


Note:  Enter Tasks in the following format so it can be picked up on the task report

Click "Edit" at the top of the page

Under To Do Tasks - press enter at the end of the list to create a new line - a check box will display at the beginning of the line

Type "@member name "//datedue - task assigned  (ignore " - that is there to make the auto look up not happen)

When you type the @ button it will bring up the user list to choose the person
When you type "//" it will bring up a calendar and you can choose the due date

If you notice - the sample I entered has text that is highlighted yellow - that is an inline comment.  If you click on it the comment will display in a pop up.
To create an inline comment do the following:

  1. Highlight the text you want to comment on - wait a moment
  2. Choose the add comment  button that appears above the highlighted text
  3. Type your comment and choose Save (Ctrl+S or ⌘+S)

Save page 

To Do Tasks