All documentation pertaining to how developers can contribute to NDS Labs.

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JIRA Issue Types

To handle issue and project tracking we use JIRA, which currently offers several Types when creating new tickets:

  1. New Feature Issue Types:
    1. Wish / New Feature: a high-level non-technical description of desired business logic
    2. Requirements: a "discussion" ticket describing a new feature that needs more of its technical description fleshed out
    3. Epic: a high-level technical description of desired software functionality or infrastructure containing multiple Story tickets
    4. Story: a use case describing an example usage of a small piece of newly desired functionality
  2. Existing Feature Issue Types:
    1. Improvement: a suggestion to utilize new techniques or technologies to improve overall performance or maintainability
    2. Bug: a use case or edge case that is malfunctioning according to its defined behavior
    3. Task: a small piece of technical work that is not driven by a new use case
  3. Miscellaneous Issue Types:
    1. Comment: track miscellaneous information / requests that do not match other issue types:
      1. new sites / groups / contacts wishing to utilize the NDS Labs platform (i.e. Odum, TACC, SDSC, etc.)
      2. similar technologies that we might look at for reference (i.e. JujuCharms, ProfitBricks, etc.)
      3. new or existing technologies that might be leveraged to further NDS Labs
    2. Processing Request: track the creation of new entities in production instance of NDS Labs
      1. projects (via Account Creation Workflow)
      2. service specs (via Pull Requests made to ndslabs-specs)
      3. events requiring special attention (i.e. hackathon, developer tutorial, etc.)

Developer Workflows