Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Due Development
Sub-task MAE-1090

MAE-1014 Integrate eq fault area analysis results into temp housing

Nathan Tolbert Nathan Tolbert Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task MAE-1089

MAE-1014 Update TempHousingResultParser to correctly handle new fields

Nathan Tolbert Nathan Tolbert Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task MAE-1082

MAE-1014 lpsolve and temp housing binaries need to be compiled for 64 bit

Christopher Navarro Christopher Navarro Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task MAE-1079

MAE-1014 Make Socioeconomic disruption optimization objective always minimize by default, and the user cannot change it to maximize.

Nathan Tolbert Nathan Tolbert Minor Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task MAE-1077

MAE-1014 Add feedback about feasibility of a scenario

Nathan Tolbert Nathan Tolbert Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task MAE-1073

MAE-1014 Compute temp housing safety distances from polygon (for fault area)

Unassigned Nathan Tolbert Major Closed Won't Fix  
Sub-task MAE-1072

MAE-1014 Add report templates for temp housing

Unassigned Nathan Tolbert Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task MAE-1071

MAE-1014 Add ability to pick a housing alternative and a solution, and view complete assignment details

Nathan Tolbert Nathan Tolbert Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task MAE-1070

MAE-1014 Add percentage bars to temp housing UI

Nathan Tolbert Nathan Tolbert Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task MAE-1068

MAE-1014 New analysis to compute multi-attribute utility tool for temp housing

Nathan Tolbert Nathan Tolbert Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task MAE-1067

MAE-1014 New analysis to compute earthquake fault area

Christopher Navarro Nathan Tolbert Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task MAE-1062

MAE-1014 Update input/output temp housing textfiles, datasets, and executables

Nathan Tolbert Nathan Tolbert Major Resolved Fixed  
Sub-task MAE-1059

MAE-1014 Update Temp Housing to use TextFilesDataset

Nathan Tolbert Nathan Tolbert Major Resolved Fixed  
