Core application including web front end

Build: #6 failed

Job: default failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

Build log

The build generated 1,941 lines of output.   The output is too long and has been truncated to the last 1,000 lines. Download or view full build log.

22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn]                 ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBTileService.scala:29: match may not be exhaustive.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_), JsUndefined()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn]     json match {
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn]     ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoSalatPlugin.scala:1593: match may not be exhaustive.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn]         md.getAs[DBObject]("content") match {
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn]                           ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/util/FileUtils.scala:146: match may not be exhaustive.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_)
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn]                 Json.parse(fobj) \ "@context" match {
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn]                                  ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:47: unreachable code
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] GET            /profile/:uuid                                                           @controllers.Profile.viewProfileUUID(uuid: UUID)
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:290: unreachable code
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] POST           /api/sensors/config                                                      @api.Admin.sensorsConfig
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:610: unreachable code
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] DELETE         /api/sections/:id/tags                                                   @api.Sections.removeTags(id: UUID)
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:355: unreachable code
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] POST           /api/uploadToDataset/:id                                                 @api.Files.uploadToDataset(id: UUID, showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String ?= "", extract: Boolean ?= true)
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:376: unreachable code
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] DELETE         /api/files/:id                                                           @api.Files.removeFile(id: UUID)
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:381: unreachable code
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] DELETE         /api/files/:id/tags                                                      @api.Files.removeTags(id: UUID)
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:437: unreachable code
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] GET            /api/files/:three_d_file_id/:filename                                    @api.Files.getTexture(three_d_file_id: UUID, filename)
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:424: unreachable code
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] GET            /api/files/:id                                                  UUID, tracking: Boolean ?= true)
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:351: unreachable code
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] POST           /api/files/withFlags/:flags                                              @api.Files.upload(showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String)
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:481: unreachable code
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] GET            /api/collections/list                                                    @api.Collections.list(title: Option[String] ?= None, date: Option[String] ?= None, limit: Int ?= 12, exact: Boolean ?= false)
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:488: unreachable code
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] DELETE         /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id                                @api.Collections.removeDataset(coll_id: UUID, ds_id: UUID, ignoreNotFound ?= "True")
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:494: unreachable code
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] DELETE         /api/collections/:coll_id                                                @api.Collections.removeCollection(coll_id: UUID)
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:546: unreachable code
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] GET            /api/datasets/:id/files                                                  @api.Datasets.datasetAllFilesList(id: UUID, max: Option[Int] ?= None)
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:535: unreachable code
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] DELETE         /api/datasets/:ds_id/:file_id                                            @api.Datasets.detachFile(ds_id: UUID,file_id: UUID, ignoreNotFound ?= "True")
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:493: unreachable code
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] GET            /api/collections/:coll_id/getDatasets                                    @api.Datasets.listInCollection(coll_id: UUID)
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:559: unreachable code
22-Oct-2018 15:32:34 [warn] DELETE         /api/datasets/:id/tags                                                   @api.Datasets.removeTags(id: UUID)
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:645: unreachable code
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] GET            /api/geostreams/streams/update                                           api.Geostreams.updateStatisticsStreamSensor()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/views/collections/tile.scala.html:58: match may not be exhaustive.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn]                 case Some(viewer) => {
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/views/curations/publishedGrid.scala.html:12: match may not be exhaustive.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsObject(_), JsUndefined()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn]           case creators:JsArray => {@(((jo \ "CreatorName"))(0).as[String].trim)@for(i <- 1 to (creators.value.size-1)){, @(((jo \ "CreatorName"))(i).as[String].trim)}}}"
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/views/curations/publishedGrid.scala.html:31: match may not be exhaustive.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsObject(_), JsUndefined()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn]           case creator:JsString => {
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/views/curations/publishedGrid.scala.html:9: match may not be exhaustive.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_), JsUndefined()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn]                     case jo:JsObject => {
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/views/datasets/tile.scala.html:65: match may not be exhaustive.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn]                 case Some(viewer) => {
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/views/files/tile.scala.html:45: match may not be exhaustive.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn]                 case Some(viewer) => {
22-Oct-2018 15:32:35 [warn] ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/api/CurationObjects.scala:288: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn]           val client = new DefaultHttpClient
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn]                            ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:222: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn]                   if (!file.xmlMetadata.isEmpty) {
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn]                             ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:421: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn]       if (!file.xmlMetadata.isEmpty){
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn]                 ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:504: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn]           if (!file.xmlMetadata.isEmpty)
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn]                     ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/models/Collection.scala:26: value jsonldMetadata in class Collection is deprecated: use Metadata
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn]   @deprecated("use Metadata","since the use of jsonld") jsonldMetadata : List[Metadata]= List.empty
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn]                                                         ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/models/Collection.scala:6: value jsonldMetadata in class Collection is deprecated: use Metadata
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn] case class Collection(
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn]            ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/models/File.scala:31: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn]   @deprecated("use Metadata","since the use of jsonld") xmlMetadata: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty,
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn]                                                         ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/models/File.scala:13: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn] case class File(
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn]            ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/models/Preview.scala:29: value jsonldMetadata in class Preview is deprecated: use Metadata
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn]   @deprecated("use Metadata","since the use of jsonld") jsonldMetadata : List[Metadata]= List.empty
