Core application including web front end

Build: #38 was successful Changes by 3 people

Build result summary


Queue duration
< 1 second
26 minutes
Total tests


  • 0 New failures
  • 0 Existing failures
  • 0 Fixed

Code commits

Author Commit Message Commit date
Todd Nicholson Todd Nicholson 5c6327259c42e2b76bd11a1274e28bea65ca705c New Tree view as a tab in home page to navigate resources as a hiearchical tree (spaces, collections, datasets, folders and files). The tree is lazily loaded using a new endpoint `api/tree/getChildrenOfNode`.
Luigi Marini Luigi Marini 78d815f48955b22ad48098d94368898f09a37614 Updated CHANGELOG for 1.8 release.
Luigi Marini Luigi Marini 13b35cf027d9cb65bde56d0d886710f54f382ef5 Updated CHANGELOG for 1.8 release.
Luigi Marini Luigi Marini d7a2c0532e868a2b0f2dda09381ea825bbe89dc5 Cleaned up extractors pages. Added padding to footer so that it is not as crammed and superadmin warning bottom bar does not cover buttons.
Luigi Marini Luigi Marini 6f5f3492605d6399c02985301533c460d9df16d9 Added a max of 100 status messages on the  page listing all extractions. Before trying to list all extractions in the system was causing the JVM to run out of memory. The link to the page in the admin menu was remove, but the page is still there for future improvements.

Jira issues

Unknown Issue TypeCATS-1007Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeCATS-1010Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeCATS-1025Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeCATS-1030Could not obtain issue details from Jira
Unknown Issue TypeCATS-1031Could not obtain issue details from Jira

Shared artifacts

Artifact File size
dist 101 MB
scaladoc 42 MB