API Gateway

Build: #70 was successful Changes by Luigi Marini


The following logs have been generated by the jobs in this branch.
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Job Logs
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08-Nov-2019 16:35:25 114e02586e63: Pull complete
08-Nov-2019 16:35:25 e4c663802e9a: Pull complete
08-Nov-2019 16:35:26 Digest: sha256:b91008e234402fc87e7889d6af1f36b6ece844c05989236d83d1f658a6f329b0
08-Nov-2019 16:35:26 Status: Downloaded newer image for java:8-jre
08-Nov-2019 16:35:26 ---> e44d62cf8862
08-Nov-2019 16:35:26 Step 2/6 : MAINTAINER Bing Zhang <bing@illinois.edu>
08-Nov-2019 16:35:26 ---> Running in 9842f47e98e4
08-Nov-2019 16:35:27 Removing intermediate container 9842f47e98e4
08-Nov-2019 16:35:27 ---> 9ce576d42b8f
08-Nov-2019 16:35:27 Step 3/6 : EXPOSE 8080
08-Nov-2019 16:35:27 ---> Running in 9438a850fd97
08-Nov-2019 16:35:27 Removing intermediate container 9438a850fd97
08-Nov-2019 16:35:27 ---> 87e1845c5dbc
08-Nov-2019 16:35:27 Step 4/6 : WORKDIR "/home/fence"
08-Nov-2019 16:35:28 ---> Running in 86f20bd69600
08-Nov-2019 16:35:31 Removing intermediate container 86f20bd69600
08-Nov-2019 16:35:31 ---> b777db766a40
08-Nov-2019 16:35:31 Step 5/6 : COPY files /home/fence/
08-Nov-2019 16:35:32 ---> 28142b041b12
08-Nov-2019 16:35:32 Step 6/6 : ENTRYPOINT ["/home/fence/entrypoint.sh"]
08-Nov-2019 16:35:32 ---> Running in c59156bae135
08-Nov-2019 16:35:33 Removing intermediate container c59156bae135
08-Nov-2019 16:35:33 ---> 5ef9be92d26a
08-Nov-2019 16:35:33 Successfully built 5ef9be92d26a
08-Nov-2019 16:35:33 Successfully tagged browndog/fence:latest