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn]                                                         ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/models/Preview.scala:10: value jsonldMetadata in class Preview is deprecated: use Metadata
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn] case class Preview(
22-Oct-2018 15:32:39 [warn]            ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/models/Section.scala:18: value jsonldMetadata in class Section is deprecated: use Metadata
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]   @deprecated("use Metadata","since the use of jsonld") jsonldMetadata : List[Metadata]= List.empty,
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]                                                         ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/models/Section.scala:8: value jsonldMetadata in class Section is deprecated: use Metadata
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] case class Section(
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]            ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/RabbitmqPlugin.scala:172: method encode in object URLEncoder is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]       vhost = URLEncoder.encode(factory.get.getVirtualHost)
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]                          ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:25: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]         val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]             ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:25: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]         val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]                              ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:53: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]         val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]             ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:53: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]         val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]                              ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:81: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]         val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]             ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:81: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]         val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]                              ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:110: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]         val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]             ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:110: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]         val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]                              ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:128: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]         val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]             ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:128: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]         val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]                              ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:146: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]         val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]             ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:146: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]         val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]                              ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:217: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]         val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]             ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:217: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]         val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]                              ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:238: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]         val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]             ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:238: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]         val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]                              ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBFileService.scala:695: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]             if(!file.xmlMetadata.isEmpty){
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]                      ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBPreviewService.scala:157: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]       val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]           ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBPreviewService.scala:157: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]       val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]                            ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/app/util/FileUtils.scala:278: value jsonldMetadata in class Preview is deprecated: use Metadata
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]           val currentMetadata = currentPreview.jsonldMetadata
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn]                                                ^
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:350: method upload in class Files is deprecated
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] POST           /api/files                                                               @api.Files.upload(showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String ?= "")
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:350: method upload in class Files is deprecated
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] POST           /api/files                                                               @api.Files.upload(showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String ?= "")
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/conf/routes:351: method upload in class Files is deprecated
22-Oct-2018 15:32:40 [warn] POST           /api/files/withFlags/:flags                                              @api.Files.upload(showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String)
22-Oct-2018 15:33:25 [warn] 173 warnings found
22-Oct-2018 15:33:27 [warn] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.7
22-Oct-2018 15:33:27 [warn] 1 warning
22-Oct-2018 15:33:34 [success] Total time: 116 s, completed Oct 22, 2018 3:33:34 PM
22-Oct-2018 15:33:34 Finished task 'compile' with result: Success
22-Oct-2018 15:33:34 Starting task 'mongo clean' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script'
22-Oct-2018 15:33:34
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - CORE - release-1.5 - default #6 (CATS-CORE925-JOB1-6)'
... running command line:
/bin/sh /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp/
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
... using extra environment variables:
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_18=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt compile
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_17=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt clean update
bamboo_planName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.5
bamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.5 - default
22-Oct-2018 15:33:34 MongoDB shell version v3.4.10
22-Oct-2018 15:33:34 connecting to: mongodb://
22-Oct-2018 15:33:34 MongoDB server version: 3.4.10
22-Oct-2018 15:33:36 { "dropped" : "clowder", "ok" : 1 }
22-Oct-2018 15:33:36 bye
22-Oct-2018 15:33:36 Finished task 'mongo clean' with result: Success
22-Oct-2018 15:33:36
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.buildNumber} with 6
22-Oct-2018 15:33:36 Starting task 'test' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.sbt:sbt'
22-Oct-2018 15:33:36
Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - CORE - release-1.5 - default #6 (CATS-CORE925-JOB1-6)'
... running command line:
/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt test-only integration.APITestSuite
... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
... using extra environment variables:
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_script_15=/bin/sh /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp/
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_18=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt compile
bamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_17=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt clean update
bamboo_planName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.5
bamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.5 - default
22-Oct-2018 15:33:38 [info] Loading project definition from /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/project
22-Oct-2018 15:33:39 [info] Set current project to clowder (in build file:/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/)
22-Oct-2018 15:33:46 [info] Compiling 38 Scala sources to /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/target/scala-2.10/test-classes...
22-Oct-2018 15:33:51 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/integration/spaces/SpacesAPIAppSpec.scala:164: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses
22-Oct-2018 15:33:51 [warn]         case JsSuccess(list : List[SpacesSet], _) => list
22-Oct-2018 15:33:51 [warn]                                                      ^
22-Oct-2018 15:33:51 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/integration/spaces/SpacesAPIAppSpec.scala:206: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses
22-Oct-2018 15:33:51 [warn]         case JsSuccess(list : List[SpacesSet], _) => list
22-Oct-2018 15:33:51 [warn]                                                      ^
22-Oct-2018 15:33:52 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/integration/utilities/MultiFileUpload.scala:50: implicit conversion method toWrappedFakeRequest should be enabled
22-Oct-2018 15:33:52 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible.
