Build: #2 was successful Changes by Rob Kooper


The following logs have been generated by the jobs in this branch.
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Job Logs
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29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 Successfully built c81942df65fc
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 Sending build context to Docker daemon 22.02 kB
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 Step 1 : FROM ubuntu
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 latest: Pulling from library/ubuntu
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 Digest: sha256:28d4c5234db8d5a634d5e621c363d900f8f241240ee0a6a978784c978fe9c737
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 Status: Image is up to date for ubuntu:latest
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 ---> c73a085dc378
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 Step 2 : RUN apt-get -y update     && apt-get -y install curl unzip python python-dev python-pip     && pip install flask-restful     && pip install arrow     && apt-get clean all     && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*     ;
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 ---> Using cache
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 ---> fadcd9b01cd7
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 Step 3 : COPY FILES.toolserver /
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 ---> Using cache
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 ---> 61c75d39fb4b
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 Step 4 : ENV TOOLSERVER_PORT 8082
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 ---> Using cache
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 ---> 05139d48e24d
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 Step 5 : CMD /usr/local/bin/usage
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 ---> Using cache
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 ---> 4283581b009c
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 Successfully built 4283581b009c
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 Tagged clowder toolserver with local
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 Tagged clowder toolserver with local
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 Untagged: toolserver-30088:latest
29-Sep-2016 14:42:01 Untagged: clowder-30088:latest