Core application including web front end

Build: #2 failed

Job: default failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

Build log

The build generated 3,549 lines of output.   The output is too long and has been truncated to the last 1,000 lines. Download or view full build log.

28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.66
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#mongo-java-driver;2.11.3 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.66
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah-query_2.10;2.6.4 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.67
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.json4s#json4s-native_2.10;3.2.5 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.67
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.json4s#json4s-core_2.10;3.2.5 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.67
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.json4s#json4s-ast_2.10;3.2.5 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.68
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving com.thoughtworks.paranamer#paranamer;2.5.6 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.68
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.mockito#mockito-all;1.9.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.69
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah_2.10;2.6.3 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.69
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah-gridfs_2.10;2.6.3 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.69
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.postgresql#postgresql;42.1.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.70
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving javax.servlet#servlet-api;2.5 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.70
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.reflections#reflections;0.9.10 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.70
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.javassist#javassist;3.18.2-GA ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.71
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving;2.0.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.71
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving commons-lang#commons-lang;2.6 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.71
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving commons-io#commons-io;2.4 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.72
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving commons-logging#commons-logging;1.1.3 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.72
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving;3.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.72
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving javax.inject#javax.inject;1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.72
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving aopalliance#aopalliance;1.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.73
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.sisu.inject#cglib;2.2.1-v20090111 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.73
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving asm#asm;3.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.73
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpclient;4.2.3 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.74
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving commons-codec#commons-codec;1.6 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.74
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcore;4.2.3 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.74
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpmime;4.2.3 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.75
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving com.googlecode.json-simple#json-simple;1.1.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.75
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving junit#junit;4.10 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.75
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.hamcrest#hamcrest-core;1.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.76
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.codeartisans#org.json;20131017 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.76
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.irods.jargon#jargon-core;3.3.3-beta1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.76
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.julienrf#play-jsonp-filter_2.10;1.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.76
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.4 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.77
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-bom;1.11.106 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.77
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-s3;1.11.106 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.78
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-kms;1.11.106 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.78
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-core;1.11.106 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.78
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpclient;4.5.2 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.79
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcore;4.4.4 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.79
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving commons-logging#commons-logging;1.2 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.80
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving commons-codec#commons-codec;1.9 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.80
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving;1.0.2 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.80
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-databind;2.6.6 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.81
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-annotations;2.6.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.81
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#jmespath-java;1.11.106 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 #14 12.86
28-Apr-2020 16:12:21 M[info] Resolving commons-logging#commons-logging;1.1.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.26
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.27
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving junit#junit;4.11 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.27
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.hamcrest#hamcrest-core;1.3 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.28
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.specs2#specs2_2.10;2.1.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.28
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.scalaz#scalaz-core_2.10;7.0.2 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.28
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.scalaz#scalaz-concurrent_2.10;7.0.2 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.28
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.scalaz#scalaz-effect_2.10;7.0.2 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.29
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving com.novocode#junit-interface;0.10 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.29
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.scala-tools.testing#test-interface;0.5 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.30
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving;2.0.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.30
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.fluentlenium#fluentlenium-festassert;0.8.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.30
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.fluentlenium#fluentlenium-core;0.8.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.31
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-java;2.32.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.31
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-android-driver;2.32.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.32
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-remote-driver;2.32.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.32
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving cglib#cglib-nodep;2.1_3 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.32
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.json#json;20080701 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.33
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-api;2.32.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.34
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-exec;1.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.34
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving;3.4.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.34
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving;3.4.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.35
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-chrome-driver;2.32.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.35
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-htmlunit-driver;2.32.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.36
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit;2.12 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.36
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving xalan#xalan;2.7.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.37
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving xalan#serializer;2.7.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.38
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving commons-collections#commons-collections;3.2.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.39
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit-core-js;2.12 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.40
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.nekohtml#nekohtml;1.9.18 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.40
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.cssparser#cssparser;0.9.9 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.41
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.w3c.css#sac;1.3 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.42
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-websocket;8.1.9.v20130131 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.42
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-util;8.1.9.v20130131 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.43
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-io;8.1.9.v20130131 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.44
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-http;8.1.9.v20130131 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.44
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-firefox-driver;2.32.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.45
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-ie-driver;2.32.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.45
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-iphone-driver;2.32.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.45
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-safari-driver;2.32.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.46
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.webbitserver#webbit;0.4.14 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.46
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-support;2.32.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.47
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.easytesting#fest-assert;1.4 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.47
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.easytesting#fest-util;1.1.6 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.48
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.scalatestplus#play_2.10;1.0.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.48
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.scalatest#scalatest_2.10;2.1.5 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.49
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-java;2.38.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.49
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-android-driver;2.38.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.49
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-remote-driver;2.38.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.50
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-api;2.38.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.51
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-chrome-driver;2.38.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.51
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-htmlunit-driver;2.38.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.51
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit;2.13 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.52
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpmime;4.3.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.53
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit-core-js;2.13 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.54
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.nekohtml#nekohtml;1.9.19 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.54
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.cssparser#cssparser;0.9.11 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.55
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-websocket;8.1.12.v20130726 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.55
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-util;8.1.12.v20130726 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.56
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-io;8.1.12.v20130726 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.56
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-http;8.1.12.v20130726 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.57
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-firefox-driver;2.38.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.57
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-ie-driver;2.38.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.58
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-iphone-driver;2.38.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.58
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-safari-driver;2.38.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 #14 13.59
28-Apr-2020 16:12:22 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-support;2.38.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.38
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.38
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.40
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcore;4.0.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.40
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpclient;4.0.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.41
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 M[info] Resolving;1.0.3 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.41
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 M[info] Resolving org.pegdown#pegdown;1.4.0 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.42
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 M[info] Resolving org.parboiled#parboiled-java;1.1.5 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.42
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 M[info] Resolving org.parboiled#parboiled-core;1.1.5 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.42
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm;4.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.42
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-tree;4.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.43
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-analysis;4.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.43
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-util;4.1 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.44
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#jline;2.10.3 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.44
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 M[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.61 [info] Done updating.