22-Oct-2018 15:33:52 [warn] This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import scala.language.implicitConversions'
22-Oct-2018 15:33:52 [warn] or by setting the compiler option -language:implicitConversions.
22-Oct-2018 15:33:52 [warn] See the Scala docs for value scala.language.implicitConversions for a discussion
22-Oct-2018 15:33:52 [warn] why the feature should be explicitly enabled.
22-Oct-2018 15:33:52 [warn]   implicit def toWrappedFakeRequest[A](fr: FakeRequest[A]) = WrappedFakeRequest(fr)
22-Oct-2018 15:33:52 [warn]                ^
22-Oct-2018 15:33:54 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/integration/dts/DTSExtractionsAPIAppSpec.scala:59: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:33:54 [warn]       val client = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:33:54 [warn]           ^
22-Oct-2018 15:33:54 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/integration/dts/DTSExtractionsAPIAppSpec.scala:59: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
22-Oct-2018 15:33:54 [warn]       val client = new DefaultHttpClient()
22-Oct-2018 15:33:54 [warn]                        ^
22-Oct-2018 15:33:58 [warn] 5 warnings found
22-Oct-2018 15:34:00 2018-10-22 15:34:00,876 - [INFO   ] - application - Connecting to : mongodb://
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,437 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update add-trash-dataset. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,438 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update add-trash-collection. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,439 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update fixing-typehint-users. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,440 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update convert-to-spaces. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,441 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update fixing-taglength. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,442 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update removed-datasets-collection. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,442 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update replace-dataset-collections-string-uuid. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,443 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update replace-dataset-files-with-id. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,444 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update migrate-metadata-jsonld. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,445 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update collection-author. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,446 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update update-space-invites. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,446 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update update-file-length-sha512-path. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,447 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update fixing-mongo-sha512. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,448 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update update-user-preferences. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,449 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update activate-users. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,450 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update migrate-notes-files. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,451 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update migrate-notes-datasets. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,451 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update add-creator-to-folders. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,452 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update add-creator-to-curation-folders. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,453 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update split-gridfs. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,454 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update add-admin-to-user-object. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,455 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update use-miniuser. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,455 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update add-collection-root-map. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,456 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update update-collection-counter-in-space. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,457 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update rename-admin-serverAdmin. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,458 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update update-events-name. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,458 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update update-user-spaces. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,459 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update update-counts-spaces. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,460 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update add-trial-flag. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,460 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update switch-user-agreement-to-terms-of-services. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,461 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update fix-metadata-count. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,462 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update add-file-status. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,462 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update add-metadata-per-space. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,463 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update add-trial-flag2. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,464 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update user-emails-to-lowercase. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,465 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update copy-sha512-to-metadata-and-remove-all. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,465 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update update-repository-type-in-extractors-info. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,466 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update change-in-curation-status-to-in-preparation. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,467 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update change-to-user-status. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,467 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update populate-original-filename. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,468 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update remove-key-extraction-log. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,469 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update update-avatar-url-to-https. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:01 2018-10-22 15:34:01,470 - [WARN   ] - application - Missing mongo update update-editor-role. Application might be broken.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:13 2018-10-22 15:34:13,024 - [INFO   ] - application - [securesocial] loaded templates plugin: services.SecureSocialTemplatesPlugin
22-Oct-2018 15:34:13 2018-10-22 15:34:13,070 - [INFO   ] - play - Starting application default Akka system.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:13 2018-10-22 15:34:13,073 - [INFO   ] - application - [securesocial] loaded user service: class services.mongodb.MongoDBSecureSocialUserService
22-Oct-2018 15:34:13 2018-10-22 15:34:13,074 - [INFO   ] - application - [securesocial] loaded password hasher bcrypt
22-Oct-2018 15:34:14 2018-10-22 15:34:14,424 - [INFO   ] - application - Application has started
22-Oct-2018 15:34:14 2018-10-22 15:34:14,425 - [INFO   ] - application - [securesocial] loaded identity provider: userpass
22-Oct-2018 15:34:14 2018-10-22 15:34:14,425 - [INFO   ] - application - [securesocial] loaded event listener SecureSocialEventListener
22-Oct-2018 15:34:14 [info] ExtractionsAPIAppSpec:
22-Oct-2018 15:34:14 [info] The Extractions API Spec
22-Oct-2018 15:34:14 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication
22-Oct-2018 15:34:14 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly
22-Oct-2018 15:34:14 [info] - must start the FakeApplication
22-Oct-2018 15:34:14 [info] The Extractions API Spec
22-Oct-2018 15:34:14 [info] - must respond to the Upload File URL
22-Oct-2018 15:34:14 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:14 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:14 [info]   + contentAsString{"id":"5bce3446cb0ea6108c7d50c0"}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info] - must respond to the Upload File
