{"@context": ["http://re3data.org/",
    "Max Dataset Size": "http://sead-data.net/terms/maxdatasetsize",
    "Rights Holder IDs Required": "http://sead-data.net/terms/RightsHolderIdsRequired",
    "Total Size": "tag:tupeloproject.org,2006:/2.0/files/length",
    "Max Collection Depth": "http://sead-data.net/terms/maxcollectiondepth",
    "motto": "http://bobs.asseenon.tv/terms/motto",
    "Affiliations": "http://sead-data.net/terms/affiliations",
    "Data Mimetypes": "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/format",
    "Metadata Terms": "http://sead-data.net/terms/terms"
  "Max Dataset Size": "1000",
  "dataLicenseName": ["other2"],
  "@type": "repository",
  "subject": "Anything that needs preservin",
  "lastUpdate": "Dec. 8, 2015",
  "Total Size": "10000000",
  "versioning": "yes",
  "orgidentifier": "bob",
  "repositoryURL": "http://http://www.nationaldataservice.org/projects/labs.html",
  "Rights Holder IDs Required": true,
  "Max Collection Depth": "10",
  "motto": "Our profile is up to date, so we have to be good",
  "dataAccessType": [
  "repositoryName": "SEAD NDS Labs Publisher (Proof-of-Concept)",
  "Affiliations": [
    "NDS Members"
  "Data Mimetypes": ["text/csv"],
  "Metadata Terms": [
  "institution": "SEAD"

Following are the steps that need to be carried out by a repository in order to get registered with SEAD and accept/publish collections from SEAD.

  1. Obtain access to SEAD
  2. Register the repository profile
  3. Develop a client to pull the collections

Obtain access to SEAD

First the repository needs to contact SEAD and provide the IP addresses/subnets of the repository servers that will be accessing the SEAD services. Then the SEAD team will grant access to the SEAD services for those IP addresses. 

Following endpoint will be accessible by the repository afterwards;

Register the repository profile

Repositories need to create a profile in the JSONLD format which includes basic profile information and the other information that will be used by SEAD Matchmaker when recommending repositories for the objects. Repository profile must have an “orgidentifier”. This is the ID of your repository that will be used by SEAD.

Following is a sample JSONLD profile of a repository;

{"@context": ["http://re3data.org/",
    "Max Dataset Size": "http://sead-data.net/terms/maxdatasetsize",
    "Rights Holder IDs Required": "http://sead-data.net/terms/RightsHolderIdsRequired",
    "Total Size": "tag:tupeloproject.org,2006:/2.0/files/length",
    "Max Collection Depth": "http://sead-data.net/terms/maxcollectiondepth",
    "motto": "http://bobs.asseenon.tv/terms/motto",
    "Affiliations": "http://sead-data.net/terms/affiliations",
    "Data Mimetypes": "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/format",
    "Metadata Terms": "http://sead-data.net/terms/terms"
  "Max Dataset Size": "1000",
  "dataLicenseName": ["other2"],
  "@type": "repository",
  "subject": "Anything that needs preservin",
  "lastUpdate": "Dec. 8, 2015",
  "Total Size": "10000000",
  "versioning": "yes",
  "orgidentifier": "bob",
  "repositoryURL": "http://http://www.nationaldataservice.org/projects/labs.html",
  "Rights Holder IDs Required": true,
  "Max Collection Depth": "10",
  "motto": "Our profile is up to date, so we have to be good",
  "dataAccessType": [
  "repositoryName": "SEAD NDS Labs Publisher (Proof-of-Concept)",
  "Affiliations": [
    "NDS Members"
  "Data Mimetypes": ["text/csv"],
  "Metadata Terms": [
  "institution": "SEAD"