Build: #9 was successful

Job: default was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

Build log

The build generated 2,747 lines of output.   The output is too long and has been truncated to the last 1,000 lines. Download or view full build log.

02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Status_Get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + content{"status":"success"}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,681 - [DEBUG  ] - application - File1 is File:True
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,689 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,690 - [DEBUG  ] - application - checkErrorsForTag: user id: anonymous, user.firstName: Anonymous, user.LastName: User, user.fullName: Anonymous User
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,690 - [DEBUG  ] - application - checkErrorsForTag: The user id is "anonymous".
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,693 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Removing tags in dataset 5778744b60b22107cffe37ec : List(Medici, Test Suite), userId: None, eid: Some(
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,696 - [DEBUG  ] - application - existingTags before user and extractor filtering: List(Dataset, Test Suite, Medici)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,704 - [DEBUG  ] - application - tagStr=["Dataset"]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,705 - [DEBUG  ] - application - commentStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,706 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: { }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,707 - [DEBUG  ] - application - usrmd={ }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,707 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: { }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,708 - [DEBUG  ] - application - techmd={ }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,709 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: [ ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,709 - [DEBUG  ] - application - xmlmd=[ ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] - must respond to the removeTags(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/tags/remove
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-tags-remove.json
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "tags" : [ "Medici", "Test Suite" ],
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "extractor_id" : ""
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Status_Get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + content{"status":"success"}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,722 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,723 - [INFO   ] - application - Getting tags for dataset with id  5778744b60b22107cffe37ec.
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] - must respond to the getTags(id:UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id/tags 
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Status_Get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "id" : "5778744b60b22107cffe37ec",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "name" : "Dataset API Test Creation",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "tags" : [ "Dataset" ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,732 - [DEBUG  ] - application - File1 is File:True
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,738 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,739 - [DEBUG  ] - application - checkErrorsForTag: user id: anonymous, user.firstName: Anonymous, user.LastName: User, user.fullName: Anonymous User
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,739 - [DEBUG  ] - application - checkErrorsForTag: The user id is "anonymous".
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,741 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Adding tags to dataset 5778744b60b22107cffe37ec : List(Test 2, Cool Stuff, New Technology)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,754 - [DEBUG  ] - application - tagStr=["Dataset", "Test 2", "Cool Stuff", "New Technology"]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,756 - [DEBUG  ] - application - commentStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,757 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: { }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,757 - [DEBUG  ] - application - usrmd={ }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,758 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: { }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,758 - [DEBUG  ] - application - techmd={ }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,759 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: [ ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,759 - [DEBUG  ] - application - xmlmd=[ ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] - must respond to the addTags(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/tags round two
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-tags-round-two.json
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "tags" : [ "Test 2", "Cool Stuff", "New Technology" ],
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "extractor_id" : ""
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Status_Get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + content{"status":"success"}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,765 - [DEBUG  ] - application - File1 is File:True
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,776 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,778 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Removing tag {"tags":["Dataset"]}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] - must respond to the removeTag(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/removeTag
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-tags-remove-one.json
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "tags" : [ "Dataset" ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Status_Get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + content""
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,786 - [DEBUG  ] - application - File1 is File:True
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,794 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,796 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Adding metadata to dataset 5778744b60b22107cffe37ec
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,801 - [DEBUG  ] - application - tagStr=["Dataset", "Test 2", "Cool Stuff", "New Technology"]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,801 - [DEBUG  ] - application - commentStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,802 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: { }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,802 - [DEBUG  ] - application - usrmd={ }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,803 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: { }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,803 - [DEBUG  ] - application - techmd={ }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,803 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: [ ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,803 - [DEBUG  ] - application - xmlmd=[ ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,809 - [DEBUG  ] - application - File1 is File:True
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] - must respond to the addMetadata(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/metadata
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-general.json
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "archive" : {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]     "exclude" : [ "/foo/bar", "baz", "/*.test", "!/foo/bar/baz" ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   },
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "Image" : "fid",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "Format" : "JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "Reason" : "DataSet Test Suite"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Status_Get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,822 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,823 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Adding user metadata to dataset 5778744b60b22107cffe37ec
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,824 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Adding/modifying user metadata to dataset 5778744b60b22107cffe37ec : {"Description":"Dataset Zip file Json","Items":"Image files","Other":"Pretty Cool Huh?"}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,834 - [DEBUG  ] - application - tagStr=["Dataset", "Test 2", "Cool Stuff", "New Technology"]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,836 - [DEBUG  ] - application - commentStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,836 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: { "Description" : "Dataset Zip file Json" , "Items" : "Image files" , "Other" : "Pretty Cool Huh?"}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,836 - [DEBUG  ] - application - usrmd={ "Description" : "Dataset Zip file Json" , "Items" : "Image files" , "Other" : "Pretty Cool Huh?"}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,837 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: { }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,838 - [DEBUG  ] - application - techmd={ }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,840 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: [ ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,840 - [DEBUG  ] - application - xmlmd=[ ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,843 - [DEBUG  ] - application - userdfSPARQLStore not enabled
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] - must respond to the addUserMetadata(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/usermetadata
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-user.json
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "Description" : "Dataset Zip file Json",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "Items" : "Image files",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "Other" : "Pretty Cool Huh?"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Status_Get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,851 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,854 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: { "Description" : "Dataset Zip file Json" , "Items" : "Image files" , "Other" : "Pretty Cool Huh?"}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] - must respond to the getUserMetadataJSON(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id/usermetadata
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Status_Get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(text/plain)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "Description" : "Dataset Zip file Json",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "Items" : "Image files",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "Other" : "Pretty Cool Huh?"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,864 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] - must respond to the getTechnicalMetadataJSON(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id/technicalmetadatajson
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Status_Get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + [ {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "archive" : {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]     "exclude" : [ "/foo/bar", "baz", "/*.test", "!/foo/bar/baz" ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   },
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "Image" : "fid",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "Format" : "JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "Reason" : "DataSet Test Suite"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] } ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,884 - [DEBUG  ] - application - File1 is File:True
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,893 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,894 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Searching datasets' metadata for search tree.
