Core application including web front end

Build: #4 was successful Changes by Luigi Marini


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Job Logs
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11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 ---> Using cache
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 ---> 73276fcaf263
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 Successfully built 73276fcaf263
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 Successfully tagged clowder/toolserver:latest
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 Sending build context to Docker daemon  11.26kB
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 Step 1/6 : FROM ubuntu:16.04
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 ---> b9e15a5d1e1a
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 Step 2/6 : MAINTAINER Bing Zhang <>
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 ---> Using cache
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 ---> c84b41d3fff7
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 Step 3/6 : ENV EMAIL_ADDRESS=""    FIRST_NAME=""    LAST_NAME=""     PASSWORD=""    MONGO_URI=""    CLOWDER_PORT_9000_TCP_ADDR=""    CLOWDER_PORT_9000_TCP_PORT=""    RABBITMQ_PORT_15672_TCP_ADDR=""    RABBITMQ_PORT_15672_PORT=""    MONGO_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR=""    MONGO_PORT_27017_TCP_PORT=""
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 ---> Using cache
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 ---> 2b2f1ed32193
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 Step 4/6 : RUN mkdir -p /data/db &&     apt-get update &&     apt-get install -y netcat curl lsb-release &&     apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv EA312927 &&     echo "deb "$(lsb_release -sc)"/mongodb-org/3.2 multiverse" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.2.list &&     apt-get update && apt-get install -y     mongodb-org     net-tools iproute     python3 python3-pip &&     pip3 install passlib bcrypt
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 ---> Using cache
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 ---> a74aa57f1601
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 Step 5/6 : COPY FILES.mongo-init /
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 ---> Using cache
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 ---> 0e460dff561f
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 Step 6/6 : ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"]
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 ---> Using cache
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 ---> 9ffe4738f36a
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 Successfully built 9ffe4738f36a
11-Oct-2018 11:59:14 Successfully tagged clowder/mongo-init:latest