I'd like to introduce a new feature to NCSA Open Source, HipChat. This is a persistent chat client that allows you to create rooms to chat about your code or anything else. You can use your existing NCSA Open Source account to login into this service and start chatting right away. You can have direct conversations with people as well as group chats. You can upload attachments and it is even possible to make rooms publicly available, allowing people to join your room without creating a NCSA Open Source account.

To get started you can go to https://hipchat.ncsa.illinois.edu and use your existing account information, your will need to use your email address for your login. You can also download clients for your machine or phone, all you have to do is change the server from the default to hipchat.ncsa.illinois.edu (on the phone under advanced settings and on the desktop client under settings). Once you change it you are good to go (if you were logged in already you will need to logout first).


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