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,895 - [DEBUG  ] - application - thejsson: {"Reason":".*Suite.*"}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,896 - [DEBUG  ] - application - top: {Reason=.*Suite.*}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,896 - [DEBUG  ] - application - req: {Reason=.*Suite.*}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,901 - [DEBUG  ] - application - thequery: { "$and" : [ { "$or" : [ { "userMetadata.Reason" : ".*Suite.*"} , { "metadata.Reason" : ".*Suite.*"} , { "datasetXmlMetadata.xmlMetadata.Reason" : ".*Suite.*"}]}]}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,902 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Search completed. Returning datasets list.
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,903 - [DEBUG  ] - application - thelist: []
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,909 - [DEBUG  ] - application - File1 is File:True
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] - must respond to the searchDatasetsGeneralMetadata() function routed by POST /api/datasets/searchmetadata 
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-search-general.json
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "Reason" : ".*Suite.*"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Status=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + content[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,919 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,920 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Searching datasets' user metadata for search tree.
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,921 - [DEBUG  ] - application - thejsson: {"Other":".*Pretty Cool.*"}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,922 - [DEBUG  ] - application - top: {Other=.*Pretty Cool.*}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,922 - [DEBUG  ] - application - req: {Other=.*Pretty Cool.*}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,922 - [DEBUG  ] - application - thequery: { "$and" : [ { "userMetadata.Other" : ".*Pretty Cool.*"}]}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,924 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Search completed. Returning datasets list.
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,925 - [DEBUG  ] - application - thelist: []
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] - must respond to the searchDatasetsUserMetadata() function routed by POST /api/datasets/searchmetadata 
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-search-user.json
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   "Other" : ".*Pretty Cool.*"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + Status=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 [info]   + content[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,934 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,938 - [DEBUG  ] - application - userdfSPARQLStore not enabled
02-Jul-2016 21:11:23 2016-07-02 21:11:23,958 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Removing XML metadata belonging to file 5778744b60b22107cffe37e2 from dataset 5778744b60b22107cffe37ec.
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,009 - [ERROR  ] - application - File not found: 5778744b60b22107cffe37e2
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] - must respond to the deleteDataset(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/datasets/:id 
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Status_Get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "status" : "success"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] CollectionsAPIAppSpec:
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] The Collections API Spec
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,019 - [DEBUG  ] - application - File1 is File:True
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] - must start the FakeApplication
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] The Collections API Spec
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,073 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,074 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Creating new collection
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,110 - [DEBUG  ] - application - File1 is File:True
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] - must respond to the createCollection() function routed by POST /api/collections for Collection 1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1/test/data/collections/data-test-collection.json
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "description" : "Collection 1 Tests Description",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "name" : "Collection 1 Test Suite",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "space" : "default"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Status=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + content{"id":"5778744c60b22107cffe380e"}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,124 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,125 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Creating new collection
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] - must respond to the createCollection() function routed by POST /api/collections for Collection 2
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,134 - [DEBUG  ] - application - File1 is File:True
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1/test/data/collections/data-test-collection-1.json
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "description" : "Collection 2 Tests Description",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "name" : "Collection 2 Test Suite",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "space" : "default"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Status=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + content{"id":"5778744c60b22107cffe380f"}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,341 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,348 - [INFO   ] - application - created file 5778744c60b22107cffe3811
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,349 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Uploading file
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,359 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,360 - [DEBUG  ] - application - --- API Creating new dataset ----
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,378 - [DEBUG  ] - application - tagStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,379 - [DEBUG  ] - application - commentStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,380 - [DEBUG  ] - application - usrmd={}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,380 - [DEBUG  ] - application - techmd={}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,381 - [DEBUG  ] - application - xmlmd={ }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,382 - [DEBUG  ] - application - ----- Adding file to dataset completed
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,389 - [DEBUG  ] - application - tagStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,389 - [DEBUG  ] - application - commentStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,390 - [DEBUG  ] - application - usrmd={}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,390 - [DEBUG  ] - application - techmd={}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,391 - [DEBUG  ] - application - xmlmd={ }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] - must respond to the createDataset() function routed by POST /api/datasets for Dataset 1 Creation
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Status=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + contentAsString{"id":"5778744c60b22107cffe3818"}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,397 - [DEBUG  ] - application - File1 is File:True
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,476 - [INFO   ] - application - Uploading Completed
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,615 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,624 - [INFO   ] - application - created file 5778744c60b22107cffe3829
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,625 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Uploading file
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,630 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,631 - [DEBUG  ] - application - --- API Creating new dataset ----
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,649 - [DEBUG  ] - application - tagStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,650 - [DEBUG  ] - application - commentStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,650 - [DEBUG  ] - application - usrmd={}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,651 - [DEBUG  ] - application - techmd={}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,652 - [DEBUG  ] - application - xmlmd={ }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,653 - [DEBUG  ] - application - ----- Adding file to dataset completed
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,655 - [DEBUG  ] - application - tagStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,656 - [DEBUG  ] - application - commentStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,657 - [DEBUG  ] - application - usrmd={}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,658 - [DEBUG  ] - application - techmd={}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,658 - [DEBUG  ] - application - xmlmd={ }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] - must respond to the createDataset() function routed by POST /api/datasets for Dataset 2 Creation