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.65 [warn] Scala version was updated by one of library dependencies:
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.65 [warn]         * org.scala-lang:scala-library:(2.10.0, 2.10.3, 2.10.2) -> 2.10.4
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.65 [warn] To force scalaVersion, add the following:
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.65 [warn]         ivyScala := ivyScala.value map { _.copy(overrideScalaVersion = true) }
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.65 [warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings
28-Apr-2020 16:12:23 #14 14.65 [success] Total time: 3 s, completed Apr 28, 2020 9:12:23 PM
28-Apr-2020 16:12:24 #14    completed: 2020-04-28 21:12:24.481859048 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:12:24 #14     duration: 15.498310891s
28-Apr-2020 16:12:24
28-Apr-2020 16:12:24
28-Apr-2020 16:12:24 #15 [clowder-build 5/9] COPY lib /src/lib/
28-Apr-2020 16:12:24 #15       digest: sha256:893c86ca468e4a0e466b9f739ccb278168ab573d9a8a7e085b7b94fbbc071859
28-Apr-2020 16:12:24 #15         name: "[clowder-build 5/9] COPY lib /src/lib/"
28-Apr-2020 16:12:24 #15      started: 2020-04-28 21:12:24.524170409 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:12:25 #15    completed: 2020-04-28 21:12:25.307944798 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:12:25 #15     duration: 783.774389ms
28-Apr-2020 16:12:25
28-Apr-2020 16:12:25
28-Apr-2020 16:12:25 #16 [clowder-build 6/9] COPY conf /src/conf/
28-Apr-2020 16:12:25 #16       digest: sha256:ff3c8d985ea5ed30119e1e45d07b9d7e702ee0e02e569bd6e46702d67ae435c2
28-Apr-2020 16:12:25 #16         name: "[clowder-build 6/9] COPY conf /src/conf/"
28-Apr-2020 16:12:25 #16      started: 2020-04-28 21:12:25.374286011 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:12:26 #16    completed: 2020-04-28 21:12:26.085100414 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:12:26 #16     duration: 710.814403ms
28-Apr-2020 16:12:26
28-Apr-2020 16:12:26
28-Apr-2020 16:12:26 #17 [clowder-build 7/9] COPY public /src/public/
28-Apr-2020 16:12:26 #17       digest: sha256:f960672211b6dbb32236e620ba4258340a84eec644f7ea797dd8070a69b4bd7d
28-Apr-2020 16:12:26 #17         name: "[clowder-build 7/9] COPY public /src/public/"
28-Apr-2020 16:12:26 #17      started: 2020-04-28 21:12:26.168980459 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:12:27 #17    completed: 2020-04-28 21:12:27.260872386 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:12:27 #17     duration: 1.091891927s
28-Apr-2020 16:12:27
28-Apr-2020 16:12:27
28-Apr-2020 16:12:27 #18 [clowder-build 8/9] COPY app /src/app/
28-Apr-2020 16:12:27 #18       digest: sha256:270948263b0ef4885ebc30a701c7f7cb68e3edbf8c9335d04243e2c83769fc06
28-Apr-2020 16:12:27 #18         name: "[clowder-build 8/9] COPY app /src/app/"
28-Apr-2020 16:12:27 #18      started: 2020-04-28 21:12:27.280508647 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:12:28 #18    completed: 2020-04-28 21:12:28.098590424 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:12:28 #18     duration: 818.081777ms
28-Apr-2020 16:12:28
28-Apr-2020 16:12:28
28-Apr-2020 16:12:28 #19 [clowder-build 9/9] RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.ivy2     --moun...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:28 #19       digest: sha256:91ee3ced1d465ed4a202fb7096663724c0f5c0894750571f3c5f109261a15225
28-Apr-2020 16:12:28 #19         name: "[clowder-build 9/9] RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.ivy2     --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.m2     --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.sbt     --mount=type=cache,target=/src/target     rm -rf target/universal/clowder-*.zip clowder clowder-*     && ./sbt dist     && ls -l target/universal/     && unzip -q target/universal/clowder-*.zip     && ls -l     && mv clowder-* clowder     && mkdir -p clowder/custom clowder/logs"
28-Apr-2020 16:12:28 #19      started: 2020-04-28 21:12:28.124552696 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:12:29 #19 0.853 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=1024M; support was removed in 8.0
28-Apr-2020 16:12:31 #19 3.196 [info] Loading project definition from /src/project
28-Apr-2020 16:12:31 #19 3.573 [warn] There may be incompatibilities among your library dependencies.
28-Apr-2020 16:12:31 #19 3.573 [warn] Here are some of the libraries that were evicted:
28-Apr-2020 16:12:31 #19 3.574 [warn]         * com.typesafe.sbt:sbt-native-packager:0.6.4 -> 0.8.0-RC2
28-Apr-2020 16:12:31 #19 3.574 [warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings
28-Apr-2020 16:12:32 #19 4.652 [info] Set current project to clowder (in build file:/src/)
28-Apr-2020 16:12:34 #19 6.001 [info] Packaging /src/target/scala-2.10/clowder_2.10-1.8.2-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar ...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:34 #19 6.224 [info] Done packaging.
28-Apr-2020 16:12:35 #19 6.875 [info] Wrote /src/target/scala-2.10/clowder_2.10-1.8.2-SNAPSHOT.pom
28-Apr-2020 16:12:35 #19 6.901 [warn] Scala version was updated by one of library dependencies:
28-Apr-2020 16:12:35 #19 6.903 [warn]         * org.scala-lang:scala-library:(2.10.0, 2.10.3, 2.10.2) -> 2.10.4
28-Apr-2020 16:12:35 #19 6.903 [warn] To force scalaVersion, add the following:
28-Apr-2020 16:12:35 #19 6.904 [warn]         ivyScala := ivyScala.value map { _.copy(overrideScalaVersion = true) }
28-Apr-2020 16:12:35 #19 6.904 [warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings
28-Apr-2020 16:12:56 #19 27.82 [info] Main Scala API documentation to /src/target/scala-2.10/api...
28-Apr-2020 16:12:57 #19 29.30 [info] Compiling 237 Scala sources and 3 Java sources to /src/target/scala-2.10/classes...
