


  • Updates - LDAP
    • Rob needs Yan to make a server side to make a form post to make sure it works
    • Check documentation in request library for info on post
    • This is done. Yan Zhao to talk to Nathan about error with LDAP submission
  • CZO use case development
    • Need a way to input new mappings - discuss design on Monday
    • No meeting this past Monday
  • Tool Catalog Updates/Cleanup
    • Will be discussed Monday
  • Deployments
    • Bing Zhang  - walk thru this next Wednesday and confirm status / what needs done
    • Bing Zhang out of office
  • 0.6 start reviewing what is in here

Discussion items

BingOut of office

  • Had a brief conversation with Michelle and Diego regarding CZO use case. They are very excited. We should meet to discuss how to tie everything together. Shannon Bradley can you please add them to the invite for next Wednesday?
  • Need to finish the user key propagation


This mockup suggests the ability of editing extracted metadata. This is really good for future development. We are not going do it for now. Instead we will do the following:

  • Yan Zhao Add a new Metadata Type for Annotating CSV files. Each time the user adds a new entry it prompts them with a open text field for the Column Name and a pull down field with a list of optional standard names. This list will be provided the same way as the current List type.
  • Using this, users will be able to annotate CSV files from the clowder interface.
  • Admins of the Mapping Service will have a way to selectively submit URLs of files in Clowder that have a mapping defined has approved mappings.
    • Someone will have to develop this

Yan Zhao looking at BD-2320 - Getting issue details... STATUS Seems like it might be related to government shutdown. She is asking if there is an alternative URL.


Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan Looking at more extractors for Box. Might be able to use Clowder sections to provide images of faces to Box API.

Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan To dockers ExtractorInfoFetcher services as well as create an endpoint in clowder to query extractor definitions for the same info.


  • What is the status of Box Skills? What remains to be done?
  • Waiting to hear back from Campus on if they will support Skills
  • Sign up for Box outside of U of I - without an Organization - to test and make sure it is working
  • Sandeep take over
  • Look at more skills we can put in
  • Check on galaxies going to Nebula