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Status=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + contentAsString{"id":"5778744c60b22107cffe382f"}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,671 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,674 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Adding dataset 5778744c60b22107cffe3818 to collection 5778744c60b22107cffe380e
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,684 - [DEBUG  ] - application - tagStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,684 - [DEBUG  ] - application - commentStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,685 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: { }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,685 - [DEBUG  ] - application - usrmd={ }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,686 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: { }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,686 - [DEBUG  ] - application - techmd={ }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,686 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: [ ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,686 - [DEBUG  ] - application - xmlmd=[ ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,702 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Adding dataset to collection completed
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,723 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Adding dataset 5778744c60b22107cffe3818 to spaces of collection 5778744c60b22107cffe380e
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] - must respond to the attachDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id for dataset 1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Status=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + contentAsString{"datasetsInCollection":1}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,755 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] - must respond to the listInCollection(coll_id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/collections/:coll_id/getDatasets
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Status_Get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + [ {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "id" : "5778744c60b22107cffe3818",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "name" : "Dataset 1 API Test Creation",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "description" : "Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "created" : "Sat Jul 02 21:11:24 CDT 2016",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "thumbnail" : "None",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "authorId" : "000000000000000000000000"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] } ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,766 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,819 - [INFO   ] - application - Uploading Completed
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] - must respond to the listOutsideCollection(coll_id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/listOutsideCollection/:coll_id
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Status_Get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + [ {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "id" : "5778744c60b22107cffe382f",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "name" : "Dataset 2 API Test Creation",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "description" : "Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "created" : "Sat Jul 02 21:11:24 CDT 2016",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "thumbnail" : "None",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "authorId" : "000000000000000000000000"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] }, {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "id" : "5778744c60b22107cffe3818",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "name" : "Dataset 1 API Test Creation",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "description" : "Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "created" : "Sat Jul 02 21:11:24 CDT 2016",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "thumbnail" : "None",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "authorId" : "000000000000000000000000"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] } ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,829 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,830 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Adding dataset 5778744c60b22107cffe382f to collection 5778744c60b22107cffe380e
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,833 - [DEBUG  ] - application - tagStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,833 - [DEBUG  ] - application - commentStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,834 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: { }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,834 - [DEBUG  ] - application - usrmd={ }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,834 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: { }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,835 - [DEBUG  ] - application - techmd={ }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,835 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: [ ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,835 - [DEBUG  ] - application - xmlmd=[ ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,840 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Adding dataset to collection completed
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,841 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Adding dataset 5778744c60b22107cffe382f to spaces of collection 5778744c60b22107cffe380e
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] - must respond to the attachDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id for dataset 2
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Status=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + contentAsString{"datasetsInCollection":2}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,851 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,854 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Removing dataset 5778744c60b22107cffe382f from collection 5778744c60b22107cffe380e
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,858 - [DEBUG  ] - application - tagStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,858 - [DEBUG  ] - application - commentStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,859 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: { }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,859 - [DEBUG  ] - application - usrmd={ }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,860 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: { }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,860 - [DEBUG  ] - application - techmd={ }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,860 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: [ ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,860 - [DEBUG  ] - application - xmlmd=[ ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,865 - [INFO   ] - application - Removing dataset from collection completed
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] - must respond to the removeDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID, ignoreNotFound) function routed by DELETE /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id for dataset 2
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Status=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + contentAsString{"status":"success"}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,874 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,875 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Removing dataset 5778744c60b22107cffe3818 from collection 5778744c60b22107cffe380e
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,878 - [DEBUG  ] - application - tagStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,885 - [DEBUG  ] - application - commentStr=[]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,885 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: { }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,886 - [DEBUG  ] - application - usrmd={ }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,886 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: { }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,886 - [DEBUG  ] - application - techmd={ }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,887 - [DEBUG  ] - application - retmd: [ ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,887 - [DEBUG  ] - application - xmlmd=[ ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,891 - [INFO   ] - application - Removing dataset from collection completed
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] - must respond to the removeDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID, ignoreNoteFound) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id/:ignoreNotFound for dataset 2
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Status=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + contentAsString{"status":"success"}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,900 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,901 - [DEBUG  ] - application - userdfSPARQLStore not enabled
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,907 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Removing XML metadata belonging to file 5778744c60b22107cffe3811 from dataset 5778744c60b22107cffe3818.
