• OpenStack.
    • Import the key pair "ISLv2-ISDA" in the web UI.  Needed when starting a new VM.
      Found that this was per user, not per project, so needed to import again.
    • Download and source "ISDA-openrc" in ~/.cshrc for OpenStack CLI programs such as "nova" to work. So one can use "nova list" to list the VMs.
    • Clone the "vm-elasticity" repo to get the code.
  • SSH.
    • Run "ssh-keygen", to create an RSA key pair, put the pub key (content of "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub") into ~/.ssh/authorized_key . Needed for elasticity code to ssh back into this machine without requiring password.
    • Copy "~/.ssh/config" to use the batch mode and enable fast connections.  Did not use ControlMaster.
  • Elasticity.
    • Copy "bdmon.conf", change username / password to "browndog".
    • Install the "subprocess32" python module. Required by the elasticity code.
      pip install --user subprocess32 # Into "~/.local/".
    • Then stop "ruiliu"'s DTS elasticity instance, and run as this user:
      nohup ./bdmon.py >>& /tmp/browndog-bdmon-dts.log < /dev/null &


  • For DAP,
          cd ~/git/vm-elasticity
          cp -pr bdmon bdmon-dap
          cd bdmon-dap
          vi bdmon.conf
          # Edit to use a different RabbitMQ vhost, username, password, and the minimum number of instances of a Polyglot queue: "ImageMagick".
          # Stop "ruiliu"'s DAP elasticity instance, and run as this user:
          nohup ./bdmon.py >>& /tmp/browndog-bdmon-dap.log < /dev/null &
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