28-Apr-2020 16:13:18 #19 50.44 [warn] /src/app/api/Extractions.scala:14: imported `Files' is permanently hidden by definition of class Files in package api
28-Apr-2020 16:13:18 #19 50.44 [warn] import play.api.libs.{Files, MimeTypes}
28-Apr-2020 16:13:18 #19 50.44 [warn]                       ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.72 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:68: postfix operator minutes should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.72 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.72 [warn] This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import scala.language.postfixOps'
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.72 [warn] or by setting the compiler option -language:postfixOps.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.72 [warn] See the Scala docs for value scala.language.postfixOps for a discussion
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.72 [warn] why the feature should be explicitly enabled.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.72 [warn]       val interval = if (archiveDebug) { 5 minutes } else { 1 day }
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.72 [warn]                                            ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:68: postfix operator day should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn]       val interval = if (archiveDebug) { 5 minutes } else { 1 day }
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn]                                                               ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:74: postfix operator seconds should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn]       val delay = if (archiveDebug) { 10 seconds } else {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn]                                          ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:75: postfix operator seconds should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn]         (Duration.ofDays(1).getSeconds - sinceLastMidnight) seconds
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn]                                                             ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:86: postfix operator minutes should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn]       extractorTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 5 minutes) {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn]                                                           ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:86: postfix operator minutes should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn]       extractorTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 5 minutes) {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn]                                                                      ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:92: postfix operator minutes should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn]       jobTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 1 minutes) {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn]                                                     ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:92: postfix operator minutes should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn]       jobTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 1 minutes) {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn]                                                                ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:106: postfix operator seconds should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn]         Akka.system().scheduler.scheduleOnce(10 seconds) {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:20 #19 52.73 [warn]                                                 ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:21 #19 52.85 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:520: @deprecated now takes two arguments; see the scaladoc.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:21 #19 52.85 [warn]   @deprecated
28-Apr-2020 16:13:21 #19 52.85 [warn]    ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:23 #19 55.15 [warn] /src/app/api/CurationObjects.scala:124: postfix operator toList should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:23 #19 55.15 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:23 #19 55.15 [warn]             metadataJson = metadataJson ++ Map(key -> Json.toJson(metadataList.filter(_.label == key).map{item => item.content}toList))
28-Apr-2020 16:13:23 #19 55.15 [warn]                                                                                                                                ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:24 #19 55.92 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBTagService.scala:7: imported `Tag' is permanently hidden by definition of object Tag in package mongodb
28-Apr-2020 16:13:24 #19 55.92 [warn] import models.{Tag, UUID}
28-Apr-2020 16:13:24 #19 55.92 [warn]                ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:24 #19 56.09 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBDatasetService.scala:1422: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:24 #19 56.09 [warn]       case _ => Logger.error(s"Error queuing dataset ${id.stringify}")
28-Apr-2020 16:13:24 #19 56.09 [warn]            ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:24 #19 56.68 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBFileService.scala:338: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:24 #19 56.68 [warn]       case _ => Logger.error(s"Error queuing file ${id.stringify}")
28-Apr-2020 16:13:24 #19 56.68 [warn]            ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:24 #19 56.69 [warn] /src/app/api/Extractions.scala:14: imported `Files' is permanently hidden by definition of class Files in package api
28-Apr-2020 16:13:24 #19 56.69 [warn] import play.api.libs.{Files, MimeTypes}
28-Apr-2020 16:13:24 #19 56.69 [warn]                       ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:25 #19 57.45 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:520: @deprecated now takes two arguments; see the scaladoc.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:25 #19 57.45 [warn]   @deprecated
28-Apr-2020 16:13:25 #19 57.45 [warn]    ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:46: postfix operator tupled should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn]   ) tupled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn]     ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:54: postfix operator tupled should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn]   ) tupled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn]     ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:63: postfix operator tupled should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn]   ) tupled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn]     ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:70: postfix operator tupled should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn]     ) tupled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn]       ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:78: postfix operator tupled should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn]     ) tupled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn]       ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:87: postfix operator tupled should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.05 [warn]     ) tupled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.06 [warn]       ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.06 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:95: postfix operator tupled should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.06 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.06 [warn]     ) tupled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.06 [warn]       ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.10 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBInstitutionService.scala:3: imported `Institution' is permanently hidden by definition of object Institution in package mongodb
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.10 [warn] import models.Institution
28-Apr-2020 16:13:27 #19 59.10 [warn]               ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.11 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBProjectService.scala:3: imported `Project' is permanently hidden by definition of object Project in package mongodb
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.11 [warn] import models.Project
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.11 [warn]               ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.25 [warn] /src/app/api/Reporting.scala:45: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.25 [warn]               case _ => Some("".getBytes("UTF-8"))
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.25 [warn]                    ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.25 [warn] /src/app/api/Reporting.scala:78: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.25 [warn]               case _ => Some("".getBytes("UTF-8"))
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.25 [warn]                    ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.26 [warn] /src/app/api/Reporting.scala:111: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.26 [warn]               case _ => Some("".getBytes("UTF-8"))
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.26 [warn]                    ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.27 [warn] /src/app/api/Reporting.scala:127: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.27 [warn]   """Includes file, dataset, collection reports"""
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.27 [warn]   ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.33 [warn] /src/app/api/Reporting.scala:291: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.33 [warn]     """returnAllColumns will include empty columns to align with file rows on report"""
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.33 [warn]     ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.34 [warn] /src/app/api/Reporting.scala:345: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.34 [warn]     """returnAllColumns will include empty columns to align with file rows on report"""
28-Apr-2020 16:13:28 #19 60.34 [warn]     ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:31 #19 62.79 [warn] /src/app/controllers/CurationObjects.scala:477: postfix operator toList should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:31 #19 62.79 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:31 #19 62.79 [warn]       metadataJson = metadataJson ++ Map(key -> Json.toJson(metadataList.filter(_.label == key).map { item => item.content }toList))
28-Apr-2020 16:13:31 #19 62.79 [warn]                                                                                                                             ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:31 #19 62.80 [warn] /src/app/controllers/CurationObjects.scala:698: postfix operator toList should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:31 #19 62.80 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:31 #19 62.80 [warn]             metadataJson = metadataJson ++ Map(key -> Json.toJson(metadataList.filter(_.label == key).map { item => item.content }toList))
28-Apr-2020 16:13:31 #19 62.80 [warn]                                                                                                                                   ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:32 #19 63.90 [warn] /src/app/controllers/Registration.scala:13: imported `Registration' is permanently hidden by definition of class Registration in package controllers
28-Apr-2020 16:13:32 #19 63.90 [warn] import securesocial.controllers.{ProviderController, Registration, TemplatesPlugin}
28-Apr-2020 16:13:32 #19 63.90 [warn]                                                      ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:32 #19 63.93 [warn] /src/app/controllers/Registration.scala:67: reflective access of structural type member value currentHasher should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:32 #19 63.93 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.reflectiveCalls visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:32 #19 63.93 [warn] This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import scala.language.reflectiveCalls'
28-Apr-2020 16:13:32 #19 63.93 [warn] or by setting the compiler option -language:reflectiveCalls.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:32 #19 63.93 [warn] See the Scala docs for value scala.language.reflectiveCalls for a discussion
28-Apr-2020 16:13:32 #19 63.93 [warn] why the feature should be explicitly enabled.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:32 #19 63.93 [warn]               passwordInfo = Some(Registry.hashers.currentHasher.hash(info.password))
28-Apr-2020 16:13:32 #19 63.93 [warn]                                                    ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:32 #19 64.53 [warn] /src/app/controllers/Spaces.scala:278: postfix operator toMap should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:32 #19 64.53 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:32 #19 64.53 [warn]         val roleDescription = users.listRoles() map (t => -> t.description) toMap
28-Apr-2020 16:13:32 #19 64.53 [warn]                                                                                    ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.32 [warn] /src/app/models/UUID.scala:36: implicit conversion method stringToUUID should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.32 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.32 [warn] This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import scala.language.implicitConversions'
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.32 [warn] or by setting the compiler option -language:implicitConversions.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.32 [warn] See the Scala docs for value scala.language.implicitConversions for a discussion
