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(Work in Progress) 

  1. Install Java 1.8 
  2. Install git
  3. Clone repository from: (git clone repositoryUrl)
  4. In Intellij 
    1. Import project from external model
    2. select sbt
    3. Leave default options 
  5. Install Scala and Play plugins on Intellij 
  6. Download postgres from your operating system:  or (Mac)
  7. Clone a database from one of the DEV machines:

    Ingest Database
    # from
    curl -o
    chmod 755
    # get the database and unzip
    scp isda:/home/shared/clowder/seagrant-dev/postgresql/dumpall.sql.gz seagrant-dev.sql.gz
    gunzip seagrant-dev.sql.gz
    # split the database (may take a while)
    ./ seagrant-dev.sql
    # should see names of databases:
    # Evaluating geostream...
    # create and load database 
    ## In the line below, 'clowder' can be updated for your username on your machine
    ## 'geostream' will be the name of the database. 
    ## It can be the name that you prefer, just use the same name throughout these instructions 
    ## Note: This may not work as expected if you name with a "dash"
    ## - you may have to manually copy the contents of 'geostream' to your chosen database name 
    createdb geostream -O clowder
    psql -d geostream  < seagrant-dev.sql
  8. Start your postgres db 
  9. In your geostreams-api-v2 directory you need to create and edit a file conf/application.conf
    1. Copy the entirety of conf/reference.conf to conf/application.conf ensure proper functionality  
    2. Update the in conf/application.conf to contain the proper allowed host for Geodashboard
    3. the application.conf on seagrant-dev has a copy under yanzhao3/
    4. If you changed the name of the database 
      1. i.e.: Instead of geostreams you use something like seagrant-dev)
      2. Add: db.default.url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost/seagrant-dev"
  10. In a terminal, cd to the geo-temporal-api-v2 repository and execute sbt run to start Clowder

    1. If you use Geodashboard, you may need to update links in the Geodashboard code

    2. Locations will vary based upon the version of Geodashboard 
  11. to setup geo-temporal-api-v2 on server with your local build ( application.conf & messages.en is under your local folder) 

    sudo rm -rf geo-temporal-api-v2/*
    sudo cp -r ~/geostreams-3.0.0-alpha.1/* geo-temporal-api-v2/.
    sudo cp ~/application.conf geo-temporal-api-v2/conf/.
    sudo cp ~/messages.en geo-temporal-api-v2/conf/.

    sudo chown clowder: geo-temporal-api-v2/bin/
    sudo chown clowder: geo-temporal-api-v2/lib/
    sudo chown clowder: geo-temporal-api-v2/conf/
    sudo chmod +r+w geo-temporal-api-v2/lib/*
    sudo chmod +r+w geo-temporal-api-v2/conf/*
    sudo chmod +r+x geo-temporal-api-v2/bin/geostreams
    sudo systemctl restart geostreams.service
    sudo journalctl -xe
    sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN

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