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + contentAsString{"id":"5bce3447cb0ea6108c7d50c6"}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info] - must respond to the getExtractorNamesAction
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + content{"Extractors":[]}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info] - must respond to the getExtractorServerIPsAction
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + content{"Servers":[]}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info] - must respond to the getExtractorSupportedInputTypesAction
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + content{"InputTypes":[]}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info] - must respond to the getDTSRequests
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info] - must respond to the removeFile(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/files/:id for morrow-plots file 
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   "status" : "success"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info] - must respond to the removeFile(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/files/:id for logos_ncsa file
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   "status" : "success"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info] FilesAPIAppSpec:
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info] The Files API Spec
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info] - must start the FakeApplication
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info] The Files API Spec
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info] - must respond to the Upload File
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:15 [info]   + contentAsString{"id":"5bce3447cb0ea6108c7d50d7"}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:16 [info] - must respond to the uploadThumbnail() function routed by POST /api/fileThumbnail
22-Oct-2018 15:34:16 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:16 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:16 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:16 [info]   + contentAsString{"id":"5bce3448cb0ea6108c7d50e2"}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the addMetadata(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/files/:id/metadata
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/data/files/data-test-general.json
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Image" : "fid",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Format" : "JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Class" : "DirectClass",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Geometry" : "640x299+0+0",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Resolution" : "72x72",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Printsize" : "8.88889x4.15278",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Units" : "PixelsPerInch",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Type" : "TrueColor",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Endianess" : "Undefined",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Colorspace" : "sRGB",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Depth" : "8-bit",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Channeldepth" : {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "red" : "8-bit",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "green" : "8-bit",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "blue" : "8-bit"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   },
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Channelstatistics" : {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "Red" : {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "min" : "0(0)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "max" : "255(1)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "mean" : "100.639(0.394664)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "standarddeviation" : "71.9573(0.282185)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "kurtosis" : "-1.36322",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "skewness" : "0.451553"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     },
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "Green" : {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "min" : "0(0)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "max" : "255(1)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "mean" : "90.209(0.353761)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "standarddeviation" : "65.0885(0.255249)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "kurtosis" : "-1.13473",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "skewness" : "0.595271"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     },
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "Blue" : {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "min" : "0(0)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "max" : "255(1)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "mean" : "79.6365(0.3123)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "standarddeviation" : "55.4165(0.21732)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "kurtosis" : "-0.872806",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "skewness" : "0.669403"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   },
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Imagestatistics" : {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "Overall" : {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "min" : "0(0)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "max" : "255(1)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "mean" : "90.1616(0.353575)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "standarddeviation" : "64.5119(0.252988)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "kurtosis" : "-0.975723",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]       "skewness" : "0.636514"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   },
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Renderingintent" : "Perceptual",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Gamma" : "0.454545",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Chromaticity" : {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "redprimary" : "(0.64,0.33)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "greenprimary" : "(0.3,0.6)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "blueprimary" : "(0.15,0.06)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "whitepoint" : "(0.3127,0.329)"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   },
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Backgroundcolor" : "white",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Bordercolor" : "srgb(223,223,223)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Mattecolor" : "grey74",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Transparentcolor" : "black",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Interlace" : "None",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Intensity" : "Undefined",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Compose" : "Over",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Pagegeometry" : "640x299+0+0",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Dispose" : "Undefined",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Iterations" : "0",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Compression" : "JPEG",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Quality" : "93",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Orientation" : "TopLeft",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Properties" : {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "date: create" : "2014-08-28T11: 07: 11-05: 00",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "date: modify" : "2014-08-28T11: 07: 11-05: 00",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exif: ColorSpace" : "1",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exif: ComponentsConfiguration" : "1,2,3,0",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exif: Compression" : "6",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exif: ExifImageLength" : "299",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exif: ExifImageWidth" : "640",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exif: ExifOffset" : "102",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exif: ExifVersion" : "48,50,50,49",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exif: FlashPixVersion" : "48,49,48,48",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exif: JPEGInterchangeFormat" : "286",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exif: JPEGInterchangeFormatLength" : "7402",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exif: Orientation" : "1",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exif: ResolutionUnit" : "2",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exif: SceneCaptureType" : "0",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exif: thumbnail: ResolutionUnit" : "2",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exif: thumbnail: XResolution" : "72/1",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exif: thumbnail: YResolution" : "72/1",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exif: XResolution" : "72/1",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exif: YCbCrPositioning" : "1",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exif: YResolution" : "72/1",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "jpeg: colorspace" : "2",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "jpeg: sampling-factor" : "2x2,1x1,1x1",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "signature" : "79e4979a6a880c120d7dc862a274ba452233fcf34459d05ca12f25af6dbfb0e6"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   },