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.32 [warn] why the feature should be explicitly enabled.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.33 [warn]   implicit def stringToUUID(s: String) = UUID(s)
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.33 [warn]                ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.33 [warn] /src/app/models/UUID.scala:37: implicit conversion method uuidToObjectId should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.33 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.33 [warn]   implicit def uuidToObjectId(uuid: UUID) = new ObjectId(uuid.stringify)
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.33 [warn]                ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.33 [warn] /src/app/models/UUID.scala:38: implicit conversion method objectIdToUUID should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.33 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.33 [warn]   implicit def objectIdToUUID(objectId: ObjectId) = UUID(objectId.toString)
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.33 [warn]                ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.40 [warn] /src/app/models/User.scala:104: implicit conversion method userToMiniUser should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.40 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.40 [warn]   implicit def userToMiniUser(x: User): MiniUser = x.getMiniUser
28-Apr-2020 16:13:34 #19 66.40 [warn]                ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:35 #19 66.96 [warn] /src/app/services/ElasticsearchPlugin.scala:690: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses
28-Apr-2020 16:13:35 #19 66.96 [warn]     """dynamic_templates": [{
28-Apr-2020 16:13:35 #19 66.96 [warn]     ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:35 #19 67.12 [warn] /src/app/services/PolyglotPlugin.scala:83: postfix operator seconds should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:35 #19 67.12 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:35 #19 67.12 [warn]           akka.pattern.after(3 seconds, using = Akka.system.scheduler)(checkForFileAndDownload((triesLeft - 1), url, outputStream))
28-Apr-2020 16:13:35 #19 67.12 [warn]                                ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:36 #19 68.35 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoContext.scala:253: implicit conversion method dbObjectToString should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:36 #19 68.35 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:36 #19 68.35 [warn]   implicit def dbObjectToString(dbObject: DBObject): String = {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:36 #19 68.35 [warn]                ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:37 #19 68.87 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBCollectionService.scala:907: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:37 #19 68.87 [warn]       case _ => Logger.error(s"Error queuing collection ${id.stringify}")
28-Apr-2020 16:13:37 #19 68.87 [warn]            ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:37 #19 69.18 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBCommentService.scala:3: imported `Comment' is permanently hidden by definition of object Comment in package mongodb
28-Apr-2020 16:13:37 #19 69.18 [warn] import models.{DBResult, UUID, Comment}
28-Apr-2020 16:13:37 #19 69.18 [warn]                                ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:38 #19 69.86 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBTagService.scala:7: imported `Tag' is permanently hidden by definition of object Tag in package mongodb
28-Apr-2020 16:13:38 #19 69.86 [warn] import models.{Tag, UUID}
28-Apr-2020 16:13:38 #19 69.86 [warn]                ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:38 #19 69.99 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBDatasetService.scala:1422: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:38 #19 69.99 [warn]       case _ => Logger.error(s"Error queuing dataset ${id.stringify}")
28-Apr-2020 16:13:38 #19 69.99 [warn]            ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:38 #19 70.41 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionRequestsService.scala:20: imported `MongoSalatPlugin' is permanently hidden by definition of class MongoSalatPlugin in package mongodb
28-Apr-2020 16:13:38 #19 70.41 [warn] import services.mongodb.MongoSalatPlugin
28-Apr-2020 16:13:38 #19 70.41 [warn]                         ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:38 #19 70.44 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionService.scala:4: imported `Extraction' is permanently hidden by definition of object Extraction in package mongodb
28-Apr-2020 16:13:38 #19 70.44 [warn] import models.{UUID, Extraction, ExtractionGroup, ResourceRef}
28-Apr-2020 16:13:38 #19 70.44 [warn]                      ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:38 #19 70.45 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionService.scala:13: imported `WebPageResource' is permanently hidden by definition of object WebPageResource in package mongodb
28-Apr-2020 16:13:38 #19 70.45 [warn] import models.WebPageResource
28-Apr-2020 16:13:38 #19 70.45 [warn]               ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:38 #19 70.82 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBFileService.scala:338: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:38 #19 70.82 [warn]       case _ => Logger.error(s"Error queuing file ${id.stringify}")
28-Apr-2020 16:13:39 #19 70.82 [warn]            ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.00 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:707: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.00 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.00 [warn]     files.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.00 [warn]              ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.16 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:1051: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.16 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.16 [warn]         files.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.17 [warn]                  ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.22 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:1250: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.22 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.22 [warn]     files.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.22 [warn]              ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.23 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:1271: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.23 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.23 [warn]     files.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.23 [warn]              ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.27 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:1440: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.27 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.27 [warn]             files.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.27 [warn]                      ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.70 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBDatasetService.scala:437: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.70 [warn] It would fail on the following input: Some((x: String forSome x not in ("default", "private", "public", "publicAll", "trial")))
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.70 [warn]     val filterStatus = status match {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:42 #19 74.70 [warn]                        ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 74.87 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBFileService.scala:784: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 74.87 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 74.87 [warn]         get(id) match{
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 74.87 [warn]            ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 74.95 [warn] /src/conf/routes:47: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 74.95 [warn] GET            /profile/:uuid                                                           @controllers.Profile.viewProfileUUID(uuid: UUID)
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 74.98 [warn] /src/conf/routes:298: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 74.98 [warn] POST           /api/sensors/config                                                      @api.Admin.sensorsConfig
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.00 [warn] /src/conf/routes:637: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.00 [warn] DELETE         /api/sections/:id/tags                                                   @api.Sections.removeTags(id: UUID)
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.02 [warn] /src/conf/routes:368: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.02 [warn] POST           /api/uploadToDataset/:id                                                 @api.Files.uploadToDataset(id: UUID, showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String ?= "", extract: Boolean ?= true)
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.04 [warn] /src/conf/routes:391: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.04 [warn] DELETE         /api/files/:id                                                           @api.Files.removeFile(id: UUID)
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.06 [warn] /src/conf/routes:397: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.06 [warn] DELETE         /api/files/:id/tags                                                      @api.Files.removeTags(id: UUID)
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.07 [warn] /src/conf/routes:461: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.07 [warn] GET            /api/files/:three_d_file_id/:filename                                    @api.Files.getTexture(three_d_file_id: UUID, filename)
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.09 [warn] /src/conf/routes:448: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.09 [warn] GET            /api/files/:id                                                  UUID, tracking: Boolean ?= true)
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.11 [warn] /src/conf/routes:364: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.11 [warn] POST           /api/files/withFlags/:flags                                              @api.Files.upload(showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String)
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.16 [warn] /src/conf/routes:505: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.16 [warn] GET            /api/collections/list                                                    @api.Collections.list(title: Option[String] ?= None, date: Option[String] ?= None, limit: Int ?= 12, exact: Boolean ?= false)
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.18 [warn] /src/conf/routes:512: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.18 [warn] DELETE         /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id                                @api.Collections.removeDataset(coll_id: UUID, ds_id: UUID, ignoreNotFound ?= "True")
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.20 [warn] /src/conf/routes:518: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.20 [warn] DELETE         /api/collections/:coll_id                                                @api.Collections.removeCollection(coll_id: UUID)
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.22 [warn] /src/conf/routes:559: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.22 [warn] DELETE         /api/datasets/:ds_id/:file_id                                            @api.Datasets.detachFile(ds_id: UUID,file_id: UUID, ignoreNotFound ?= "True")
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.24 [warn] /src/conf/routes:571: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.24 [warn] GET            /api/datasets/:id/files                                                  @api.Datasets.datasetAllFilesList(id: UUID, max: Int ?= -1)
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.26 [warn] /src/conf/routes:517: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.26 [warn] GET            /api/collections/:coll_id/getDatasets                                    @api.Datasets.listInCollection(coll_id: UUID)
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.28 [warn] /src/conf/routes:585: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.28 [warn] DELETE         /api/datasets/:id/tags                                                   @api.Datasets.removeTags(id: UUID)
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.30 [warn] /src/conf/routes:672: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.30 [warn] GET            /api/geostreams/streams/update                                           api.Geostreams.updateStatisticsStreamSensor()
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.79 [warn] /src/app/views/collections/tile.scala.html:55: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.79 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.79 [warn]                 case Some(viewer) => {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:43 #19 75.80 [warn] ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.82 [warn] /src/app/views/curations/publishedGrid.scala.html:12: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.82 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsObject(_), JsUndefined()
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.82 [warn]           case creators:JsArray => {@(((jo \ "CreatorName"))(0).as[String].trim)@for(i <- 1 to (creators.value.size-1)){, @(((jo \ "CreatorName"))(i).as[String].trim)}}}"