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,966 - [ERROR  ] - application - File not found: 5778744c60b22107cffe3811
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] - must respond to the deleteDataset(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/datasets/:id for Dataset 1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Status_Get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info]   "status" : "success"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,996 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:24 2016-07-02 21:11:24,998 - [DEBUG  ] - application - userdfSPARQLStore not enabled
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,006 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Removing XML metadata belonging to file 5778744c60b22107cffe3829 from dataset 5778744c60b22107cffe382f.
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,013 - [ERROR  ] - application - File not found: 5778744c60b22107cffe3829
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] - must respond to the deleteDataset(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/datasets/:id for Dataset 2
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Status_Get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   "status" : "success"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,021 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] - must respond to the listCollections() function routed by GET /api/collections
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Status=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + content[{"id":"5778744c60b22107cffe380f","collectionname":"Collection 2 Test Suite","description":"Collection 2 Tests Description","created":"Sat Jul 02 21:11:24 CDT 2016","thumbnail":"None","authorId":"000000000000000000000000"},{"id":"5778744c60b22107cffe380e","collectionname":"Collection 1 Test Suite","description":"Collection 1 Tests Description","created":"Sat Jul 02 21:11:24 CDT 2016","thumbnail":"None","authorId":"000000000000000000000000"}]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,034 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] - must respond to the listCollections() function routed by GET /api/collections/list
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Status=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + content[{"id":"5778744c60b22107cffe380f","collectionname":"Collection 2 Test Suite","description":"Collection 2 Tests Description","created":"Sat Jul 02 21:11:24 CDT 2016","thumbnail":"None","authorId":"000000000000000000000000"},{"id":"5778744c60b22107cffe380e","collectionname":"Collection 1 Test Suite","description":"Collection 1 Tests Description","created":"Sat Jul 02 21:11:24 CDT 2016","thumbnail":"None","authorId":"000000000000000000000000"}]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,049 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] - must respond to the removeCollection(coll_id:UUID) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/remove 
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Status_Get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   "status" : "success"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,072 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] - must respond to the removeCollection(coll_id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/collections/:id 
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Status_Get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   "status" : "success"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] PreviewsAPIAppSpec:
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] The Previews API Spec
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] - must start the FakeApplication
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] The Previews API Spec
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,095 - [DEBUG  ] - application - File1 is File:True
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,193 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,199 - [INFO   ] - application - created file 5778744d60b22107cffe384a
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,200 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Uploading file morrowplots.jpg
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] - must respond to the Upload File
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Status=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + contentAsString{"id":"5778744d60b22107cffe384a"}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,208 - [DEBUG  ] - application - File1 is File:True
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,257 - [INFO   ] - application - Uploading Completed
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,271 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,274 - [DEBUG  ] - application - ########Uploading Preview----morrowplots-preview.jpg
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,307 - [DEBUG  ] - application - ctp: Some(application/octet-stream)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,316 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] - must respond to the upload() and download() function routed by POST/GET /api/previews
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Status=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + contentAsString{"id":"5778744d60b22107cffe3855"}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   "id" : "5778744d60b22107cffe3855"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + id value 5778744d60b22107cffe3855
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Status=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + contentType=Some(image/jpeg)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + contentAsString2000
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] ������������JFIFHH���������ExifMM*n
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] v���������%LLgoogleNexus OneHH        ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½0220������������0100������������
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]  ���*2010:03:05 08:51:142010:03:05 08:51:14R980100 N���W���&(ydX
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25  ���d���3WGS-84ASCIIHYBRID-FIX2010:03:05���H������������C                