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Profiles" : {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "Profile-exif" : "8188bytes"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   },
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Artifacts" : {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "filename" : "fname",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "verbose" : "true"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   },
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Tainted" : "False",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Filesize" : "58.1KB",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Numberpixels" : "191K",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Pixelspersecond" : "19.14MB",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Usertime" : "0.010u",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Elapsedtime" : "0: 01.009",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Version" : "ImageMagick6.8.6-32013-06-25Q16http: //"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the addUserMetadata(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/files/:id/usermetadata
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/data/files/data-test-user.json
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Description" : "Pretty picture of bronze sign",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Items" : "Sign, Bridge, Building",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Other" : "Sunny Day"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the get(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/files/:id/metadata
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "size" : "1267871",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "date-created" : "Mon Oct 22 15:34:15 CDT 2018",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "id" : "5bce3447cb0ea6108c7d50d7",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "authorId" : "000000000000000000000000",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "content-type" : "image/jpeg",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "filename" : "morrowplots.jpg",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "status" : "PROCESSED",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "filedescription" : ""
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the searchFilesGeneralMetadata() function routed by POST /api/files/searchmetadata 
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/data/files/data-search-general.json
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Image" : "fid"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + content[]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the searchFilesUserMetadata() function routed by POST /api/files/searchmetadata 
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/data/files/data-search-user.json
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Description" : ".*bronze sign.*"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + content[]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the attachThumbnail(file_id:UUID, thumbnail:UUID) function routed by POST /api/files/:file_id/thumbnails/:thumbnails_id 
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "status" : "success"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the listThumbnails() function routed by POST /api/thumbnails
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + content[{"size":"9757","date-created":"Mon Oct 22 15:34:16 CDT 2018","id":"5bce3448cb0ea6108c7d50e2","content-type":"image/jpeg","filename":"morrowplots-thumb-1.jpg"}]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the removeFile(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/files/:id 
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the removeThumbnail(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/thumbnails/:id 
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] DatasetsAPIAppSpec:
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] The Datasets API Spec
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must start the FakeApplication
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] The Datasets API Spec
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 2018-10-22 15:34:17,373 - [ERROR  ] - application - Dataset not found: 5bce3449cb0ea6108c7d50fc
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the createDataset() function routed by POST /api/datasets
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentAsString{"id":"5bce3449cb0ea6108c7d50fc"}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the list() function routed by GET /api/datasets
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + content[{"id":"5bce3449cb0ea6108c7d50fc","name":"Dataset API Test Creation","description":"Part of Dataset API Test Suite","created":"Mon Oct 22 15:34:17 CDT 2018","thumbnail":"None","authorId":"000000000000000000000000","spaces":[]}]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the datasetFilesList(id:UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id 
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "id" : "5bce3449cb0ea6108c7d50fc",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "name" : "Dataset API Test Creation",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "description" : "Part of Dataset API Test Suite",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "created" : "Mon Oct 22 15:34:17 CDT 2018",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "thumbnail" : "None",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "authorId" : "000000000000000000000000",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "spaces" : [ ]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the datasetFilesList(id:UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id/listFiles 
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + [ {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "size" : "3797692",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "date-created" : "Mon Oct 22 15:34:17 CDT 2018",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "id" : "5bce3449cb0ea6108c7d50e8",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "contentType" : "multi/files-zipped",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "filename" : ""
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] } ]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the updateLicense(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/license
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + content{"status":"success"}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the comment(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/comment
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(text/plain)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + content5bce3449cb0ea6108c7d5102
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the addTags(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/tags
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-tags.json
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "tags" : [ "Dataset", "Test Suite", "Clowder" ],
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "extractor_id" : ""
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + content{"status":"success"}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the removeTags(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/tags/remove
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-tags-remove.json
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "tags" : [ "Clowder", "Test Suite" ],
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "extractor_id" : ""
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + content{"status":"success"}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the getTags(id:UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id/tags 
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "id" : "5bce3449cb0ea6108c7d50fc",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "name" : "Dataset API Test Creation",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "tags" : [ "Dataset" ]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the addTags(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/tags round two
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-tags-round-two.json
