EddyPro uses met data to correct fluxes during processing, so once met data has been compiled and formatted into yearly master Excel sheets, it can be refined for input into EddyPro.

  • EddyPro only reads two header rows:
    • variable names, and units.
    • Delete all other header rows (should be two).
    • Date need to be in the form “yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM” using the 24 hour clock.
    • Replace the default units of “TS” with “yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM”
    • The met data includes many variables that are not needed by EddyPro, these need to be deleted.
    •  The remaining variable names and units then need to be re-labeled to suit EddyPro format, which is very particular. 
  • Some variables are measured multiple times using multiple sensors
    • air temperature, soil heat flux, and soil moisture and temperature.  
    • To differentiate each variable, a suffix can be added to the end of the variable’s name in the form of “_X_Y_Z”; where X = location, Y = measurement plane, Z = replicate.
  • met data temperatures in degrees Celsius need to be converted to Kelvin.
    • create Celsius columns with the formula “=273.15+[Celsius Value]”
    • no empty cells in the Celsius column (converting empty cells to ‘NAN’); 
    • Next, copy and paste the new Kelvin column using “Paste Values” to remove formulas and keep Kelvin units.  
  • EddyPro can only read numbers
    • search for any non-numeric values and replace them with EddyPro’s default error value, ‘-9999.0’.  
    • Non-numeric values encountered to date are, ‘NAN’, ‘INF’, ‘=-INF’, ‘#NAME?’, ‘#VALUE!’, ‘#REF!’, ‘#DIV/0!’, but there may be others.
  • Save the data
  • No labels