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.82 [warn] ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.83 [warn] /src/app/views/curations/publishedGrid.scala.html:31: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.83 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsObject(_), JsUndefined()
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.83 [warn]           case creator:JsString => {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.83 [warn] ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.84 [warn] /src/app/views/curations/publishedGrid.scala.html:9: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.84 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_), JsUndefined()
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.84 [warn]                     case jo:JsObject => {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.84 [warn] ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.90 [warn] /src/app/views/datasets/tile.scala.html:65: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.90 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.90 [warn]                 case Some(viewer) => {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.90 [warn] ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.92 [warn] /src/app/views/files/tile.scala.html:45: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.92 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.92 [warn]                 case Some(viewer) => {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.92 [warn] ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.97 [warn] /src/app/views/metadatald/newCard.scala.html:12: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.97 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_), JsUndefined()
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.97 [warn]                 case o: JsObject => {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.97 [warn] ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.98 [warn] /src/app/views/metadatald/newTableRow.scala.html:12: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.98 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_), JsUndefined()
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.98 [warn]                 case o: JsObject => {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 75.98 [warn] ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 76.72 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBQueueService.scala:78: postfix operator seconds should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 76.72 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 76.72 [warn]       queueTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 seconds, 5 millis) {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 76.72 [warn]                                                       ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 76.72 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBQueueService.scala:78: postfix operator millis should be enabled
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 76.72 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 76.72 [warn]       queueTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 seconds, 5 millis) {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:44 #19 76.72 [warn]                                                                  ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:45 #19 77.10 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSelectionService.scala:11: imported `Dataset' is permanently hidden by definition of object Dataset in package mongodb
28-Apr-2020 16:13:45 #19 77.10 [warn] import models.{UUID, Dataset, Selected}
28-Apr-2020 16:13:45 #19 77.10 [warn]                      ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:45 #19 77.15 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSpaceService.scala:23: imported `Collection' is permanently hidden by definition of object Collection in package mongodb
28-Apr-2020 16:13:45 #19 77.15 [warn] import models.Collection
28-Apr-2020 16:13:45 #19 77.15 [warn]               ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:45 #19 77.15 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSpaceService.scala:24: imported `Dataset' is permanently hidden by definition of object Dataset in package mongodb
28-Apr-2020 16:13:45 #19 77.15 [warn] import models.Dataset
28-Apr-2020 16:13:45 #19 77.15 [warn]               ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:48 #19 79.94 [warn] /src/app/util/SearchUtils.scala:157: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning.
28-Apr-2020 16:13:48 #19 79.94 [warn]             case _ => {
28-Apr-2020 16:13:48 #19 79.94 [warn]                  ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:49 #19 80.94 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBFileService.scala:816: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata
28-Apr-2020 16:13:49 #19 80.94 [warn]             if(!file.xmlMetadata.isEmpty){
28-Apr-2020 16:13:49 #19 80.94 [warn]                      ^
28-Apr-2020 16:13:49 #19 81.14 [warn] /src/conf/routes:363: method upload in class Files is deprecated
28-Apr-2020 16:13:49 #19 81.14 [warn] POST           /api/files                                                               @api.Files.upload(showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String ?= "")
28-Apr-2020 16:13:49 #19 81.27 [warn] /src/conf/routes:363: method upload in class Files is deprecated
28-Apr-2020 16:13:49 #19 81.27 [warn] POST           /api/files                                                               @api.Files.upload(showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String ?= "")
28-Apr-2020 16:13:49 #19 81.28 [warn] /src/conf/routes:364: method upload in class Files is deprecated
28-Apr-2020 16:13:49 #19 81.28 [warn] POST           /api/files/withFlags/:flags                                              @api.Files.upload(showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String)
28-Apr-2020 16:14:00 #19 92.47 model contains 963 documentable templates
28-Apr-2020 16:14:04 #19 96.70 [warn] /src/app/services/irods/IRODSPlugin.scala:9: Tag '@date' is not recognised
28-Apr-2020 16:14:04 #19 96.70 [warn] /**
28-Apr-2020 16:14:04 #19 96.70 [warn] ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:13 #19 105.2 [warn] 54 warnings found
28-Apr-2020 16:14:13 #19 105.2 [info] Main Scala API documentation successful.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:13 #19 105.2 [info] Packaging /src/target/scala-2.10/clowder_2.10-1.8.2-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar ...
28-Apr-2020 16:14:14 #19 106.0 [info] Done packaging.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:21 #19 113.2 [warn] 41 warnings found
28-Apr-2020 16:14:22 #19 114.4 [warn] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.7
28-Apr-2020 16:14:22 #19 114.4 [warn] 1 warning
28-Apr-2020 16:14:23 #19 115.1 [info] Compiling 18 Scala sources and 3 Java sources to /src/target/scala-2.10/classes...
28-Apr-2020 16:14:35 #19 126.9 [warn] /src/app/api/Extractions.scala:14: imported `Files' is permanently hidden by definition of class Files in package api
28-Apr-2020 16:14:35 #19 126.9 [warn] import play.api.libs.{Files, MimeTypes}
28-Apr-2020 16:14:35 #19 126.9 [warn]                       ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:35 #19 127.3 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:520: @deprecated now takes two arguments; see the scaladoc.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:35 #19 127.3 [warn]   @deprecated
28-Apr-2020 16:14:35 #19 127.3 [warn]    ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:36 #19 128.5 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBTagService.scala:7: imported `Tag' is permanently hidden by definition of object Tag in package mongodb
28-Apr-2020 16:14:36 #19 128.5 [warn] import models.{Tag, UUID}
28-Apr-2020 16:14:36 #19 128.5 [warn]                ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:36 #19 128.6 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBDatasetService.scala:1422: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:36 #19 128.6 [warn]       case _ => Logger.error(s"Error queuing dataset ${id.stringify}")
28-Apr-2020 16:14:36 #19 128.6 [warn]            ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:37 #19 129.0 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBFileService.scala:338: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:37 #19 129.0 [warn]       case _ => Logger.error(s"Error queuing file ${id.stringify}")
28-Apr-2020 16:14:37 #19 129.0 [warn]            ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.3 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:86: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.3 [warn] It would fail on the following input: Nil
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.3 [warn]         folderList match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.3 [warn]         ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:756: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn]     datasets.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn]                 ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:973: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn]       datasets.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn]                   ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:1009: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn]       datasets.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn]                   ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:1048: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn]       datasets.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn]                   ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:1085: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn]       datasets.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn]                   ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:1107: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn]       datasets.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn]                   ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:1128: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn]       datasets.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.4 [warn]                   ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.5 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:1367: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.5 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.5 [warn]           datasets.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.5 [warn]                       ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.5 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:1404: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.5 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.5 [warn]           datasets.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.5 [warn]                       ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.5 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:1545: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.5 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.5 [warn]             datasets.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.5 [warn]                         ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.5 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:2550: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.5 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.5 [warn]     folders.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.5 [warn]                ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:707: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn]     files.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn]              ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:1051: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn]         files.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn]                  ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:1250: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn]     files.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn]              ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:1271: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn]     files.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn]              ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:1440: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn]             files.get(id) match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.6 [warn]                      ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.7 [warn] /src/app/api/Selected.scala:85: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.7 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.7 [warn]     request.user match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.7 [warn]             ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.7 [warn] /src/app/api/Selected.scala:97: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.7 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.7 [warn]     request.user match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.7 [warn]             ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.7 [warn] /src/app/api/Selected.scala:185: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.7 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.7 [warn]     request.user match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.7 [warn]             ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.7 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBDatasetService.scala:437: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.7 [warn] It would fail on the following input: Some((x: String forSome x not in ("default", "private", "public", "publicAll", "trial")))
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.7 [warn]     val filterStatus = status match {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.7 [warn]                        ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.8 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBFileService.scala:784: match may not be exhaustive.