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02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 ���W ������g���n������8R{u������)���g��������l���"���u���K���${������X���3���������$b���K������[���������������9���x���N���,:������������g������Iz���|(        p]������
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] g:�����������H������,#K���dm���y���Q������FH�������������������� ���v������~���^��������u@-'������{������;���i��{��������4������,������������������i��������
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] ��[Er������������������A"������.���������@������}.���+�����2���J��� 3���3Riw���~�����������������1������������)���������e���=�����$���������$w���v���&(������������v�������g9=���>i���������������}J���������������<?���+��������������yn������oyn������^T~���������1���A���������t���������T��������� ��������� ���ZQ���H������
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] 1���������D���4���"<������7c���x���������Z���������j������z��������O���g;���)���>n�����������������H���������������Y���2���$������W���yLs���+���������6���b���������,���'������k���i#���������W���nS���BWq���������n.���������70������!���$ ���2���Snx ������3���v���������1j-���C4������J%.��e���������z��� ��� ������1$���[�������T���w:Mc���Z������ ���,�����
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 ~���/���r���o���e���1���0������AZ������������
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] 61d
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] m���W���6hdTg������A���I!���q���������������s���������m�����6l���������y6���f������H?u������s������a������x������H���
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] ���AU������d������s�����E%fu*������'������������'������7������������������g���������������=Fs���eg4���H������,�������l�����9�����E$�����������������������������������K7������������������,���Q������������+�����������������F���'pRc]���~l���        ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½oq���6H�������Ll���~�����<���������n���������T�����������������2������Y���#���[xZV������xFfi���������Gf���������':���x���m6���.c������.C0���m���>������������n-j4���#���Z������j���f���>i���Tq������FG9'9������}���������T������_}���
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 ���eH���[���q������H���������#���c���������i������Xb���1��������+���P���G c���������%������7������������ !9 ygoL7|������sP���������q
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] Cms������k�����,*���������c���:ct���_��������������V���d������d5���u;������I���J��������������Z���������Uj���[O ������������\���XHN������2������=���wV���������������������������+?i���t&49���������������������������<_~!{���������e������ ���_\7.]������B���nVb���c���������������E��� ���e���������������H-���nUCgqt���y������A���`���������#���(������h������Uy������y���������Gs�����.IX������������J��������������������wo���<o���"���������$|s���m������$r���{������������"���07���e$���~���}������"tMV���~3��2���������
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] u�����������1$���3��������[kmp������]������O9���p=������V������������&�����������������~������qU���j
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [���������j���N������_���y,_���L��� ���������|M���-Q���b];��@�����T`<���G������RT���g���������N/���6���V���������k���u`���E���������������&�����������������Qu8V������ rz��������^������x���%���o-������0������q���������������������_{���3O���O������#������������f|+���NX���������������B5���F���%������������F���K���i&X������l���z���I������\|���4x���W������t���-�����������y1��� ln������+���������XIw������o���7`���������T~'���Y������n������\���=���A9��������d���V���@���I���&r�����������������Ii���������h"r������ ���pFX���������������J~������������������I$���������q���x������Q���u ���:.8���0q���1]���x���5E���q������������������<���M��������weX���<zg9�����������+���1uw��������������������������fS������������Z���������+\���2001���������������O������^���������w_���r���&��� [��        ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½0_��������������        ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½ï¿½���1K�����������'���������<N���\������������]��������:~���k`4��������(���z������+���H���Cp���4���������
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] ���$Fn���h��}������c������������������S{\���������/���~$xz/���cY����������������)�����z��������������_p:zQEg.������cJ;���[) 1T1������s���0j#[���v���m���a1R������t���<s���:c���z(�����������������^{������������>G�����������Ok}�����������������'���������(������K)��������������e������r������#���>���[���b������������������������W,���OC9h������
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] 0
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] 
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,369 - [DEBUG  ] - application - File2 is File:True
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,376 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,377 - [DEBUG  ] - application - {"Image":"fid","extractor_id":"test-extractor"}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,378 - [DEBUG  ] - application - ListBuffer((Image,"fid"), (extractor_id,"test-extractor"))
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,382 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Updating previews.files 5778744d60b22107cffe3855 with Map(Image -> fid, extractor_id -> test-extractor)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] - must respond to the uploadMetadata(id: UUID) and getMetadata(id: UUID) function routed by POST/GET /api/previews/:id/metadata
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1/test/data/previews/data-test-general.json
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   "Image" : "fid",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   "extractor_id" : "test-extractor"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Status_Post=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + contentType_Post=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,394 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,395 - [DEBUG  ] - application - api.Files.attachPreview(): No "extractor_id" specified in request, set it to None.  request.body: {}
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,398 - [DEBUG  ] - application - attachToFile: extractorId is 'Some(Other)'.
