Signing Up


There are 2 ways to login to Clowder. Through a third party application or a local account.

Signing Up with a Third Party App

The first one is to use a third-party network, like google, crowd, facebook, twitter, linkedin. They are enabled in some instances on Clowder, and you can ask your Clowder administrator to enable them if they are not. 

You need to go to your clowder instance, for example: 

If you want to login using this method, you can click on the Login button in the top-left corner as marked by a green square on Figure 1. 


After that, you can click on the icon of the third party app you want to login with. I will use google as an example, but the process is similar for all the 3rd party libraries. 

After clicking on the Google link, it will ask you to login for your google account, and on the first time it will ask you for permissions to get your name and email from the google account. 


After you click on the Allow button, you will be redirected to the Terms of Service page. Which you must accept before getting access to Clowder. 


After accepting the terms of service, you will be redirected to the Clowder Home Page.


Signing up through a Local Account

Click on the highlighted link in blue in your Clowder instance (

It will ask you for your email 

After you input your email and click on create an account, you will receive an email with instructions to continue the signup process 

After clicking on the link you will get redirected to the sign up page


After input your information, and desired password you can login with your email and password used in the step above

And you can login to Clowder


Note: Some instances require users to be approved before being able to use clowder. 



A space is a group of collections, data sets, and files with defined user access rights. Spaces are used to share data within datasets and collections with other users. There are different permissions assigned to each role. The 3 most common roles are Admins, Editors, and Viewers. In summary,  a viewer can only see the datasets, files and collections within a space. An editor, besides the view privileges can add new datasets and collections to the space, as well as remove them, it can also edit the datasets and collections within the space. An admin can do what an editor does and also edit the space itself, invite and remove people from the space, edit the extractor available. Note: Roles are customizable there is a section below about permissions and roles. 

  • Creating a Space

    You can create a space from your home page, by clicking on the button in the blue box below 

    Or using the create dialog in the top navigation. Click on the Create dropdown in the top navigation (in blue on the image below) And then select Spaces (in green in the image below)

    Or within  the space list page. Click on the Create button in the top right of the page. (The list spaces page is accessed by clicking on Explore > Spaces)

    After starting the create process by either of the 3 methods above you can start creating your space by filling up the information in the next figure (The only required field is the name). 

    You click on the create button at the end of the page and are then redirected to the space page. 


  • Editing a Space

    You can edit the name, description, external links, logo and banner for your space at any time. To do so, click on the Edit Space button highlighted in blue in the figure

    Then you can edit the values and click on the update button in the bottom.

  • Inviting Users and Adding users to a Space




When you want to invite users to collaborate in your space, you can invite them by email if they don't have an account on Clowder, and if they have an account on Clowder you can add them to your space. 
In order to do so, in the space page click on the Manage Users button in the right column, as marked by the blue box in the next figure.


After clicking on the link above, the screen below shows up. You can click on either of the 3 roles select fields, and when you do so, the list of all the members of clowder not in the space show up. You can select them. And after selecting all the people you want in the different roles you click on the submit button at the end of the page. In this page, you can also remove current members, there is an x next to each current member of the space. When you click on the x, the member is removed from the space (no need to click on submit).


To invite people by email, click on the Invite shown in a blue box in the image below. 

You can fill up the emails for the users you want to invite, select the role and an optional message. The people you invite will get a link to register to clowder and will get added to your space once they join clowder. The current invites you have out for people show up in the right with the roles they were invited as. 

  • Requesting and Granting Access to a Space

    If there is a space that you would like to participate in, but you are not a part of, you can request access to it. In the space page you click on the button pointed by the green arrows in the image below. 

    When you submit your request, the admins of the space will get an email and can then accept you to the space. 

To accept people that have requested access to one of your spaces. You first go to the space and then click on the Manage Users (as when inviting people above) 









  1. About Permissions 

  2. About the Home Page
  3. Spaces
    • Creating
    • List 
    • Editing
    • Deleting
    • Inviting Users
    • Requesting Access
  4. Datasets
    • Creating
    • Adding Files
    • Creating Folders
    • Moving Files
    • Adding to a space
    • Moving from a space
    • Copying to a space
    • Adding Metadata
  5. Collections 
    • Creating
    • Adding datasets
    • Creating Child Collections 
  6. About Extractors