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Brown Dog - Adding Tools to the DAP and DTS, Overview and Examples


This guide is intended as an introduction for new users working with the Brown Dog software platform.  An introduction to the 3 main components of the platform, Polyglot, Medici, and Versus will be presented, and examples of scripts and code are provided.  These 3 tools can be leveraged to add tools to the Data Access Proxy (DAP) and Data Tilling Service (DTS).



This overview assumes a basic level of knowledge about the three main components of the Brown Dog software platform, Polyglot, Medici, and Versus.  Some background information will be provided, however, for a more in depth overview of each of these components and their function, it is recommended that you take the opportunity to view the provided online tutorial sessions that may be found on the ISDA's YouTube account:



Brief History

Information Loss

File Formats


  • AutoHotKey
    • Open
      ;Adobe Acrobat (v9.3.0 Pro Extended)
      ;Parse input filename
      arg1 = %1%
      StringGetPos, index, arg1, \, R
      ifLess, index, 0, ExitApp
      index += 2
      input_filename := SubStr(arg1, index)
      ;Run program if not already running
      IfWinNotExist, Adobe 3D Reviewer
        Run, C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe
        WinWait, Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended
      ;Activate the window
      WinActivate, Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended
      WinWaitActive, Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended
      ;Open document
      Send, ^o
      WinWait, Open
      ControlSetText, Edit1, %1%
      ControlSend, Edit1, {Enter}
      ;Make sure model is loaded before exiting
        IfWinExist, %input_filename% - Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended
        Sleep, 500
      ;Adobe Acrobat (v9.3.0 Pro Extended)
      ;doc, html, jpg, pdf, ps, rtf, txt
      ;Parse output format
      arg1 = %1%
      StringGetPos, index, arg1, ., R
      ifLess, index, 0, ExitApp
      index += 2
      out := SubStr(arg1, index)
      ;Parse filename root
      StringGetPos, index, arg1, \, R
      ifLess, index, 0, ExitApp
      index += 2
      name := SubStr(arg1, index)
      StringGetPos, index, name, ., R
      ifLess, index, 0, ExitApp
      name := SubStr(name, 1, index)
      ;Activate the window
      WinActivate, %name%.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended
      WinWaitActive, %name%.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended
      ;Save document
      Send, ^S
      WinWait, Save As
      if(out = "doc"){
        ControlSend, ComboBox3, m
      }else if(out = "html"){
        controlSend, ComboBox3, h
      }else if(out = "jpg"){
        controlSend, ComboBox3, j
      }else if(out = "pdf"){
        controlSend, ComboBox3, a
      }else if(out = "ps"){
        controlSend, ComboBox3, p
        controlSend, ComboBox3, p
        controlSend, ComboBox3, p
        controlSend, ComboBox3, p
        controlSend, ComboBox3, p
      }else if(out = "rtf"){
        controlSend, ComboBox3, r
      }else if(out = "txt"){
        controlSend, ComboBox3, t
        controlSend, ComboBox3, t
      ControlSetText, Edit1, %1%
      ControlSend, Edit1, {Enter}
      ;Return to main window before exiting
        ;Continue on if main window is active
        IfWinActive, %name%.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended
        ;Click "Yes" if asked to overwrite files
        IfWinExist, Save As
          ControlGetText, tmp, Button1, Save As
          if(tmp = "&Yes")
            ControlClick, Button1, Save As
        Sleep, 500
      ;Wait a lit bit more just in case
      Sleep, 1000
      ;Close whatever document is currently open
      Send, ^w
      ;Make sure it actually closed before exiting
        ;Continue on if main window is active
        IfWinActive, Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended
        Sleep, 500
      ;Adobe Acrobat (v9.3.0 Pro Extended)
      ;Kill any scripts that could be using this application first
      RunWait, taskkill /f /im Acrobat_open.exe
      RunWait, taskkill /f /im Acrobat_save.exe
      ;Kill the application
      RunWait, taskkill /f /im Acrobat.exe
  • AppleScript
  • Python
  • Bash


Example Extractors

  • Java

    Connecting to RabbitMQ
    protected void startExtractor(String rabbitMQUsername,
    	String rabbitMQpassword) {
     		//Open channel and declare exchange and consumer
    		ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
    		Connection connection = factory.newConnection();
     		final Channel channel = connection.createChannel();
    		channel.exchangeDeclare(EXCHANGE_NAME, "topic", true);
    		channel.queueBind(QUEUE_NAME, EXCHANGE_NAME, "*.file.text.plain.#");
    = channel;
     		// create listener
    		channel.basicConsume(QUEUE_NAME, false, CONSUMER_TAG, new DefaultConsumer(channel) {
     			public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag, Envelope envelope, AMQP.BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException {
    				messageReceived = new String(body);
     				long deliveryTag = envelope.getDeliveryTag();
     				// (process the message components here ...)
    				System.out.println(" {x} Received '" + messageReceived + "'");
    				replyProps = new AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder().correlationId(properties.getCorrelationId()).build();
    				replyTo = properties.getReplyTo();
    				System.out.println(" [x] Done");
    				channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false);
     		// start listening 
    		System.out.println(" [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C");
     		while (true) {
     	catch(Exception e){


  • C++

  • Python

    Instantiating the logger and starting the extractor
    def main():
     global logger
     # name of receiver
     # configure the logging system
    logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)-15s %(name)-10s %(levelname)-7s : %(message)s", level=logging.WARN)
    logger = logging.getLogger(receiver)
     if len(sys.argv) != 4:"Input RabbitMQ username, followed by RabbitMQ password and Medici REST API key.")
     global playserverKey
    playserverKey = sys.argv[3]
    Connecting to RabbitMQ
    # connect to rabbitmq using input username and password 
    credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
    parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(credentials=credentials)
    connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters)
     # connect to channel
    channel =
     # declare the exchange
    channel.exchange_declare(exchange='medici', exchange_type='topic', durable=True)
     # declare the queue
    channel.queue_declare(queue=receiver, durable=True)
     # connect queue and exchange
    channel.queue_bind(queue=receiver, exchange='medici', routing_key='*.file.text.plain')
     # create listener
    channel.basic_consume(on_message, queue=receiver, no_ack=False)
     # start listening"Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C")
     except KeyboardInterrupt:


  • Java

    public class WordCountMeasure implements Serializable,Measure {
    	private static final long SLEEP = 10000;
    	public Similarity compare(Descriptor feature1, Descriptor feature2)
    			throws Exception {
    		return new SimilarityNumber(0);
    	public SimilarityPercentage normalize(Similarity similarity) {
    		return null;
    	public String getFeatureType() {
    		return WordCountMeasure.class.getName();
    	public String getName() {
    		return "Word Count Measure";
    	public Class<WordCountMeasure> getType() {
    		return WordCountMeasure.class;


  • No labels