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.8 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.8 [warn]         get(id) match{
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.8 [warn]            ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.8 [warn] /src/conf/routes:47: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.8 [warn] GET            /profile/:uuid                                                           @controllers.Profile.viewProfileUUID(uuid: UUID)
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.8 [warn] /src/conf/routes:298: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.8 [warn] POST           /api/sensors/config                                                      @api.Admin.sensorsConfig
28-Apr-2020 16:14:40 #19 132.9 [warn] /src/conf/routes:637: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 132.9 [warn] DELETE         /api/sections/:id/tags                                                   @api.Sections.removeTags(id: UUID)
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 132.9 [warn] /src/conf/routes:368: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 132.9 [warn] POST           /api/uploadToDataset/:id                                                 @api.Files.uploadToDataset(id: UUID, showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String ?= "", extract: Boolean ?= true)
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 132.9 [warn] /src/conf/routes:391: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 132.9 [warn] DELETE         /api/files/:id                                                           @api.Files.removeFile(id: UUID)
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 132.9 [warn] /src/conf/routes:397: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 132.9 [warn] DELETE         /api/files/:id/tags                                                      @api.Files.removeTags(id: UUID)
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 132.9 [warn] /src/conf/routes:461: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 132.9 [warn] GET            /api/files/:three_d_file_id/:filename                                    @api.Files.getTexture(three_d_file_id: UUID, filename)
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.0 [warn] /src/conf/routes:448: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.0 [warn] GET            /api/files/:id                                                  UUID, tracking: Boolean ?= true)
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.0 [warn] /src/conf/routes:364: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.0 [warn] POST           /api/files/withFlags/:flags                                              @api.Files.upload(showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String)
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.0 [warn] /src/conf/routes:505: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.0 [warn] GET            /api/collections/list                                                    @api.Collections.list(title: Option[String] ?= None, date: Option[String] ?= None, limit: Int ?= 12, exact: Boolean ?= false)
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.0 [warn] /src/conf/routes:512: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.0 [warn] DELETE         /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id                                @api.Collections.removeDataset(coll_id: UUID, ds_id: UUID, ignoreNotFound ?= "True")
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.0 [warn] /src/conf/routes:518: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.0 [warn] DELETE         /api/collections/:coll_id                                                @api.Collections.removeCollection(coll_id: UUID)
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.0 [warn] /src/conf/routes:559: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.0 [warn] DELETE         /api/datasets/:ds_id/:file_id                                            @api.Datasets.detachFile(ds_id: UUID,file_id: UUID, ignoreNotFound ?= "True")
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.1 [warn] /src/conf/routes:571: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.2 [warn] GET            /api/datasets/:id/files                                                  @api.Datasets.datasetAllFilesList(id: UUID, max: Int ?= -1)
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.2 [warn] /src/conf/routes:517: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.2 [warn] GET            /api/collections/:coll_id/getDatasets                                    @api.Datasets.listInCollection(coll_id: UUID)
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.2 [warn] /src/conf/routes:585: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.2 [warn] DELETE         /api/datasets/:id/tags                                                   @api.Datasets.removeTags(id: UUID)
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.2 [warn] /src/conf/routes:672: unreachable code
28-Apr-2020 16:14:41 #19 133.2 [warn] GET            /api/geostreams/streams/update                                           api.Geostreams.updateStatisticsStreamSensor()
28-Apr-2020 16:14:42 #19 134.5 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:223: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata
28-Apr-2020 16:14:42 #19 134.5 [warn]                   if (!file.xmlMetadata.isEmpty) {
28-Apr-2020 16:14:42 #19 134.5 [warn]                             ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:42 #19 134.5 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:420: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata
28-Apr-2020 16:14:42 #19 134.5 [warn]       if (!file.xmlMetadata.isEmpty){
28-Apr-2020 16:14:42 #19 134.5 [warn]                 ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:42 #19 134.5 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:499: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata
28-Apr-2020 16:14:42 #19 134.5 [warn]           if (!file.xmlMetadata.isEmpty)
28-Apr-2020 16:14:42 #19 134.5 [warn]                     ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:42 #19 134.7 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBFileService.scala:816: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata
28-Apr-2020 16:14:42 #19 134.7 [warn]             if(!file.xmlMetadata.isEmpty){
28-Apr-2020 16:14:42 #19 134.7 [warn]                      ^
28-Apr-2020 16:14:43 #19 134.9 [warn] /src/conf/routes:363: method upload in class Files is deprecated
28-Apr-2020 16:14:43 #19 134.9 [warn] POST           /api/files                                                               @api.Files.upload(showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String ?= "")
28-Apr-2020 16:14:53 #19 145.1 [warn] 49 warnings found
28-Apr-2020 16:14:54 #19 146.2 [warn] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.7
28-Apr-2020 16:14:54 #19 146.3 [warn] 1 warning
28-Apr-2020 16:15:02 #19 154.5 [info] Packaging /src/target/scala-2.10/clowder_2.10-1.8.2-SNAPSHOT.jar ...
28-Apr-2020 16:15:06 #19 157.9 [info] Done packaging.