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "tags" : [ "Test 2", "Cool Stuff", "New Technology" ],
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "extractor_id" : ""
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + content{"status":"success"}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the removeTag(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/removeTag
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-tags-remove-one.json
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "tags" : [ "Dataset" ]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + content""
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the addMetadata(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/metadata
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-general.json
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "archive" : {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exclude" : [ "/foo/bar", "baz", "/*.test", "!/foo/bar/baz" ]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   },
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Image" : "fid",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Format" : "JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Reason" : "DataSet Test Suite"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the addUserMetadata(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/usermetadata
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-user.json
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Description" : "Dataset Zip file Json",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Items" : "Image files",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Other" : "Pretty Cool Huh?"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the getUserMetadataJSON(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id/usermetadata
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(text/plain)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Description" : "Dataset Zip file Json",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Items" : "Image files",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Other" : "Pretty Cool Huh?"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the getTechnicalMetadataJSON(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id/technicalmetadatajson
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + [ {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "archive" : {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]     "exclude" : [ "/foo/bar", "baz", "/*.test", "!/foo/bar/baz" ]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   },
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Image" : "fid",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Format" : "JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Reason" : "DataSet Test Suite"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] } ]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] - must respond to the searchDatasetsGeneralMetadata() function routed by POST /api/datasets/searchmetadata 
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-search-general.json
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   "Reason" : ".*Suite.*"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:17 [info]   + content[]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must respond to the searchDatasetsUserMetadata() function routed by POST /api/datasets/searchmetadata 
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-search-user.json
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "Other" : ".*Pretty Cool.*"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + content[]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 2018-10-22 15:34:18,029 - [ERROR  ] - application - File not found: 5bce3449cb0ea6108c7d50e8
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must respond to the deleteDataset(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/datasets/:id 
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "status" : "success"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] CollectionsAPIAppSpec:
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] The Collections API Spec
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must start the FakeApplication
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] The Collections API Spec
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must respond to the createCollection() function routed by POST /api/collections for Collection 1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/data/collections/data-test-collection.json
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "description" : "Collection 1 Tests Description",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "name" : "Collection 1 Test Suite",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "space" : "default"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + content{"id":"5bce344acb0ea6108c7d5113"}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must respond to the createCollection() function routed by POST /api/collections for Collection 2
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/data/collections/data-test-collection-1.json
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "description" : "Collection 2 Tests Description",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "name" : "Collection 2 Test Suite",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "space" : "default"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + content{"id":"5bce344acb0ea6108c7d5114"}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 2018-10-22 15:34:18,165 - [ERROR  ] - application - Dataset not found: 5bce344acb0ea6108c7d5123
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must respond to the createDataset() function routed by POST /api/datasets for Dataset 1 Creation
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentAsString{"id":"5bce344acb0ea6108c7d5123"}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 2018-10-22 15:34:18,242 - [ERROR  ] - application - Dataset not found: 5bce344acb0ea6108c7d5136
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must respond to the createDataset() function routed by POST /api/datasets for Dataset 2 Creation
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentAsString{"id":"5bce344acb0ea6108c7d5136"}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must respond to the attachDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id for dataset 1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentAsString{"datasetsInCollection":1}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must respond to the listInCollection(coll_id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/collections/:coll_id/getDatasets
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + [ {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "id" : "5bce344acb0ea6108c7d5123",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "name" : "Dataset 1 API Test Creation",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "description" : "Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "created" : "Mon Oct 22 15:34:18 CDT 2018",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "thumbnail" : "None",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "authorId" : "000000000000000000000000",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "spaces" : [ ]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] } ]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must respond to the listOutsideCollection(coll_id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/listOutsideCollection/:coll_id
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + [ {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "id" : "5bce344acb0ea6108c7d5136",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "name" : "Dataset 2 API Test Creation",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "description" : "Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "created" : "Mon Oct 22 15:34:18 CDT 2018",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "thumbnail" : "None",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "authorId" : "000000000000000000000000",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "spaces" : [ ]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] }, {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "id" : "5bce344acb0ea6108c7d5123",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "name" : "Dataset 1 API Test Creation",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "description" : "Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "created" : "Mon Oct 22 15:34:18 CDT 2018",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "thumbnail" : "None",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "authorId" : "000000000000000000000000",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "spaces" : [ ]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] } ]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must respond to the attachDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id for dataset 2
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentAsString{"datasetsInCollection":2}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must respond to the removeDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID, ignoreNotFound) function routed by DELETE /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id for dataset 2
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentAsString{"status":"success"}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must respond to the removeDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID, ignoreNoteFound) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id/:ignoreNotFound for dataset 2
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentAsString{"status":"success"}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 2018-10-22 15:34:18,314 - [ERROR  ] - application - File not found: 5bce344acb0ea6108c7d5116
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must respond to the deleteDataset(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/datasets/:id for Dataset 1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "status" : "success"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 2018-10-22 15:34:18,330 - [ERROR  ] - application - File not found: 5bce344acb0ea6108c7d512e
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must respond to the deleteDataset(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/datasets/:id for Dataset 2
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "status" : "success"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must respond to the listCollections() function routed by GET /api/collections
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + content[{"id":"5bce344acb0ea6108c7d5114","collectionname":"Collection 2 Test Suite","description":"Collection 2 Tests Description","created":"Mon Oct 22 15:34:18 CDT 2018","thumbnail":"None","authorId":"000000000000000000000000"},{"id":"5bce344acb0ea6108c7d5113","collectionname":"Collection 1 Test Suite","description":"Collection 1 Tests Description","created":"Mon Oct 22 15:34:18 CDT 2018","thumbnail":"None","authorId":"000000000000000000000000"}]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must respond to the listCollections() function routed by GET /api/collections/list
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + content[{"id":"5bce344acb0ea6108c7d5114","collectionname":"Collection 2 Test Suite","description":"Collection 2 Tests Description","created":"Mon Oct 22 15:34:18 CDT 2018","thumbnail":"None","authorId":"000000000000000000000000"},{"id":"5bce344acb0ea6108c7d5113","collectionname":"Collection 1 Test Suite","description":"Collection 1 Tests Description","created":"Mon Oct 22 15:34:18 CDT 2018","thumbnail":"None","authorId":"000000000000000000000000"}]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must respond to the removeCollection(coll_id:UUID) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/remove 
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "status" : "success"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must respond to the removeCollection(coll_id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/collections/:id 
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   "status" : "success"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] PreviewsAPIAppSpec:
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] The Previews API Spec
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must start the FakeApplication
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] The Previews API Spec
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info] - must respond to the Upload File
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:18 [info]   + contentAsString{"id":"5bce344acb0ea6108c7d514f"}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 2018-10-22 15:34:19,120 - [ERROR  ] - application - No preview find 5bce344bcb0ea6108c7d515a
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] - must respond to the upload() and download() function routed by POST/GET /api/previews *** FAILED ***
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   500 did not equal 200 (PreviewsAPIAppSpec.scala:117)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + contentAsString{"id":"5bce344bcb0ea6108c7d515a"}
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   "id" : "5bce344bcb0ea6108c7d515a"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + id value 5bce344bcb0ea6108c7d515a
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + Status=500
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] - must respond to the uploadMetadata(id: UUID) and getMetadata(id: UUID) function routed by POST/GET /api/previews/:id/metadata
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/test/data/previews/data-test-general.json
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   "Image" : "fid",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   "extractor_id" : "test-extractor"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + Status_Post=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + contentType_Post=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] - must respond to the attachPreview(file_id:UUID, preview:UUID) function routed by POST /api/files/:file_id/previews/:p_id 
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + Status_Post=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + contentType_Post=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   "status" : "success"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] - must respond to the filePreviewsList(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/files/:file_id/listpreviews
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + Status_get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + contentType_get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + [ {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   "id" : "5bce344bcb0ea6108c7d515a",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   "filename" : "morrowplots-preview.jpg",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   "contentType" : "image/jpeg"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] } ]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] - must respond to the getPreviews(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/files/:file_id/getPreviews
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + [ {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   "file_id" : "5bce344acb0ea6108c7d514f",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   "previews" : [ {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]     "pv_route" : "/api/previews/5bce344bcb0ea6108c7d515a",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]     "p_main" : "thumbnail-previewer.js",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]     "pv_id" : "5bce344bcb0ea6108c7d515a",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]     "p_path" : "/assets/javascripts/previewers/thumbnail",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]     "p_id" : "Thumbnail",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]     "pv_length" : "9757",
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]     "pv_contenttype" : "image/jpeg"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   } ]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] } ]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] - must respond to the list() function routed by GET /api/previews
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + Status=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + contentType=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + content[{"id":"5bce344bcb0ea6108c7d515a","filename":"morrowplots-preview.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}]
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] - must respond to the removePreview(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/previews/:id for morrowplots preview file
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   "status" : "success"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] - must respond to the removeFile(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/files/:id 
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + Status_Get=200
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + Pretty JSON format
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   + {
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info]   "status" : "success"
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] }
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] ApplicationSpec:
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] The Application API Spec
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] - must start the FakeApplication
22-Oct-2018 15:34:19 [info] - must send 404 on a bad request
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 [info] - must render the index page
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 [info] - must render index template
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 2018-10-22 15:34:20,346 - [INFO   ] - application - [securesocial] unloaded event listener SecureSocialEventListener
