API Gateway

Build: #63 was successful Changes by Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan


The following logs have been generated by the jobs in this branch.
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Job Logs
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12-Oct-2018 09:25:48 7c9b17433752: Pull complete
12-Oct-2018 09:25:51 114e02586e63: Pull complete
12-Oct-2018 09:25:52 e4c663802e9a: Pull complete
12-Oct-2018 09:25:52 Digest: sha256:b91008e234402fc87e7889d6af1f36b6ece844c05989236d83d1f658a6f329b0
12-Oct-2018 09:25:52 Status: Downloaded newer image for java:8-jre
12-Oct-2018 09:25:52 ---> e44d62cf8862
12-Oct-2018 09:25:52 Step 2/6 : MAINTAINER Bing Zhang <bing@illinois.edu>
12-Oct-2018 09:25:52 ---> Running in 953f6a508e58
12-Oct-2018 09:25:53 Removing intermediate container 953f6a508e58
12-Oct-2018 09:25:53 ---> 6915f9ef3b45
12-Oct-2018 09:25:53 Step 3/6 : EXPOSE 8080
12-Oct-2018 09:25:53 ---> Running in 869a92af4616
12-Oct-2018 09:25:53 Removing intermediate container 869a92af4616
12-Oct-2018 09:25:53 ---> 322685c16528
12-Oct-2018 09:25:53 Step 4/6 : WORKDIR "/home/fence"
12-Oct-2018 09:25:54 Removing intermediate container 78fbdadf76ee
12-Oct-2018 09:25:54 ---> c7f72a852802
12-Oct-2018 09:25:54 Step 5/6 : COPY files /home/fence/
12-Oct-2018 09:25:55 ---> 510453a9bc50
12-Oct-2018 09:25:55 Step 6/6 : ENTRYPOINT ["/home/fence/entrypoint.sh"]
12-Oct-2018 09:25:55 ---> Running in f88cac1b7a7b
12-Oct-2018 09:25:56 Removing intermediate container f88cac1b7a7b
12-Oct-2018 09:25:56 ---> bad7412661e7
12-Oct-2018 09:25:56 Successfully built bad7412661e7
12-Oct-2018 09:25:56 Successfully tagged browndog/fence:latest