS VM
  6. Configure storage: physical volumes, volume group, logical volumes, bricks

Managing volumes for projects:

Currently, we are planning to allocate one volume per project, but we should anticipate the need for per-pod as it will likely be needed.
Volumes will be expandable by the admin and deleted by the admin tools when the project is deleted

Expanding cluster-wide storage:

Cluster-wide storage is expanded by adding allocating, formatting, and configuring additional physical volumes.


With per-project volumes, quotas will be enforced by the volume size

Use cases: