7 Mile Creek Data Types: Excel file


Seven Mile Creek watershed, Nicollet County, MN
Seven Mile Creek is a much-studied tributary of the Minnesota River.  The watershed is small, just 24,000 acres (38 sq mi).  It is dominated by row-crop agriculture, except in its lower reaches where the creek flows through a popular county park.  Monitoring is focused on the creek's mainstem and its two largest tributaries, SMC 1 and SMC 2. 
Data descriptionData categoryPublicly avail online now?NotesData densityLength of recordData quality
Stream discharge (mainstem)NumericalYMN Cooperative Stream GaugingContinuousApprox 20 yearsGood
Stream discharge (SMC 1 & SMC 2)NumericalYMN Cooperative Stream GaugingContinuousApprox 8 yearsVariable
Water quality (mainstem)NumericalYState database: EQUIS?Approx 30/yr Good
Water quality (SMC 1, SMC 2)NumericalSomeHistorical: state database, current: GustavusApprox 5-30/yr Variable
Fish surveys NMN DNRYearly5 years?Good
Aquatic invertebrate surveys NMN DNR, GustavusSporadicSporadicGood
Vegetation surveys NU of M and Gustavus researchersSporadicSporadicVariable
Geomorphology surveys  NStream profiles and cross-sectionsMultiple locations3 yearsGood
Groundwater well (5); hydraulic heads, water qualityNumericalNWater table elevation, WQ; GustavusSporadic Poor
Land-use categoriesGeospatialN Sporadic Good
Crop typeGeospatialMaybe YearlySporadicVariable
Other crop data, e.g. yield, fertilizer application, etc.GeospatialN SporadicShortVariable
Implementation project locationsGeospatialN Small number of sites2 yearsGood
TopographyGeospatialYState DEMs  Good
Soil typeGeospatialYState surveys  Good
PrecipitationNumericalSomeWeather stations, Gustavus  Variable