

Yong Wook Kim

Bethany Blakely  

Rob Kooper 

Minu Mathew 

Taylor Pederson 


  1. 83 mainstem variables and 20 ameriflux only variables - all to be present in L1_ameriflux.txt? Of the 83 mainstem variables, only some have changed variable names. - current code writes everything:
    1. Write just the variables given in Ameriflux-mainstem key.xlsx to L1_ameriflux.txt.
    2. Additional variables will get deleted at the end.
  2. Should the error variable change from Ameriflux to PyFluxpro friendly be changed optionally ?
    1. default option to convert ameriflux->pyfluxpro->ameriflux.
  3. Ancillary variables - still need to check.
  4. L2 - range checks for Ameriflux Only variables
    1. Checkout L2_AF.txt which has the whole list of ameriflux-friendly variables with range checks and exclude dates.
  5. Discrepancy in dependancyCheck - Eg: H2O_IRGA_Vr.
    1. still need to check

Action items
