Proposal submitted: XSEDE16TutorialProposal_v1.docx


When: July 18th


Tutorial Session Design

Introduction to Brown Dog (30m)

This is a presentation and demo of Brown Dog project and service

How to use Brown Dog Services (1h 30m)

This is a session to teach how to use Brown Dog Services

Time break up:

Hands-on outline

Environment Set-up

Hands-on Outline

                     An example could be - Given a *.xlsx file with max and min temperature for each day of a month. Calculate average temperature max/min/standard deviation for each month.


How to add Your Tool to Brown Dog Services (1h 30m)

This is a session to teach how to add user's tool to Brown Dog Services.

Use Contributors Landing Page for this part of the session.

Participant will be provided with a VM with all required setup so that they can create their own tool. 

Wrap up