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,400 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Updating previews.files 5778744d60b22107cffe3855 with Map()
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] - must respond to the attachPreview(file_id:UUID, preview:UUID) function routed by POST /api/files/:file_id/previews/:p_id 
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Status_Post=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + contentType_Post=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   "status" : "success"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,409 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] - must respond to the filePreviewsList(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/files/:file_id/listpreviews
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Status_get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + contentType_get=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   + [ {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   "id" : "5778744d60b22107cffe3855",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   "filename" : "morrowplots-preview.jpg",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info]   "contentType" : "image/jpeg"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 [info] } ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:25 2016-07-02 21:11:25,421 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info] - must respond to the getPreviews(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/files/:file_id/getPreviews
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   + Status_Get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   + [ {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   "file_id" : "5778744d60b22107cffe384a",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   "previews" : [ {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]     "pv_route" : "/api/previews/5778744d60b22107cffe3855",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]     "p_main" : "thumbnail-previewer.js",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]     "pv_id" : "5778744d60b22107cffe3855",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]     "p_path" : "/assets/javascripts/previewers/thumbnail",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]     "p_id" : "Thumbnail",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]     "pv_length" : "9757",
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]     "pv_contenttype" : "image/jpeg"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   } ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info] } ]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 2016-07-02 21:11:26,061 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info] - must respond to the list() function routed by GET /api/previews
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   + Status=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   + content[{"id":"5778744d60b22107cffe3855","filename":"morrowplots-preview.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}]
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 2016-07-02 21:11:26,071 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info] - must respond to the removePreview(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/previews/:id for morrowplots preview file
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   + Status_Get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   "status" : "success"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 2016-07-02 21:11:26,082 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 2016-07-02 21:11:26,087 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Deleting file from indexesmorrowplots.jpg
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 2016-07-02 21:11:26,087 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Deleting file: morrowplots.jpg
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info] - must respond to the removeFile(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/files/:id 
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   + Status_Get=200
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   + {
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info]   "status" : "success"
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info] }
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info] ApplicationSpec:
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info] The Application API Spec
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info] - must start the FakeApplication
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info] - must send 404 on a bad request
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 2016-07-02 21:11:26,170 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 2016-07-02 21:11:26,171 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for welcome.message
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 2016-07-02 21:11:26,185 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for theme
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 2016-07-02 21:11:26,595 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 2016-07-02 21:11:26,601 - [DEBUG  ] - application - [securesocial] bootstrap path = securesocial/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 2016-07-02 21:11:26,602 - [DEBUG  ] - application - [securesocial] assets controller = controllers.ReverseAssets
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 2016-07-02 21:11:26,603 - [DEBUG  ] - application - [securesocial] favicon path = securesocial/images/favicon.png
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 2016-07-02 21:11:26,604 - [DEBUG  ] - application - [securesocial] Jquery path = securesocial/javascripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 2016-07-02 21:11:26,604 - [DEBUG  ] - application - [securesocial] custom css path = None
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 2016-07-02 21:11:26,608 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 [info] - must render the index page
02-Jul-2016 21:11:26 2016-07-02 21:11:26,614 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for theme
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27 2016-07-02 21:11:27,027 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27 2016-07-02 21:11:27,028 - [DEBUG  ] - application - Getting value for
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27 [info] - must render index template
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27 2016-07-02 21:11:27,039 - [INFO   ] - application - [securesocial] unloaded event listener SecureSocialEventListener
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27 2016-07-02 21:11:27,040 - [INFO   ] - application - [securesocial] unloaded identity provider: userpass
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27 2016-07-02 21:11:27,040 - [INFO   ] - application - Application shutdown
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27 2016-07-02 21:11:27,041 - [INFO   ] - application - [securesocial] unloaded password hasher bcrypt
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27 2016-07-02 21:11:27,045 - [INFO   ] - play - Shutdown application default Akka system.
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27 2016-07-02 21:11:27,079 - [DEBUG  ] - application - SwaggerPlugin.onStop
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27 [info] ScalaTest
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27 [info] Run completed in 13 seconds, 587 milliseconds.
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27 [info] Total number of tests run: 83
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27 [info] Suites: completed 7, aborted 0
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27 [info] Tests: succeeded 83, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27 [info] All tests passed.