28-Apr-2020 16:15:12 #19 164.6 [info]
28-Apr-2020 16:15:12 #19 164.6 [info] Your package is ready in /src/target/universal/
28-Apr-2020 16:15:12 #19 164.6 [info]
28-Apr-2020 16:15:12 #19 164.6 [success] Total time: 160 s, completed Apr 28, 2020 9:15:12 PM
28-Apr-2020 16:15:12 #19 164.8 total 95928
28-Apr-2020 16:15:12 #19 164.8 -rw-r--r--    1 root     root      98223921 Apr 28 21:15
28-Apr-2020 16:15:12 #19 164.8 drwxr-xr-x    3 root     root          4096 Apr 28 18:11 tmp
28-Apr-2020 16:15:14 #19 166.5 total 1228
28-Apr-2020 16:15:14 #19 166.5 drwxr-xr-x   13 root     root          4096 Apr 28 21:12 app
28-Apr-2020 16:15:14 #19 166.5 drwxr-xr-x    6 root     root          4096 Apr 28 21:15 clowder-1.8.2-SNAPSHOT
28-Apr-2020 16:15:14 #19 166.5 drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 Apr 28 21:12 conf
28-Apr-2020 16:15:14 #19 166.5 drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 Apr 28 21:12 lib
28-Apr-2020 16:15:14 #19 166.5 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          4096 Apr 28 21:12 project
28-Apr-2020 16:15:14 #19 166.5 drwxr-xr-x   12 root     root          4096 Apr 28 21:12 public
28-Apr-2020 16:15:14 #19 166.5 -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           164 Apr 28 21:07 sbt
28-Apr-2020 16:15:14 #19 166.5 -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          5821 Apr 28 21:07 sbt-launch-lib.bash
28-Apr-2020 16:15:14 #19 166.5 -rw-r--r--    1 root     root       1208385 Apr 28 21:07 sbt-launch.jar
28-Apr-2020 16:15:14 #19 166.5 -rw-r--r--    1 root     root           164 Apr 28 21:07 sbt.bat
28-Apr-2020 16:15:14 #19 166.5 drwxr-xr-x    9 root     root          4096 Apr 28 18:11 target
28-Apr-2020 16:15:14 #19    completed: 2020-04-28 21:15:14.907937305 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:15:14 #19     duration: 2m46.783384609s
28-Apr-2020 16:15:14
28-Apr-2020 16:15:16
28-Apr-2020 16:15:16 #9 [stage-1 2/6] RUN apk add --no-cache bash curl
28-Apr-2020 16:15:16 #9       digest: sha256:6934716cd67bb4088f8fede2a965d33252b43a32bd7e00d8984d8f86e810ac96
28-Apr-2020 16:15:16 #9         name: "[stage-1 2/6] RUN apk add --no-cache bash curl"
28-Apr-2020 16:15:16 #9      started: 2020-04-28 21:15:16.271737689 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:15:16 #9    completed: 2020-04-28 21:15:16.271794902 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:15:16 #9     duration: 57.213µs
28-Apr-2020 16:15:16 #9       cached: true
28-Apr-2020 16:15:16
28-Apr-2020 16:15:16
28-Apr-2020 16:15:16 #20 [stage-1 3/6] COPY --from=clowder-build /src/clowder /home/clowder/
28-Apr-2020 16:15:16 #20       digest: sha256:bc3c3357857889a72764bbc6ad60db8c77d22c684f8cd674cb79bdbee4475196
28-Apr-2020 16:15:16 #20         name: "[stage-1 3/6] COPY --from=clowder-build /src/clowder /home/clowder/"
28-Apr-2020 16:15:16 #20      started: 2020-04-28 21:15:16.271898641 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:15:17 #20    completed: 2020-04-28 21:15:17.339818143 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:15:17 #20     duration: 1.067919502s
28-Apr-2020 16:15:17
28-Apr-2020 16:15:17
28-Apr-2020 16:15:17 #21 [stage-1 4/6] COPY docker/ docker/ /home/clowder...
28-Apr-2020 16:15:17 #21       digest: sha256:eda2daa62b278b61342bf0d126642c97942bb489fdf9ac8cd2a594aa21ce5fb4
28-Apr-2020 16:15:17 #21         name: "[stage-1 4/6] COPY docker/ docker/ /home/clowder/"
28-Apr-2020 16:15:17 #21      started: 2020-04-28 21:15:17.37946271 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:15:18 #21    completed: 2020-04-28 21:15:18.29752749 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:15:18 #21     duration: 918.06478ms
28-Apr-2020 16:15:18
28-Apr-2020 16:15:18
28-Apr-2020 16:15:18 #22 [stage-1 5/6] COPY docker/custom.conf docker/play.plugins /home/clowder/...
28-Apr-2020 16:15:18 #22       digest: sha256:e948087b08a6456d70e7165ede8660a2e7461e4b67b5eb471cc4e1aeb57926e0
28-Apr-2020 16:15:18 #22         name: "[stage-1 5/6] COPY docker/custom.conf docker/play.plugins /home/clowder/custom/"
28-Apr-2020 16:15:18 #22      started: 2020-04-28 21:15:18.366713285 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:15:19 #22    completed: 2020-04-28 21:15:19.561140469 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:15:19 #22     duration: 1.194427184s
28-Apr-2020 16:15:19
28-Apr-2020 16:15:19
28-Apr-2020 16:15:19 #23 [stage-1 6/6] RUN mkdir /home/clowder/data &&     chgrp -R 0 /home/clowd...
28-Apr-2020 16:15:19 #23       digest: sha256:d62a7d1f0d6efbbbeeed40a7410ae25c8edb1ee00b8ff37228faa1e1e8605fb6
28-Apr-2020 16:15:19 #23         name: "[stage-1 6/6] RUN mkdir /home/clowder/data &&     chgrp -R 0 /home/clowder/ &&     chmod g+w /home/clowder/logs /home/clowder/data /home/clowder/custom"
28-Apr-2020 16:15:19 #23      started: 2020-04-28 21:15:19.592141575 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:22 #23    completed: 2020-04-28 21:16:22.036326882 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:22 #23     duration: 1m2.444185307s
28-Apr-2020 16:16:22
28-Apr-2020 16:16:22
28-Apr-2020 16:16:22 #24 exporting to image
28-Apr-2020 16:16:22 #24       digest: sha256:efed073de262c7154bd9e0657f741651b99512a5d637c5ec92c219e938924ef3
28-Apr-2020 16:16:22 #24         name: "exporting to image"
28-Apr-2020 16:16:22 #24      started: 2020-04-28 21:16:22.224285592 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:22 #24 exporting layers
28-Apr-2020 16:16:24 #24 exporting layers 2.0s done
28-Apr-2020 16:16:24 #24 writing image sha256:92cf5c4a016cd5f4237455712ee5ac20f52f1056327436d6311b63f8ae561179 0.0s done
28-Apr-2020 16:16:24 #24 naming to
28-Apr-2020 16:16:24 #24    completed: 2020-04-28 21:16:24.325354161 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:24 #24     duration: 2.101068569s
28-Apr-2020 16:16:24 #24 naming to 0.0s done
28-Apr-2020 16:16:24
28-Apr-2020 16:16:24
28-Apr-2020 16:16:24 #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
28-Apr-2020 16:16:24 #1       digest: sha256:da98c3a1c3046123076b8b6a3cad84230eeb730dd85007d2e605033fb3cf4f52
28-Apr-2020 16:16:24 #1         name: "[internal] load build definition from Dockerfile"
28-Apr-2020 16:16:24 #1      started: 2020-04-28 21:16:24.772134874 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:24 #1    completed: 2020-04-28 21:16:24.772202404 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:24 #1     duration: 67.53µs
28-Apr-2020 16:16:24 #1      started: 2020-04-28 21:16:24.772267654 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:24 #1 transferring dockerfile: 605B done
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #1    completed: 2020-04-28 21:16:25.155362955 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #1     duration: 383.095301ms
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #2 [internal] load .dockerignore
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #2       digest: sha256:c617436c6e90b3ab05f96bd202a89114ee471fa8eb745eb632ae17b426f09334
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #2         name: "[internal] load .dockerignore"
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #2      started: 2020-04-28 21:16:24.772069219 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #2    completed: 2020-04-28 21:16:24.772115199 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #2     duration: 45.98µs
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #2      started: 2020-04-28 21:16:24.772305113 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #2 transferring context: 2B done
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #2    completed: 2020-04-28 21:16:25.25921939 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #2     duration: 486.914277ms
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #3 [internal] load metadata for
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #3       digest: sha256:8c6bdfb121a69744f11ffa1fedfc68ec20085c2dcce567aac97a3ff72e53502d
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #3         name: "[internal] load metadata for"
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #3      started: 2020-04-28 21:16:25.324632515 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #3    completed: 2020-04-28 21:16:25.618362346 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #3     duration: 293.729831ms
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #4 [internal] helper image for file operations
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #4       digest: sha256:e4c43493b1bb2320466c52248e886014710025b273f224bb96a23b8fb7a1d193
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #4         name: "[internal] helper image for file operations"
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #4      started: 2020-04-28 21:16:25.619305681 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #4    completed: 2020-04-28 21:16:25.619459444 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #4     duration: 153.763µs
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #4      started: 2020-04-28 21:16:25.619684187 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #4       cached: true
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #4    completed: 2020-04-28 21:16:25.640105748 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #4     duration: 20.421561ms
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #5 [1/3] FROM
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #5       digest: sha256:a8e2620730dfe25984268c67fcbe396b1ed0900aec3672b163c8c7da1349dfb3
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #5         name: "[1/3] FROM"
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #5      started: 2020-04-28 21:16:25.619195787 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #5    completed: 2020-04-28 21:16:25.619331409 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #5     duration: 135.622µs
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #5      started: 2020-04-28 21:16:25.619595217 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #5    completed: 2020-04-28 21:16:25.619641571 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #5     duration: 46.354µs
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #5       cached: true
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #7 [internal] load build context
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #7       digest: sha256:ee92ed197a83ab665223dff407a0bcbf15b9ee483a2e91d2dd6ad04c8e129c7e
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #7         name: "[internal] load build context"
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #7      started: 2020-04-28 21:16:25.619272697 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #7    completed: 2020-04-28 21:16:25.619329258 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #7     duration: 56.561µs
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #7      started: 2020-04-28 21:16:25.619622402 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #7 transferring context: 12.56kB done
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #7    completed: 2020-04-28 21:16:25.856208212 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #7     duration: 236.58581ms
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #6 [2/3] RUN apt-get -y update     && apt-get -y install curl unzip docker....