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 2018-10-22 15:34:20,347 - [INFO   ] - application - [securesocial] unloaded identity provider: userpass
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 2018-10-22 15:34:20,347 - [INFO   ] - application - Application shutdown
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 2018-10-22 15:34:20,348 - [INFO   ] - application - [securesocial] unloaded password hasher bcrypt
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 2018-10-22 15:34:20,356 - [INFO   ] - play - Shutdown application default Akka system.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 [ERROR] [10/22/2018 15:34:20.379] [] [ActorSystem(application)] exception while executing timer task
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 java.lang.IllegalStateException: this Mongo has been closed
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at com.mongodb.DBTCPConnector._checkClosed(
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at com.mongodb.DBTCPConnector.innerCall(
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at com.mongodb.DBApiLayer$MyCollection.__find(
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at com.mongodb.DB.command(
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at com.mongodb.DB.command(
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at com.mongodb.DBCollection.getCount(
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at com.mongodb.casbah.MongoCollectionBase$class.getCount(MongoCollection.scala:386)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at com.mongodb.casbah.MongoCollection.getCount(MongoCollection.scala:866)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at com.mongodb.casbah.MongoCollectionBase$class.count(MongoCollection.scala:627)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at com.mongodb.casbah.MongoCollection.count(MongoCollection.scala:866)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at com.novus.salat.dao.SalatDAO.count(SalatDAO.scala:508)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at com.novus.salat.dao.ModelCompanion$class.count(ModelCompanion.scala:160)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at services.mongodb.Dataset$.count(MongoDBDatasetService.scala:1636)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at services.mongodb.MongoDBDatasetService.count(MongoDBDatasetService.scala:59)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at Global$$anonfun$onStart$3.apply$mcV$sp(Global.scala:88)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at$$anon$
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at$
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at$$anonfun$close$1.apply(Scheduler.scala:281)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at$$anonfun$close$1.apply(Scheduler.scala:280)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at scala.collection.Iterator$class.foreach(Iterator.scala:727)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.foreach(Iterator.scala:1157)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at scala.collection.IterableLike$class.foreach(IterableLike.scala:72)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at scala.collection.AbstractIterable.foreach(Iterable.scala:54)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at$$anonfun$_start$1.apply$mcV$sp(ActorSystem.scala:582)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at$$anonfun$_start$1.apply(ActorSystem.scala:582)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at$$anonfun$_start$1.apply(ActorSystem.scala:582)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at$$anon$
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at$TerminationCallbacks$$anonfun$run$1.runNext$1(ActorSystem.scala:750)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at$TerminationCallbacks$$anonfun$run$1.apply$mcV$sp(ActorSystem.scala:753)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at$TerminationCallbacks$$anonfun$run$1.apply(ActorSystem.scala:746)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at$TerminationCallbacks$$anonfun$run$1.apply(ActorSystem.scala:746)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at akka.util.ReentrantGuard.withGuard(LockUtil.scala:15)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at$
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at$$anonfun$terminationCallbacks$1.apply(ActorSystem.scala:593)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at$$anonfun$terminationCallbacks$1.apply(ActorSystem.scala:593)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at akka.dispatch.BatchingExecutor$Batch$$anonfun$run$1.processBatch$1(BatchingExecutor.scala:67)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at akka.dispatch.BatchingExecutor$Batch$$anonfun$run$1.apply$mcV$sp(BatchingExecutor.scala:82)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at akka.dispatch.BatchingExecutor$Batch$$anonfun$run$1.apply(BatchingExecutor.scala:59)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at akka.dispatch.BatchingExecutor$Batch$$anonfun$run$1.apply(BatchingExecutor.scala:59)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at scala.concurrent.BlockContext$.withBlockContext(BlockContext.scala:72)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at akka.dispatch.BatchingExecutor$
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at akka.dispatch.ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator$AkkaForkJoinTask.exec(AbstractDispatcher.scala:386)
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask.doExec(
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.runTask(
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20         at
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 [info] ScalaTest
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 [info] Run completed in 21 seconds, 334 milliseconds.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 [info] Total number of tests run: 83
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 [info] Suites: completed 7, aborted 0
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 [info] Tests: succeeded 82, failed 1, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 [info] *** 1 TEST FAILED ***
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 [info] Passed: Total 6, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 6
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 [success] Total time: 41 s, completed Oct 22, 2018 3:34:20 PM
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Parsing test results under /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1...
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Failing task since 1 failing test cases were found.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Finished task 'test' with result: Failed
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup'
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector'
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup'
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier'
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Publishing an artifact: dist
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Unable to publish artifact [dist]: the source directory /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/target/universal does not exist.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 The artifact hasn't been successfully published after 1.174 ms
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Publishing an artifact: scaladoc
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Unable to publish artifact [scaladoc]: the source directory /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/target/scala-2.10/api does not exist.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 The artifact hasn't been successfully published after 91.92 μs
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Publishing an artifact: manual
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Unable to publish artifact [manual]: the source directory /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE925-JOB1/doc/src/sphinx/_build/html does not exist.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 The artifact hasn't been successfully published after 93.89 μs
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Finalising the build...
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Stopping timer.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Build CATS-CORE925-JOB1-6 completed.
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector'
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration'
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator'
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor'
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 All post build plugins have finished
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Generating build results summary...
22-Oct-2018 15:34:20 Saving build results to disk...
22-Oct-2018 15:34:21 Logging substituted variables...
22-Oct-2018 15:34:21 Indexing build results...
22-Oct-2018 15:34:21 Finished building CATS-CORE925-JOB1-6.