Sprint 21 retrospective

What did we do right:

  • Architectural discussions


What can we do better:

  • There was no real sprint goal established
  • We're not planning anymore: 
    • we're writing tickets during the planning meeting
    • The backlog is "inadequate"
  • Nebula disruption: not sure if it's fixed
  • Priorities are not clear and roadmap is changing


What should we keep doing/need to do

  • We need to incorporate more planning and flesh out the backlog with full, prioritized tickets before the Thursday meeting.
  • We need a roadmap for 3-6 months and a process for changing it


Sprint 22 commit

Goal: Define requirements and design architecture for: modular auth, developer/personal instance, and production clusters (with minimal cluster configuration that supports scaling and fault tolerance). Outputs of this sprint are requirements and design documents and enough fully-specified JIRA tickets with estimates for next Sprint. 


  • Strategy for modular auth – Cyverse has their own custom system – do some investigation and determine how to move forward (NDS751)
  • Developer/personal installation (was kick the tires)
    • Use case is Cyverse or TERRA-REF developer, interested in exploring Labs for their project, wants to bring up a local instance – this should be a 1 or 2 command process
    • Where? On laptop, shared server, VM, Amazon (define the system requirements for the user)
    • What does it mean for someone to install this? Be able to give to a developer to install? Virtual machine image
    • Get feedback from an outside user? 
  • Minimizing resources while maximizing reliability and elasticity
    • Ability to scale
  • Alternate provider support (Commercial cloud)
  • Revisit storage strategy (Gluster)
  • No labels