

Geting start

Contributing to existing tools




  • SMILE is a comprehensive social media data collecting and analytics platform.

  • Defining new social media platform data source

    • how to authenticate and authorize
    • what's the data structure like
    • what is the platforms policy on data collection and ownership
    • learn GraphQL and define your own schema
  • Adding new analytics metrics

    • currently we have Sentiment analysis, NLP Preprocessing, Topic modeling, Automated phrase detection, Name Entity Recognition, and Twitter Network analysis
    • you can bring in your own analyses, ideally in Python, but can be any programming languages.
    • Alternatively,  in each of the above mentioned analyses, if you have specific algorithms or innovated ways to perform that analysis, you are welcomed to bring in those
    • Useful links:
  • BAE



  • PAHO COVID19 dashboards

  • This is the newest project we are working on currently!

Other aspects that you could contribute to:

  • UI/UX design

  • Testing and Monitoring

  • Exploring new computation platforms and resources

    • Other cloud computing platform capability other than AWS; for example Azure since we have allocation for that
    • Container orchestration - one of the direction we are exploring is to dockerize all the components of the tools,  and we plan to scale it up using kubernetes
    • Exploring the capability of existing analytics and integrate to the tools: such as Google Trend API, IBM watson, Tableau and etc
  • Community Engagement:

    • How to advertise SMM project and tools to the community; How to find our target audience and satisfy their needs
    • Workflow or standards to include new data source and algorithms

Writing your own tools

  • Could be anything novel that utilizing social media data and analyses; preferably using opensource libraries and algorithms that associates with academic publication

  • Need to have a Graphic Interface

  • Plan ahead: Need to communicate with Hubzero (where all the tools have been hosted) to decide if the technology stack you plan to use is compatible with their platform 

  • No labels