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27 [info] Passed: Total 6, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 6
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27 [success] Total time: 42 s, completed Jul 2, 2016 9:11:27 PM
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27 Finished task 'test' with result: Success
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27 Starting task 'docker build' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
02-Jul-2016 21:11:27
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - CORE - bugfix-CATS-539-dataset-collection-spaces - default #9 (CATS-CORE575-JOB1-9)'
... running command line:
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1
... using extra environment variables:
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_10=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt dist
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_script_15=/bin/sh /tmp/
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_12=/usr/bin/sphinx-build -b html -d _build/doctrees . _build/html
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_11=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt clean update
bamboo_planName=Clowder - CORE - bugfix-CATS-539-dataset-collection-spaces
bamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - CORE - bugfix-CATS-539-dataset-collection-spaces - default
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_7=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt compile
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_9=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt doc
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_8=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt test-only integration.APITestSuite
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 557.1 kB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 1.114 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 1.671 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.228 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.785 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.342 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.899 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.456 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.014 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.571 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 6.128 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 6.685 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 7.242 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 7.799 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 8.356 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 8.913 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon  9.47 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 10.03 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 10.58 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 11.14 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon  11.7 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 12.26 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 12.81 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 13.37 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 13.93 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 14.48 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 15.04 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon  15.6 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 16.15 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 16.71 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 17.27 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 17.83 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 18.38 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon 18.94 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:29 Sending build context to Docker daemon  19.5 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 20.05 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 20.61 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 21.17 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 21.73 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 22.28 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 22.84 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon  23.4 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 23.95 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 24.51 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 25.07 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 25.62 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 26.18 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 26.74 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon  27.3 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 27.85 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 28.41 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 28.97 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 29.52 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 30.08 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 30.64 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon  31.2 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 31.75 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 32.31 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 32.87 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 33.42 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 33.98 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 34.54 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 35.09 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 35.65 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 36.21 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 36.77 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 37.32 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 37.88 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 38.44 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 38.99 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 39.55 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 40.11 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 40.67 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 41.22 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 41.78 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 42.34 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 42.89 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 43.45 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 44.01 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 44.56 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 45.12 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 45.68 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 46.24 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 46.79 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 47.35 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 47.91 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 48.46 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 49.02 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 49.58 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 50.14 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 50.69 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 51.25 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 51.81 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 52.36 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 52.92 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 53.48 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 54.03 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 54.59 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 55.15 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 55.71 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 56.26 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 56.82 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 57.38 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 57.93 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 58.49 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 59.05 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon  59.6 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 60.16 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 60.72 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 61.28 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 61.83 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 62.39 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 62.95 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon  63.5 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 64.06 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 64.62 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 65.18 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 65.73 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 66.29 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 66.85 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon  67.4 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 67.96 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 68.52 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 69.07 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 69.63 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 70.19 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 70.75 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon  71.3 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 71.86 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 72.42 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 72.97 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 73.53 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 74.09 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 74.65 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon  75.2 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 75.76 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 76.32 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 76.87 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 77.43 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 77.99 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 78.54 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon  79.1 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 79.66 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 80.22 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 80.77 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 81.33 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 81.89 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 82.44 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon    83 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 83.56 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 84.12 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 84.67 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 85.23 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 85.79 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:30 Sending build context to Docker daemon 86.34 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon  86.9 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 87.46 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 88.01 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 88.57 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 89.13 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 89.69 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 90.24 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon  90.8 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 91.36 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 91.91 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 92.47 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 93.03 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 93.59 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 94.14 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon  94.7 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 95.26 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 95.81 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 96.37 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 96.93 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 97.48 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 