

Yong Wook Kim

Bethany Blakely  

Katie Bowman 

Rob Kooper 

Minu Mathew 


  1. Create a function for quality check in precip data.
    1. Missing timestamp check : the function should break and write the till then processed output to file.
    2. If missing timestamp - do not sum to 30min period. Put the whole 30min timeperiod to have NAN/ fill value. 
      1. Check and throw a warning.
      2. Should we prefill the missing timestamp precip value with something(maybe previous cell or the next cell) ? Do not do this.
      3. Manual entry treats timestamp as the end of period. automated entry treats as starting of period. but then we shift dat file to reflect starting of period.
        1. Hence automated and manual timestamps are correct. This is correct.
        2. The only thing to note for is to merge the precip and the dat file after dat is time shifted. this is correct.
    3. Possible data values check : The range of precip data is 0-0.2 in. Put a NAN if value is out of range. 
    4. The current 'FALSE' for precip (P_rain) column is probably because the manual summation to 30min timestamps is not right. OfTools might be calculating at entry of timestamp instead of end of timestamp. Hence keep the current automation as it is.

Action items
