Proposal submitted: XSEDE16TutorialProposal_v1.docx


When: July 18th

Where: XSEDE16,

Tutorial Session Design

Action Plan

June 6th  - June 24th - 3 weeks for Development, Environment setup preparation, and reviews of tutorial materials as they are developed.  

June 27th - 1st July -   Fine tuning/deployment

2nd July- 8th July  -  Testing and Demo to BD students

11th July, 13th July - Final Touch up

Tutorial Presenter registration:

All tutorial authors (including teaching assistants) can register as tutorial presenter. The password for doing so is TUTXSEDE16. The conference registration fee is waived for the day of the tutorial.

Introduction to Brown Dog (30m)

This is a presentation and demo of Brown Dog project and service.

Highlights some XSEDE projects that are use cases of Brown Dog projects - VAT, DEBOD, IARP

How to use Brown Dog Services (1h 30m)

This is a session to teach how to use Brown Dog Services

Time break up:

Hands-on outline

Environment Set-up Details (20 mins)


Hands-on Details


How to add Your Tool to Brown Dog Services (1h 30m)

This is a session to teach how to add user's tool to Brown Dog Services.

Use Contributors Landing Page for this part of the session.

Participant will be provided with a VM with all required setup so that they can create their own tool. 

Wrap up

-------- OPTIONAL EXAMPLES --------

         An example could be - Given a *.xlsx file with max and min temperature for each day of a month. Calculate average temperature max/min/standard deviation for each month.