98.04 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon  98.6 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 99.16 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 99.71 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 100.3 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 100.8 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 101.4 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 101.9 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 102.5 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 103.1 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 103.6 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 104.2 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 104.7 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 105.3 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 105.8 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 106.4 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon   107 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 107.5 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 108.1 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 108.6 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 109.2 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 109.7 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 110.3 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 110.9 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 111.4 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon   112 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 112.5 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 113.1 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 113.6 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 114.2 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 114.8 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 115.3 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 115.9 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 116.4 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon   117 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 117.5 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 118.1 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 118.7 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 119.2 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 119.8 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 120.3 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 120.9 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 121.4 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon   122 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 122.6 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 123.1 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 123.7 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 124.2 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 124.8 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 125.3 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 125.9 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 126.5 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon   127 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 127.6 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 128.1 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 128.7 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 129.2 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 129.8 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 130.4 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 130.9 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 131.5 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon   132 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 132.6 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 133.1 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 133.7 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 134.3 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 134.8 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 135.4 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 135.9 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 136.5 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon   137 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 137.6 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 138.1 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 138.7 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 139.3 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 139.8 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 140.4 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 140.9 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 141.5 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon   142 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 142.6 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 143.2 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 143.7 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 144.3 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:31 Sending build context to Docker daemon 144.8 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 Sending build context to Docker daemon 145.4 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 Sending build context to Docker daemon 145.9 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 Sending build context to Docker daemon 146.5 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 Sending build context to Docker daemon   147 MB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 Step 1 : FROM java:8-jre
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 8-jre: Pulling from library/java
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 Digest: sha256:c32a37fe69dbc3c582706d9f79c5b84320b4325e3804aff7651db2087c1828c1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 Status: Image is up to date for java:8-jre
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 ---> 76fd51ceaa2e
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 Step 2 : MAINTAINER Rob Kooper <>
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 ---> Using cache
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 ---> ded4726b3202
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 Step 3 : EXPOSE 9000
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 ---> Using cache
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 ---> ee658e7be3e9
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 ---> Using cache
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 ---> 60cc5738503f
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 Step 5 : RUN useradd -s /bin/bash clowder
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 ---> Using cache
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 ---> 5f00e5d16395
02-Jul-2016 21:11:32 Step 6 : COPY files /home/clowder/
02-Jul-2016 21:11:37 ---> 0b245561a948
02-Jul-2016 21:11:37 Removing intermediate container c8b62404ef75
02-Jul-2016 21:11:37 Step 7 : RUN chown -R clowder /home/clowder/clowder
02-Jul-2016 21:11:37 ---> Running in 91af41fa3439
02-Jul-2016 21:11:42 ---> e95d395005e9
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 Removing intermediate container 91af41fa3439
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 Step 8 : ENTRYPOINT /home/clowder/
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 ---> Running in 86ed4fa4de30
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 ---> ca6e235e1245
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 Removing intermediate container 86ed4fa4de30
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 Step 9 : CMD server
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 ---> Running in 67cc5723dcc1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 ---> 3e35babd94fa
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 Removing intermediate container 67cc5723dcc1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 Step 10 : USER clowder
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 ---> Running in 5031629decc1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 ---> c5126a6019c1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 Removing intermediate container 5031629decc1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 Successfully built c5126a6019c1
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 Sending build context to Docker daemon 22.02 kB
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 Step 1 : FROM ubuntu
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 latest: Pulling from library/ubuntu
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 Digest: sha256:bbfd93a02a8487edb60f20316ebc966ddc7aa123c2e609185450b96971020097
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 Status: Image is up to date for ubuntu:latest
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 ---> 0f192147631d
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 Step 2 : RUN apt-get -y update     && apt-get -y install curl unzip python python-dev python-pip     && pip install flask-restful     && pip install arrow     && apt-get clean all     && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*     ;
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 ---> Using cache
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 ---> 68f71b1f3b10
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 Step 3 : COPY FILES.toolserver /
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 ---> Using cache
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 ---> 444b2d667b8b
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 Step 4 : ENV TOOLSERVER_PORT 8082
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 ---> Using cache
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 ---> 21c36f139a1e
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 Step 5 : CMD /usr/local/bin/usage
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 ---> Using cache
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 ---> 123668bfadff
02-Jul-2016 21:11:43 Successfully built 123668bfadff
02-Jul-2016 21:11:44 Tagged clowder toolserver with local
02-Jul-2016 21:11:44 Tagged clowder toolserver with local
02-Jul-2016 21:11:44 Untagged: toolserver-18187:latest
02-Jul-2016 21:11:44 Untagged: clowder-18187:latest
02-Jul-2016 21:11:44 Finished task 'docker build' with result: Success
02-Jul-2016 21:11:44 Starting task 'junit' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.testresultparser:task.testresultparser.junit'
02-Jul-2016 21:11:44 Parsing test results under /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE575-JOB1...
02-Jul-2016 21:11:44 Finished task 'junit' with result: Success
02-Jul-2016 21:11:44 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
02-Jul-2016 21:11:44 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
02-Jul-2016 21:11:44 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
02-Jul-2016 21:11:44 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
02-Jul-2016 21:11:44 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
02-Jul-2016 21:11:44 Publishing an artifact: dist
02-Jul-2016 21:11:51 Finished publishing of artifact Shared artifact: [dist], pattern: [clowder-*.zip] anchored at: [target/universal] in 7.246 s
02-Jul-2016 21:11:51 Publishing an artifact: scaladoc
02-Jul-2016 21:11:53 Finished publishing of artifact Shared artifact: [scaladoc], pattern: [**/*] anchored at: [target/scala-2.10/api] in 1.398 s
02-Jul-2016 21:11:53 Publishing an artifact: manual
02-Jul-2016 21:11:53 Finished publishing of artifact Shared artifact: [manual], pattern: [**/*] anchored at: [doc/src/sphinx/_build/html] in 320.1 ms
02-Jul-2016 21:11:53 Finalising the build...
02-Jul-2016 21:11:53 Stopping timer.
02-Jul-2016 21:11:53 Build CATS-CORE575-JOB1-9 completed.
02-Jul-2016 21:11:53 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
02-Jul-2016 21:11:53 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
02-Jul-2016 21:11:53 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
02-Jul-2016 21:11:53 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
02-Jul-2016 21:11:53 All post build plugins have finished
02-Jul-2016 21:11:53 Generating build results summary...
02-Jul-2016 21:11:53 Saving build results to disk...
02-Jul-2016 21:11:53 Logging substituted variables...
02-Jul-2016 21:11:53 Indexing build results...
02-Jul-2016 21:11:53 Finished building CATS-CORE575-JOB1-9.