Core application including web front end

Build: #21 was successful

Job: default was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

Test results

  • 80 tests in total
  • 9 seconds taken in total.

The following 80 tests have passed:

Show all tests on one page
All successful tests
Status Test Duration
Successful ApplicationSpec The Application API Spec must make the FakeApplication available implicitly
< 1 sec
Successful ApplicationSpec The Application API Spec must provide a FakeApplication
< 1 sec
Successful ApplicationSpec The Application API Spec must render index template
< 1 sec
Successful ApplicationSpec The Application API Spec must render the index page
< 1 sec
Successful ApplicationSpec The Application API Spec must send 404 on a bad request
< 1 sec
Successful ApplicationSpec The Application API Spec must start the FakeApplication
< 1 sec
Successful CollectionsAPIAppSpec The Collections API Spec must make the FakeApplication available implicitly
< 1 sec
Successful CollectionsAPIAppSpec The Collections API Spec must provide a FakeApplication
< 1 sec
Successful CollectionsAPIAppSpec The Collections API Spec must respond to the attachDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id for dataset 1
< 1 sec
Successful CollectionsAPIAppSpec The Collections API Spec must respond to the attachDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id for dataset 2
< 1 sec
Successful CollectionsAPIAppSpec The Collections API Spec must respond to the createCollection() function routed by POST /api/collections for Collection 1
< 1 sec
Successful CollectionsAPIAppSpec The Collections API Spec must respond to the createCollection() function routed by POST /api/collections for Collection 2
< 1 sec
Successful CollectionsAPIAppSpec The Collections API Spec must respond to the createDataset() function routed by POST /api/datasets for Dataset 1 Creation
< 1 sec
Successful CollectionsAPIAppSpec The Collections API Spec must respond to the createDataset() function routed by POST /api/datasets for Dataset 2 Creation
< 1 sec
Successful CollectionsAPIAppSpec The Collections API Spec must respond to the deleteDataset(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/datasets/:id for Dataset 1
< 1 sec
Successful CollectionsAPIAppSpec The Collections API Spec must respond to the deleteDataset(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/datasets/:id for Dataset 2
< 1 sec
Successful CollectionsAPIAppSpec The Collections API Spec must respond to the listCollections() function routed by GET /api/collections
< 1 sec
Successful CollectionsAPIAppSpec The Collections API Spec must respond to the listCollections() function routed by GET /api/collections/list
< 1 sec
Successful CollectionsAPIAppSpec The Collections API Spec must respond to the listInCollection(coll_id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/collections/:coll_id/getDatasets
< 1 sec
Successful CollectionsAPIAppSpec The Collections API Spec must respond to the listOutsideCollection(coll_id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/listOutsideCollection/:coll_id
< 1 sec
Successful CollectionsAPIAppSpec The Collections API Spec must respond to the removeCollection(coll_id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/collections/:id
< 1 sec
Successful CollectionsAPIAppSpec The Collections API Spec must respond to the removeCollection(coll_id:UUID) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/remove
< 1 sec
Successful CollectionsAPIAppSpec The Collections API Spec must respond to the removeDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID, ignoreNotFound) function routed by DELETE /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id for dataset 2
< 1 sec
Successful CollectionsAPIAppSpec The Collections API Spec must respond to the removeDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID, ignoreNoteFound) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id/:ignoreNotFound for dataset 2
< 1 sec
Successful CollectionsAPIAppSpec The Collections API Spec must start the FakeApplication
< 1 sec
Successful DatasetsAPIAppSpec The Datasets API Spec must make the FakeApplication available implicitly
< 1 sec
Successful DatasetsAPIAppSpec The Datasets API Spec must provide a FakeApplication
< 1 sec
Successful DatasetsAPIAppSpec The Datasets API Spec must respond to the addMetadata(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/metadata
< 1 sec
Successful DatasetsAPIAppSpec The Datasets API Spec must respond to the addTags(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/tags
< 1 sec
Successful DatasetsAPIAppSpec The Datasets API Spec must respond to the addTags(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/tags round two
< 1 sec
Successful DatasetsAPIAppSpec The Datasets API Spec must respond to the comment(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/comment
< 1 sec
Successful DatasetsAPIAppSpec The Datasets API Spec must respond to the createDataset() function routed by POST /api/datasets
< 1 sec
Successful DatasetsAPIAppSpec The Datasets API Spec must respond to the datasetFilesList(id:UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id
< 1 sec
Successful DatasetsAPIAppSpec The Datasets API Spec must respond to the datasetFilesList(id:UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id/listFiles
< 1 sec
Successful DatasetsAPIAppSpec The Datasets API Spec must respond to the deleteDataset(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/datasets/:id
< 1 sec
Successful DatasetsAPIAppSpec The Datasets API Spec must respond to the getTags(id:UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id/tags
< 1 sec
Successful DatasetsAPIAppSpec The Datasets API Spec must respond to the getTechnicalMetadataJSON(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id/technicalmetadatajson
< 1 sec
Successful DatasetsAPIAppSpec The Datasets API Spec must respond to the list() function routed by GET /api/datasets
< 1 sec
Successful DatasetsAPIAppSpec The Datasets API Spec must respond to the removeTag(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/removeTag
< 1 sec
Successful DatasetsAPIAppSpec The Datasets API Spec must respond to the removeTags(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/tags/remove
< 1 sec
Successful DatasetsAPIAppSpec The Datasets API Spec must respond to the searchDatasetsGeneralMetadata() function routed by POST /api/datasets/searchmetadata
< 1 sec
Successful DatasetsAPIAppSpec The Datasets API Spec must respond to the searchDatasetsUserMetadata() function routed by POST /api/datasets/searchmetadata
< 1 sec
Successful DatasetsAPIAppSpec The Datasets API Spec must respond to the updateLicense(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/license
< 1 sec
Successful DatasetsAPIAppSpec The Datasets API Spec must start the FakeApplication
< 1 sec
Successful ExtractionsAPIAppSpec The Extractions API Spec must make the FakeApplication available implicitly
< 1 sec
Successful ExtractionsAPIAppSpec The Extractions API Spec must provide a FakeApplication
< 1 sec
Successful ExtractionsAPIAppSpec The Extractions API Spec must respond to the Upload File
1 sec
Successful ExtractionsAPIAppSpec The Extractions API Spec must respond to the Upload File URL
< 1 sec
Successful ExtractionsAPIAppSpec The Extractions API Spec must respond to the getDTSRequests
< 1 sec
Successful ExtractionsAPIAppSpec The Extractions API Spec must respond to the getExtractorNamesAction
< 1 sec
  • Showing 1-50 of 80