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #6       digest: sha256:13610d51fca37467c2d86f7f961e943815c5b2554730374e8377bf4b2de7f359
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #6         name: "[2/3] RUN apt-get -y update     && apt-get -y install curl unzip python python-dev python-pip     && pip install flask-restful     && pip install arrow     && apt-get clean all     && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*     ;"
28-Apr-2020 16:16:25 #6      started: 2020-04-28 21:16:25.619730432 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:26 #6 1.064 Get:1 focal-security InRelease [101 kB]
28-Apr-2020 16:16:26 #6 1.066 Get:2 focal InRelease [265 kB]
28-Apr-2020 16:16:27 #6 1.529 Get:3 focal-security/main amd64 Packages [8398 B]
28-Apr-2020 16:16:27 #6 1.563 Get:4 focal-updates InRelease [97.0 kB]
28-Apr-2020 16:16:27 #6 1.629 Get:5 focal-security/universe amd64 Packages [2298 B]
28-Apr-2020 16:16:27 #6 1.672 Get:6 focal-backports InRelease [89.2 kB]
28-Apr-2020 16:16:27 #6 1.786 Get:7 focal/universe amd64 Packages [11.3 MB]
28-Apr-2020 16:16:28 #6 2.391 Get:8 focal/restricted amd64 Packages [33.4 kB]
28-Apr-2020 16:16:28 #6 2.392 Get:9 focal/main amd64 Packages [1275 kB]
28-Apr-2020 16:16:28 #6 2.430 Get:10 focal/multiverse amd64 Packages [177 kB]
28-Apr-2020 16:16:28 #6 2.432 Get:11 focal-updates/main amd64 Packages [30.1 kB]
28-Apr-2020 16:16:28 #6 2.433 Get:12 focal-updates/universe amd64 Packages [5652 B]
28-Apr-2020 16:16:28 #6 2.433 Get:13 focal-updates/restricted amd64 Packages [2843 B]
28-Apr-2020 16:16:29 #6 3.431 Fetched 13.4 MB in 3s (5205 kB/s)
28-Apr-2020 16:16:29 #6 3.431 Reading package lists...
28-Apr-2020 16:16:30 #6 4.255 Reading package lists...
28-Apr-2020 16:16:30 #6 5.024 Building dependency tree...
28-Apr-2020 16:16:30 #6 5.134 Reading state information...
28-Apr-2020 16:16:30 #6 5.230 E: Unable to locate package python-pip
28-Apr-2020 16:16:30 #6    completed: 2020-04-28 21:16:30.90896486 +0000 UTC
28-Apr-2020 16:16:30 #6     duration: 5.289234428s
28-Apr-2020 16:16:30 #6        error: "executor failed running [/bin/sh -c apt-get -y update     && apt-get -y install curl unzip python python-dev python-pip     && pip install flask-restful     && pip install arrow     && apt-get clean all     && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*     ;]: exit code: 100"
28-Apr-2020 16:16:30
28-Apr-2020 16:16:30 executor failed running [/bin/sh -c apt-get -y update     && apt-get -y install curl unzip python python-dev python-pip     && pip install flask-restful     && pip install arrow     && apt-get clean all     && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*     ;]: exit code: 100
28-Apr-2020 16:16:30 Failing task since return code of [/bin/sh] was 1 while expected 0
28-Apr-2020 16:16:30 Finished task 'docker build' with result: Failed
28-Apr-2020 16:16:30 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
28-Apr-2020 16:16:30 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
28-Apr-2020 16:16:30 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
28-Apr-2020 16:16:30 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
28-Apr-2020 16:16:30 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
28-Apr-2020 16:16:30 Publishing an artifact: dist
28-Apr-2020 16:16:39 Finished publishing of artifact Non required shared artifact: [dist], pattern: [clowder-*.zip] anchored at: [target/universal] in 8.310 s
28-Apr-2020 16:16:39 Publishing an artifact: scaladoc
28-Apr-2020 16:16:41 Finished publishing of artifact Non required shared artifact: [scaladoc], pattern: [**/*] anchored at: [target/scala-2.10/api] in 2.380 s
28-Apr-2020 16:16:41 Publishing an artifact: manual
28-Apr-2020 16:16:41 Unable to publish artifact [manual]: the source directory /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1099-JOB1/doc/src/sphinx/_build/html does not exist.
28-Apr-2020 16:16:41 The artifact hasn't been successfully published after 532.4 μs
28-Apr-2020 16:16:41 Finalising the build...
28-Apr-2020 16:16:41 Stopping timer.
28-Apr-2020 16:16:41 Build CATS-CORE1099-JOB1-2 completed.
28-Apr-2020 16:16:41 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
28-Apr-2020 16:16:41 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
28-Apr-2020 16:16:41 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
28-Apr-2020 16:16:41 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
28-Apr-2020 16:16:41 All post build plugins have finished
28-Apr-2020 16:16:41 Generating build results summary...
28-Apr-2020 16:16:41 Saving build results to disk...
28-Apr-2020 16:16:41 Store variable context...
28-Apr-2020 16:16:41 Indexing build results...
28-Apr-2020 16:16:41 Finished building CATS-CORE1099-JOB1-2.